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Posts posted by farzram

  1. Hello, I can tell you from experience that no police report will be needed in Afghanistan, because they do not have any police reports. if you are interviewing in Kabul it will not be necessary. I would start calling NVC 2 weeks after your approval with USCIS and ask them if they have a case number for you yet, they do not usually send anything in the mail. I never got anything in the mail for my husband and my brother never did for his wife we had to be proactive ourselves. Good luck to you both! 

  2. They never contacted me until I contacted them via email and they responded with an appointment time and letter. Right after I knew my case was approved and I knew it was at NVC stage, I followed up, got the case # from NVC and waited 7-10 days and started to email the embassy asking for an appointment date. Only then did i get any communication. They will NOT call. At least in our case and my brother’s case (which was thru marriage).

    I see you missed the appointment, just keep emailing them 1-2 times a day if you have to, they aren’t great with communication and you don’t want to take the chance of missing it again. They will not call do not expect that. You as the petitioner can email them yourself on behalf of your fiancé, just include their name, date of birth and case number. Put the case number in the subject line- also tell them “i am ready for interview to be scheduled..etc” good luck! 


  3. Hey Amhara, 


    You can get your husband a birth certificate from Afghan Consulate in the states. Not sure where you live but there are few options. In New York Afghan Consulate you can go in and take in the information you have based off the tazkira of his mother's and fathers, and they have forms that witnesses can sign affirming he is the child of his mother. They issue it same day its about $50


    I know that the Washington D.C. Afghan Consulate has a mail in process to obtain a birth certificate as well. Let me know if you need any help. My husband needed a birth certificate recently and so did a family friend who was bringing his mother into the U.S. as well and it was accepted by USCIS. I think it would be easier than a DNA test. 

  4. I just had our interview yesterday and my husband also had his medical in his country to come here to the USA. apparently they say that if its done within a year that you file for AOS its okay. So we didnt do another one since they took that also. 


    However, the first thing she said at the interview was that they dont have a full report in the file even tho we paid for the full exam at the US Embassy medical office in his country. She told me we need to do it again and submit then they can proceed. 


    I recommend you do it, better safe then sorry. 

  5. My fiance's visa status on ceac.state.gov website has changed to ISSUED since November 22nd and I am still waiting for some sort of contact from Kabul Embassy.

    I have emailed numerous times, and calling them has been no help because they just ask me to email. I heard that they dont ALWAYS send you an email to notify you passport is ready for pick up, and i also heard that they now send passports with visas to DHL in Kabul.

    I am confused as to what to do. Its been over 12 days now and no clue how long its going to take or when or where to get the passport. Anyone have any suggestions or been through the same thing at kabul that can help??

  6. Heyyy! Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you! How did the interview go?!! :)

    Ours went off without a hitch, and I am so happy to report, Kev is home with me tonight, at long last. It's been a long journey, and there's still so much more to go, but now.. we can face it all together <3

    Is everyone else doing ok? I'm here to offer any support you guys might need. :)

    Awww so so happy for you! That must be a great feeling! My fiancé got approved and now we are just waiting for them to issue visa which I heard takes about 2-3 weeks if your lucky !! I hope I am!

    We all have been through so much on this thread. I'm happy we all moved forward and are one step closer to being with our loved ones.

  7. How is everyone doing? :-)

    how are YOU?! your interview was today wasn't it? how did it go???

    I got great news today as well- the embassy finally emailed us and assigned us for an interview date on October 30th!! only 5 days away! so exciting. i'm glad i have had all my paperwork ready to go just have to email them over to my fiance.

    i pray for everyone still waiting for nvc, case numbers, interviews. its a long journey but feels so good when its near the end!

  8. Yay!! Thank you so much! ^_^ Yes it worked for me too! Looks like ours will get there tomorrow! WOOT ^__^ I'm so excited we're finally moving in the right direction, and so quickly too, but at the same time I'm a little sad because I guess this is the point where our petitions go their separate ways :-( Please please keep in touch and keep me/us updated on your continued progress! <3

    Hey there - just an update. according to DHL it was signed for Friday night our time - saturday morning their time (embassy is open on saturdays in Kabul). But status on ceac site still says in Transit. Probably because it was just delivered and what not? What about you? any updates? so excited for us.

  9. <3 Ohhh dang okay. Oh well! I think London embassy still does all their stuff through the post but hopefully it won't take too long. :)

    What's the DHL trick?! :o I did get an email from the NVC research goofballs on the day our petition got recieved: "The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry. We recently received your visa petition. We will send detailed instructions to the petitioner, principal applicant, and/or attorney of record soon." I am so glad we don't have to deal with them anymore, I have no idea whats going on at that office lol

    HEY, so i finally got it to to work. Since we both are bonded in the visa journey put this in....

    go to dhl.com and go to track by shipper's reference. put in EXP 03 OCT 2016A

    Then - put in the date range, the first one 03 10 16 - 06 10 16

    then select the location. it works! mine is apparently supposed to get there by end of the day monday october 10th! check it out and play around with it im sure you will be able to figure it out. excited for us!

