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Posts posted by orp967

  1. @anitafeliz - so what happens if your ex (the one that tried to use you) finds someone else to petition him after the already failed 129F/K1 visa with you?

    @B&Z - why would I submit the entire text log?? I would only submit the pages that are directly relevant to the sham marriage which comes out to about a dozen or so.

    Hypothetical situation...

    I go ahead and submit the relevant pages showing her intent to enter our relationship strictly for the purposes of evading immigration laws (legalities aside).

    She later reapplies for another K1/K3 or any other kind of visa for that matter and during her interview for that new visa the officer asks her about her previously failed 129F which the petitioner (me) cancelled due to fraud and questions her about the evidence which he/she has right there during the interview?

    The officer simply has to ask "are these your text messages?" She can't lie and say "no" and by admitting there that those are indeed her text messages the interviewing officer/USCIS knows the truth about her; boom case closed!

    I know this sounds naive and please keep in mind that of course I've never been in this situation before but wouldn't the whistle blowing process be that easy in these cases?

  2. @cheeszees - they were obtained in New York while we were there on vacation but I live in California. I plugged in her phone to my laptop one night she was sleeping. We were dating for six months then and already engaged and making steady progress through the 129-F process.

    I only did what I did out of fear. I witness her "shady" behavior with her phone pretty much since the beginning of the relationship. Again not proud of it but I stand by that decision because it saved me from potential disaster.

    @anitafeliz and the rest of the peanut gallery - look I understand that on topics like these it's easy to get personal "just move on" can be applicable to everything but I'm looking for technical answers here. I'm just looking for information not judgement so please if you don't have anything technical to contribute please don't.

    The technical answers I'm looking for are simple;

    (1) Is what I have considered good evidence? Good in the sense that USCIS will take it seriously.

    (2) Can I even legally submit what I have as evidence?

    (3) Legalities aside, what happens if I do submit the letter and evidence?

    (4) Are there any future ramifications if I leave this case as is and reapply for another K1 or K3 visa later (i.e. will i be questioned about my past failed I-129F)?

    Also are there any future ramifications if I end up reporting the fraud with the evidence (i.e. will this have any effect on any future petition attempts)?

    Again need help with answers to these questions, technical answers only please

    Thank you

  3. @cheezees - Have you been following the thread? Everyone else gets it. I have over 600 pages and six months of physical text messages in pdf format right now on my laptop. I conversation between her and her best friend who BOTH were targeting me. Pages and pages of text saying as clear as day of her entering our relationship not for love but with the sole intention of using me to obtain a green card.

  4. @anitafeliz

    (1) Six months into the relationship, my former fiance was still being very "dodgy" with her phone. Always caring it with her wherever she went (even to the bathroom), very jumpy every time it went off, putting it in airplane mode when we were together, hiding it in odd places at night when we were sleeping. Finally one day I said enough was enough and took a little sneaky peak one night when she was sleeping. I'm not proud of it but I stand by that decision. It saved me from the above aforementioned disaster that was waiting for me.

    (2) If you followed the thread you'd see that I did initially report it with my cancellation letter stating to USCIS that I uncovered that my former fiance's intentions were fraudulent. The only thing I didn't do was attached the "evidence." It was too painful and too embarrassing to read pages and pages of this horrific stuff from the person you love.

  5. First and foremost I would like to thank everyone who took the time to chime in on this thread. I read and took into consideration each and everyone of your comments and it's all been very helpful. So thank you sincerely!

    I know many of you would disagree but after careful consideration and after talking about the issue with a handful of my closest family and friends I have decided to move forward with writing the letter (i.e. reporting the fraud correctly). Trust me when I say this has not been an easy decision. It's something I've been struggling with for the past six weeks. A lot of back and forth between taking the proverbial "high road" and letting karma run it's course versus playing a potentially significant role in making sure that her future visa attempts are highly scrutinized or even flat out denied so that no one else would have to go through what I just went through. So as painful and embarrassing as it's going to be, I'm going to spend the evening going through the evidence one final time and picking out which pieces to submit in the letter.

    I had some questions and concerns however...

    The evidence I have on her are text messages between her and her best friend which consist of the following;

    (A) Evidence of her wanting to leave her country;

    Previously applied to the diversity lotto,

    Statements such as "I don't like it here and can't wait to leave to America" etc.

    (B) Failure to disclose the fact that she had a boyfriend when we first met and throughout the initial six months of seeing each other (I had already proposed at month four).

