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Posts posted by marmax

  1. I am looking for clarification please on which form my fiance needs to fill out and if that differs from what my co-sponsor needs to complete.

    My mind is also spinning because I watched a video on the topic and they talk about submitting it to NVC. I'm past that point and have my interview date set, CEAC says ready.

    Interview is on the 26th and I thought I knew what is needed but now I have doubts!

    Could someone who has recently gone through this process with a co-sponsor please share their experience? Interview is just weeks away!

  2. Help! Canadian filers!

    Just got a letter from Montreal dated September 16th with a copy of approved I-129F.

    Cover letter requested proof of Canadian Citizenship and provided a link which would not work. I e-mailed my response to the e-mail address for Immigrant Visas on their website with a copy of my Passport Bio Page and front and back of my Citizenship Certificate.

    I got an acknowledgement e-mail stating the 8 week thing.


    My status still shows ready on CEAC. ARRRGGGGHHHH!

    The I-129F never asked for proof of citizenship, I triple checked everything before I sent it.

    I had my medical on the 19th and my Interview is booked for October 26th.

    Someone please offer me some words of wisdom! Do I cancel my appointment? Will it really take 8 weeks?

    I also read some hand written notes on my copy of application that have me worried.

    Said the Petitioners divorce date and noted "rapid turn of events" and Beneficiary has "inadmissibility issues". I am the beneficiary and I tried to enter the states a year ago for an extended visit (up to the six months allowed), but had just sold my house. A lawyer advised me "not to let on" about it so I panicked and lied, I ended up coming clean but I was crying hysterically. There isn't a day gone by that I don't ask myself what the hell I was thinking.

    Please, please, please help with any advice you can give.

  3. So I had my medical on Monday the 19th and thought I'd share my experience.

    I took the train into Toronto Union Station and caught the subway to St Clair West, simple, no transfers.

    The office was a couple short blocks up from there and could be seen from the corner of St Clair West and Bathurst.

    I arrived about an hour early but was given the form to register right away. No health questions, name address, date of interview, again, simple. The receptionist was extremely busy but pleasant enough.

    She took my passport, my passport type photo and my vaccination/test records. Kept the photo and copied the others and returned them.

    After about 20 minutes I was shown to a room, still well before my scheduled appointment time.

    The Dr came in and introduced himself and shook my hand, asked me some basic health questions regarding any known health conditions, made some notes and took my blood pressure.

    Then he gave me requisitions for the chest x-ray and blood and urine tests along with a vial and sample jar to be used at the lab. He saw I was from out of town and noted to have my records sent via courier and that a tracking number would be e-mailed to me once it was on it's way. I paid the receptionist and was done there.

    The x-ray was at a clinic located in the basement of the same building and easy to find. Only a couple of people waiting and I was still out of there before my scheduled appointed time upstairs.

    The lab tests were done at LifeLabs on Bathurst, across St Clair West and easy to find, although he does provide a map. This is where the waiting started. All seats in the waiting room were taken and many more were standing and waiting. The attendants were extremely busy and some folks were napping while they waited. My attendant was pleasant and professional and I was out around noon.

    My take aways from this experience were that as medicals go, at least in my experience, it was cursorary to say the least. Advice regarding the lab work: if you are able to, book an appointment online with the lab while you are waiting at the Dr's office. Easy enough to do, sign up online and follow instructions found there. This will shortened any wait time as scheduled patients are seen before walk-ins. For those who don't mind a wait, bring a book. I was able to plug in my phone to keep a charge in both the Dr's waiting room and the lab's.

    Now I wait and gather paperwork for my Montreal interview on October 26th.

    Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, I'm more than happy to help out. This site has been such a blessing.

  4. Hi, just looking for clarification please......

    NVC gave me my case number, once I know Montreal has received my case may I submit my DS-160 or do I have to wait for a Packet 3? Is there anything else I send at the same time?

    I keep reading that receiving these is not always reliable.

  5. Hi, I have an unusual financial situation. Long story short, as the beneficiary I will be the supporting spouse. I receive an annual pension that will follow me where ever I live. Just sent I129F and trying to prepare for this particular hurdle so no big surprises down the line. Anyone else have experience with this type of situation?

  6. We're getting ready to send off I129F. Preparing bio page for myself and using pdf for a typed format. Where it asks about dates and places of previous marriages and divorces are they wanting city, province and country? Even filing out online there is not enough space. Don't want anything sent back as incomplete if answer is chopped off!

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