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Everything posted by Vytra

  1. I decided to send them an email since they weren’t answering. The visa appointment confirmation letter did include a bar code.
  2. Is it normal that when I created the CGI account there was no existing immigrant visa appointment listed? I went to schedule a new interview. I hope that the embassy will not assume that the date in the NVC letter is the valid one. I tried calling the embassy countless times and they don't answer.
  3. I tried calling and they hung up on me after a few seconds.... I will try again.
  4. Okay, thanks for letting me know. I will call to confirm. I just felt unsure because on the website it only shows the option to reschedule for the nonimmigrant visa, not the immigrant one. Look under "Nonimmigrant Visa Application." Under "Immigrant Visa Application" there is no such option. Apply for a U.S. Visa | Home - Philippines (English) (ustraveldocs.com)
  5. We rescheduled it because the day of July 5 was too early for us. Is it okay that I still rescheduled it and is the new date now officially recognized?
  6. The interview was scheduled for July 5. We received an email from the NVC. We created an account on the CGI Customer Portal to add a delivery address for the applicant. After doing so, we saw that no interview date was listed as scheduled. I decided to click "Schedule an interview" and found a date of July 27 available once classifying it as IR2. Is this legit? I was surprised that it allowed us to do that. The only information it asked for was the passport info, priority date, and case id #, but not the invoice ID #.
  7. Hello, I had a question. My wife and I were married in the United States. She applied for an IR2 visa for her two minor children in the Philippines. We have not received an IL yet, however, the plan is for me to travel to the Philippines and back with them to the United States after they receive the visas. My wife cannot travel because she must attend to our newborn. What kind of paperwork or clearance would they need to travel with me since I am not the biological father?
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