    This one is critical to me because I would not have pursued a relationship with her had she disclosed this information in the beginning and I specifically I asked if she was dating anyone in one of our very first conversations and she flat out lied.

    © Statements such as; (yes these are about me)

    "I think I can get papers from him easily"

    "I'm just using him for papers"

    "I'm just using him to be with you (talking about her best friend who currently lives in America)"

    "Maybe I should go back on social media/dating sites and look for other guys just in case" (statement made after I began to become suspicious)

    "If it doesn't work out with him I have another guy already lined up"

    (D) Objectifying statements toward men such as;

    "I want to meet a rich American guy with a lot of money and he can take care of me"

    "This guy has a lot of money, that guys seems like he doesn't have a lot of money"

    "This guy has offered to fly me here, this guy offered to buy me this etc"

    (E) Abuse of her current B2 visa;

    Coming her with the specific goal to find a husband/petitioner

    Using social media and dating websites to find "sugar daddy's" to pay for flights, hotels, gifts, dinner's etc.

    (F) She had began an alternate relationship with another guy simultaneously while with me. I knew of him, she assured me the relationship was strictly platonic but that was of course another lie.

    She went to go see him on two separate occasions without my knowledge after we were engaged and well into the I-129F process.

    Needless to say when I got my hands on this I was mortified! I told her I'm cancelling our petition immediately and I don't ever want to see or hear from her again. I also said I was going to report her to immigration but couldn't do it initially, I guess there was a part of me that still had a soft spot for her. I guess I was still in shock and denial.

    So my question to the forum is what I have above considered "good evidence?"

    If I included all of the things above how serious would immigration take my letter and what effect would this letter have on said individuals future visa attempts?

    Would INA 204© apply to her in this case?


  6. Yes I checked my case and the local consulate has already sent it back to the NVC.

    I'm sorry I should've been more clear, she did not move forward to the interview process and thus did not receive a K1 visa.

    She is currently going back and forth on her B2 visa which expires exactly a year from now.

    I guess the thing that keeps me up at night is the fact that I had the ability to do something; to report her and make it difficult if not impossible to come back to the US to try and pull these 'shenanigans' on the next guy and I didn't.

    My rationale was taking a pseudo "high road" approach and leave her future in God's hands but afraid she'll get all the way to and through the marriage with the next guy and leave him once she gets her green card.

    Oy vey! :/

  7. *Sorry "how serious would immigration take my marriage fraud report without the evidence?"

    *The dilemma I've been struggling with is whether I should've included the evidence or not

    *Is it my responsibility knowing what I know to report her and do whatever I can to ensure she doesn't do to me to someone else? or do I end the fight here and move on?

    Something doesn't feel right and I can't figure out what it is :/

  8. A couple of months ago I found out I was a victim of marriage fraud in which my then foreign fiancé entered our relationship with the intent of obtaining a greencard and not for love.

    I have since sent notarized letters to the USCIS, NVC as well as the local consulate in her home country (our case made it all the way there right before the interview for the K1 visa) requesting the immediate cancellation of my petition.

    In the letter I simply stated that I request to have the petition cancelled because I had uncovered evidence (text messages) that my then fiancé's intentions were fraudulent but I didn't attach any evidence. For me it was too embarrassing and thus too painful to go back through the months of text messages I uncovered.

    I have a few questions...

    How serious will immigration take my cancellation request without the evidence provided?

    My former fiancé still actually has a full year left on her three year B2 tourist visa...

    (a) What happens if she comes to the US and swindles another guy into marrying her and files for another K1 visa or gets married and tries to adjust her status with her now previous recently failed I-129-F?

    (b) If she doesn't find someone else to marry her within the year and goes up for her renewal, what are the chances of her renewal being denied?


  9. I just uncovered a few hours ago that my engagement was fraudulent.

    I have in my possession months of recent text messages between my foreign fiance' and her best friend conspiring to use me strictly for immigration purposes.

    Recently I discovered that she realized I was on to her and thus has "jumped ship" and started trying with another American.

    I don't know what my options are and what I should do in this situation as I've never been in this situation before.

    What should I do and how do I report her to immigration?

  10. @anafeliz - Maybe I'm the minority here but I would not feel comfortable telling some stranger on an internet forum to stay or leave his/her relationship. If I had a relateable experience I would share my experience but that would be as far as I would go.

    Thank you for the answers. Is there a way I could check if the application has been withdrawn? As I mentioned in a previous post my "fiance'" and I aren't on speaking terms. I don't know when or if we'll reach out to each other. Would I get a letter in the mail or something?

