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Matt Deeley

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Posts posted by Matt Deeley

  1. So I've noticed that some document checklists contain items that are absent on others, and some things say "take this to your visa interview" on them but aren't on any document checklists. I think I'm ready for my interview in just over a week, but I'd like to be sure, and hopefully this list could be helpful in reminding someone else of something they forgot.


    I have:

    I-134 form, filled out and signed, no questions left blank

    Current passport and previous passports

    US visa size photos

    A photo of us together since we submitted the I-129F

    Long form birth certificate (+ photocopy)

    Police certificate (+ photocopy)

    Letter from sponsor's bank stating dates accounts opened and current balance (+ photocopy)

    Sponsor's bank statements January through June 2017

    Employer letter (+ photocopy)

    Tax transcript

    DS-160 confirmation (+ photocopy)

    DoS instruction page that says I paid my visa application fee

    New signed and dated intent to marry for both of us

    Boarding passes and itineraries for visits since we filed the I-129F (+ photocopies)

    Letter from embassy with my case number and visa category on it

    A copy of the submitted I-129F packet with evidence

    Copy of the NOA2


    We qualify on income and don't need a co-sponsor, can anyone think of anything else I should be bringing? Thanks.

  2. Hi, I've been looking for an answer to this and I keep seeing conflicting opinions, I was hoping I could get some clarification.


    On 34.a., are they looking for a description of your meeting in the last two years, or are they looking for a description of how you met for the first time? (for us that is more than two years ago)


    Also, if it is for the first time we met, is evidence of this meeting required or expected? All we have are passport stamps and a couple of bank statements that put us in the same place at the same time. (We have much more evidence for later meetings)





  3. Thanks all for the good humor and some really good points to think about, I appreciate it.


    4 hours ago, bbf3562 said:

    I strongly not to show "Oh ****! Happy birthday dude!" to avoid them assuming you forgot your his birthday or so got them wondering how serious relationship you and him are in when you forgot his birthday.

    Thanks for this one too, I used it as an expression of exuberance, rather than forgetfulness, but I hadn't considered it could be taken either way.


    4 hours ago, yuna628 said:

    Is this 'evidence' for your interview? Or were you intending on including it with your K1 packet? If for the embassy, put your mind at ease as London does not want it, nor will they care to look at it.

    Both, I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it, but thanks, that makes me feel a bit better, I thought they were gonna be going through my K1 packet quizzing me on it. ;p

  4. 2 hours ago, Valabum said:

    Are you a US/UK couple?


    I (US) provided three photos, a copy of my plane tickets and receipts of things I bought in the U.K. while I was there with my initial petition. My fiancé did not supply anything extra during the interview and we were fine. No chat logs whatsoever!


    If your relationship seems rather easy to file (for instance, you've been together a while already, no police record, no medial issues, no children immigrating as well, etc) I'd suggest you just save the paper!

    Yeah, we are, we've known eachother for five years, so what you're saying certainly makes me a bit more confident.


    And there was me all worried because our chat logs only go back a year and a half hahaha, thanks

  5. 2 minutes ago, Suss&Camm said:

    You can block some out.. We tried looking for ones where we were talking bout relationship or family stuff but those profanities would sometimes "interupt" (lol) .... so I blocked it out ... I don't think it looks "dodgy" it could even oppositely show that you have the ability to know that it's not suitable to leave it in there and it shows respect for them... I can imagine those black boxes would make someone smile a bit even... Most ppl curse more or less sometimes... we're just human... don't overthink things :)

    Haha, that's the exact same problem I'm having. Alright, good to know, thanks.

  6. 20 minutes ago, Lenchick said:


    What kind of cursing forgive me my curiosity? Don't send those chats dialogues where you are not sure how it will affect your application.  For someone it might be a sign of endearment for others quite opposite. Sometimes some things could be misinterpreted if the person doesn't know you and your relationship well. So send only what shows your bona fide relatonship, not what would make your bonafide relationship look doubtful.

    Just general f-bombs and the like, it's just kinda part of our vocabulary, like, he got a promotion at work and I was like "**** man, that's great", or like "Oh ****! Happy birthday dude!".


    I'm pretty sure it can't be interpreted as anything other than endearment, I just don't want to get anyone's backs up with it, and I wondered if there was official advice. I mean, we're all grownups haha, it just feels out of place on such a formal form.

  7. First of all, this is my first post on this site, but the site's already been invaluable to me, so thanks all for that.


    Me and my fiance have plenty of photos together, passport stamps and chat logs etc, but we curse like sailors in the chat logs, so my question is this, could it hurt my case at all to have profanity in my proof of ongoing relationship? Should I blur the words out, or will that look more dodgy? 



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