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Posts posted by Arih3

  1. This is kind of a random question but I've been doing a lot of googling to pass the time and came across some information stating that all K1 interviews in Australia are done in Sydney... Most of the forums I see this stated are at least a few years old though and I can't seem to find any concrete information. Maybe some of the other Aussie filers on here can shed some light. Is it still done this way? My partner lives in Perth.... It would be nice to know if he might have to plan a trip to Sydney! (granted our petition is approved of course)

  2. *sigh*

    Still no NOA1 Hard Copy in the mail.

    Sent I-129f packet July 15, filed on July 18, got email and text receipt, but no hard copy. 30 days seems so long to wait and call ?

    It's seems that all of the rest of the July filers on here have already received their hard copies in the mail. What gives?? Haha.


    I still have not received the paper copy either so don't worry. I sent my petition July 23. I did log in with the number they gave me in the email and it worked so I guess we just have to keep waiting. At least you know they received it. Good luck!

  3. Aggravated in the US means that either a weapon was used or the victim was hurt. Aggravated anything is a violent crime and a felony in the US, so it will definitely be a problem. Over here, it tends to carry a prison sentence of 5 to 10 years. I doubt your partner will be able to overcome that and immigrate to the US, especially since it was only five years ago.

    Your record will have no bearing on the visa.

    What do you mean you both answered no to the criminal record? If you mean on the I-129, then that's just for you. If your partner answered no on his visa application then that's fraud, which lands you in all kinds of trouble.

    There was no weapon or serious injury, but there was physical contact. And there was no prison sentence. But you're right, it will be considered a violent crime by US standards... I meant that in the petition I didn't answer yes to any of the questions. He has not filled out any visa application yet since we have only just filed the petition in July, as stated. But we intend to be honest about everything, obviously. So what you are saying is that because the word aggravated is used, there is very little to no chance that the petition will even get approved? I have heard about a waiver but I'm not really sure when that gets used or if it even applies in this situation...

  4. Ok so I'm not really sure where this question belongs since I'm new to this forum and this whole process in general... But my question regards criminal records and the K1 visa process. I am a US citizen petitioning to bring my Australian partner to the US. I was convicted of Bank Fraud over 6 years ago when I was 19. My partner, the beneficiary, has a record of Aggravated Robbery from 5 years ago, he was also 19 at the time. Neither of us served any time in prison. He was sentenced to supervised release for 12 months. I filed the I 129f in July and we both answered no to all the questions regarding criminal records since they did not apply to our crimes, but we did include his national police certificate.

    First question is, would my record have a negative impact on the petition or visa being granted? He is fully aware of my past but I am not sure what kind of affect my record has on the process...

    Second question, how does his record affect our chances? I'm not sure if it falls under moral turpitude but I think it does.. Is it very unlikely that they will approve the petition, let alone the visa?

    We are obviously very worried about being denied. We have a child on the way and his record has made it very difficult to be together as he was denied a visitor visa to be here for the birth. But both our convictions are at least 5 years old and we were both very young at the time, and since neither of us served time in prison I am not sure how these details factor into the decision. If anyone can shed some light on our realistic chances, or perhaps offer some advice on what to do throughout this process I would greatly appreciate it. Or maybe if anyone has a similar experience and has been granted or denied this visa I would love to hear some outcomes...

  5. It's crazy the difference in processing times. I found one I think it was in the February filers that received their NOA2 in 14 days, then another who filed in January and is still waiting on NOA2 over 7 months later! Tortugarouge, where do you find these charts for Australian beneficiaries? I would love to take a look... Not sure it will help with my patience though haha

  6. Good luck,

    Try not to worry to much - we are expecting an RFE because we definitely did not submit 50 Pages.. is there a way you can contact USCIS and ask them if it would affect your Petition if he comes on a Visa Waiver for the Birth ? i totally understand as we have a 14 month old together and live in Australia together while we wait for the K1 and Process.

    Unfortunately he was denied a visitor visa before we started this process :( we applied for that first hoping it might be faster but oh well.

  7. I'm a bit late to the party! I mailed out our petition on July 23rd, got a text/email notification that it had been accepted yesterday, August 2nd! And today they cashed the check so I guess we're just waiting on the hardcopy of the NOA1 now :)

    A little background info: I'm a US citizen and my partner is Australian. We met while I was on a temporary visa there last year and worked/lived together for about 8 months. We found out I was pregnant and I moved back home before my visa expired so I could start working and seeing a doctor. He's heartbroken that he probably won't be here for the birth of our daughter but we are hopeful that this process will be smooth and relatively quick! It is frustrating how erratic it all seems though. Some people seem to get approved within weeks while others go well over 5 months and hear nothing!

    Our package was about 50 pages all in all with 34 photos, plus copies of ultrasounds, bus ticket receipts, passport pages, and a few emails between the two of us. I didn’t send any FB message transcripts because I thought it would be too much! I hope there’s enough evidence in there without needing those…

    Fingers crossed! I’m excited to start seeing some July filers get approved :)

    Good luck to everyone!

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