  11. I had few other questions...

    (1) Can my fiance' (the petionee) withdraw the application without me and would it be valid or am I (the petioner) the only one who can withdraw the application?

    (2) What happens if I don't withdraw the application and just let it expire? (Not that I would do this but just curious)

    (3) How long would I have to wait if I met another foreign bride before I can do another I-129F/K1? I heard it was two years is that correct? To be honest after this experience and seeing how complicated things got in the relationship after papers were involved I'm set on finding a good old American girl from Wisconsin haha.

    Thanks again for chiming in everyone.

  12. @banana_princess - Please don't shoot the messenger but I found it odd myself that every time I informed someone family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances etc. that I was engaged to a Russian girl they all told me to "be careful" and asked "does she needs papers?" Even other Russians I know in my community "warned" me!

    This is actually how I found out she had been lying to me (because of all the people telling me to be careful). I ended up doing a little snooping on her phone while she was sleeping one night as she was always very 'jumpy' when her phone went off. Long story short I found out she had a boyfriend during the first three months of our relationship back in Russia she didn't disclose to me. She was also talking to several other men she met while she was in America. BUT... I also found out how much she loves me and wants to marry me and wants to start a family with me. And there in lies the "dilemma!"

    So out of any of these girls you know did any of them have a previous 1-129F or K1 and didn't go through with it and still got award future visas of any kind without any problems?

  13. To use an analogy that I'm not completely sure if it applies but here goes... imagine you meet someone, it's love at first sight, you start dating, you have the highest moments in your life with this person you get engaged, you find out they hadn't been completely honest, you have the some of the lowest moments of your life, trust is an issue you realize that it's a critical moment in the relationship and a major decision has to be made whether to move forward with the marriage or not then boom! you find out your partners pregnant. Now there's an entirely new factor to consider. I know for me in this scenario I would seriously consider working through the trust issues and do whatever it takes to try and make the relationship work for the child's sake. *No my fiance is not pregnant.

    Sorry if it the analogy sounds a bit silly but I am trying to make the situation I'm in understandable to everyone who keeps throwing out the term fraud. I disagree with everyone using the word "fraud." As I said before were are very much in love with each other and even though we're fighting and not on speaking terms (we wouldn't be the first couple to do this) every aspect of our relationship is just as real as any other relationship. To me fraud are those stories I hear about K1 visas strictly for papers in exchange for financial gain where there is no real relationship and that is not us!

    Sorry if I received misinformation but I heard from a few different sources that since visas for Russian girls are rare due to all the bridal and real-life scams (Russian women looking for western men strictly for financial gain and green cards) the fact that she was one of the rare recipients of a tourist visa being a young single Russian girl and while using that tourist visa came to American and met a guy (me) and got engaged, filed papers and eventually broke it off, that it looks "suspicious" and future visa attempts would be highly scrutinized or worse flat out denied. But this is the reason why I'm here, to gather all the correct information I can so I can make an informed decision on the best way to proceed.

    I love her very much! And although a relationship may or may not work out between us I want to always make sure that she's okay.

    Thanks everyone for your responses thus far.

    Thanks @illiria and @neonred

  14. I appreciate all the insight but I truly don't understand how a user can come on here and tell another user what to do in this very delicate situation i.e. "cancel the K-1." There seems to be some bitterness and sensitivity to the "marriage fraud" aspect of this whole thing.

    There would be nothing "fraudulent" about continuing the process. We are very much in love and I would be willing to work through some pretty big issues to make the relationship work. What relationship/marriage doesn't have it's issues??

    I just posted this topic because I had questions/concerns about the consequences "if" I were to stop the process.

    @nuestra_union - Do you have direct knowledge and or experience of this from the Russian perspective? It is from my understanding that visas are rarely given to young single Russian girls. There are a lot of Russian bridal scams and young Russian women looking for western husbands so the consulate is reluctant to get out visas so easy. My "fiance" has one year left on her three year tourist visa. If she applies for a new one or tries for a different visa, it will show that she tried to get married once before and for whatever reason did not go through with it. So the consulate now has reason to believe that she 'might' try it again.

    @penguin_ie - Thank you were the only replier who spoke on the topic directly. Yes I agree about waiting a couple of weeks before officially drawing up the letter. Even though we haven't spoken in a couple of weeks, the last six months of the relationship had been pretty rough. I'm still very much in love with my Russian fiance but don't want to make a bad situation worse.

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