  10. <3 Ohhh dang okay. Oh well! I think London embassy still does all their stuff through the post but hopefully it won't take too long. :)

    What's the DHL trick?! :o I did get an email from the NVC research goofballs on the day our petition got recieved: "The National Visa Center (NVC) received your inquiry. We recently received your visa petition. We will send detailed instructions to the petitioner, principal applicant, and/or attorney of record soon." I am so glad we don't have to deal with them anymore, I have no idea whats going on at that office lol

    search up dhl trick on visa journey, apparently it helps you track down packages sent to country on what day....I'm not sure if I'm doing it right because even when I dont choose a specific country and switching up the dates its not working. i'm so confused because I heard this works lol. Let me know if you find the info and try it out and it works for you??? im just straight confused but then again thankful and happy we are both in transit and done with the NVC and USCIS nightmare. lets see how the embassies treat us

  11. WOOHOOO! YES omg ours is in transit too!! Our spiritual visa bond continues!! <3 Do you by any chance have the message "Your case is in transit to the Consular Section. Your interview date was provided to you by the National Visa Center."? I thought we needed to send out some forms to get the interview date?

    YAYYY❤️ we really are bonded in this journey hahah! YES mine says the SAME THING. But I think I once read somewhere that it just says that...to ignore it. We need to follow the embassy instructions etc (depending on the embassy). For me- the embassy contacts through email about interview and medical.

    I've been trying the DHL trick but not sure if it's just not updated yet because it's too soon or I'm doing it wrong..... also, did NVC ever email you anything ? I only got a response on Monday from NVC research saying they received my petition and to way 5-6 weeks for visa processing instructions (bologna!!!)

  12. PLEASE EVERYONE - my best advice is to get your senator/congressman involved. the immigration liason team has more power than us and I think we all know its a fact USCIS doesn't give 2 craps about us. contact them and get them involved. I think i would still be waiting and still would not have known they lost my petition if I didn't get my senator involved.

    Thank god the nightmare is over and hope you all get through it too. feel free to ask me any questions.

  13. Thanks for the well wishes everyone! So happy it's finally there and I don't have to stress about this!

    Ninz- basically when u reconstruct the packet- you send in everything you sent the first time around (except they don't have to be originals)

    For example- copy of the I-129f petition filled out and signed with your signature(petitioner) , pictures (they don't have to be the same ones if you don't remember what you sent, I didn't remember and I just sent whatever I wanted) , proof you met (passport stamps, plane tickets etc) , I sent in my original intent to marry statement and an updated one with new date just to be safe, divorce papers if applicable, and I also sent in a copy of my NOA2.... and wrote a cover sheet basically saying: this is a RECONSTRUCTED PETITION - I was told to do this because your office misplaced my original petition. My senator/conressman was in touch with you (state their name) and let them know you attached your NOA2..... and also attention it to the person the senator instructs you to do so!!!!- on the actual envelope when mailing and also on the cover sheet!

    I did this and had no problems. Good luck! ??

  14. I do agree with that! Our visa fates are definetly intertwined so I'm hoping it's there, on the phone now Nd will update you all soon.

    Just out of curiosity- did ur recpiet number change when they issued you a new NOA2? mine didn't but wondering if it does change or changed for you??? Anyways I am grateful for your kind words and well wishes and am SOOO happy for you ❤️

  15. Hey sorry for not responding. Again very happy for Greg also for teacat! Congrats great news.

    I've been so fed up at this point.

    After my new NOA2 september 14th, September 20th they told my senator that they would be sending out petition 1-2 days via UPS next day delivery to NVC. Thought i would be able to finally hear "RECEIVED" when I called NVC Friday or Monday latest but no.......

    Senators office was also surprised and said they contacted uscis about WHY it's not there yet but are still awaiting a response. I don't understand What's going on....... maybe today I can finally call and get some good news? Teacat gave me some hope but not sure with my luck lately.

  16. WOW that is awesome news! so so happy for you, i am so glad you guys can finally move on and thats one step closer to being together.

    as for me- my senators office let me know today that USCIS notified them that the review is complete of the reconstructed petition- new approval dated 9/14/16 has been issued, and it will be sent out within 1-2 days with UPS next day delivery...... lets cross our fingers and hope I am actually there by end of this week!

  17. Farzram- look at the ###### email I just got today. Look familiar?

    I had requested the beneficiaries A- file from our storage unit and it was received and reviewed. Unfortunately, the approved I129F petition was not in the file. According to information in the file and system records, the I129F petition was transferred to the National Visa Center (NVC) on 07/01/2016; however, NVC confirms they have no record of receiving the case. To avoid further delays, it is necessary to reconstruct the I-129F petition for this beneficiary. Please submit the following information directly to my attention.

    I am so ###### pissed.

    WOW WOW WOW. absolutely ###### ridiculous!!!! I FEEL YOUR PAIN. i got the same email with same response from USCIS to my senators office with this reply. best advice i can give you right now- reconstruct the package as best as you can - ADD A LETTER WITH IT explaining what they did (give them the timeline of your petition, give them your repceit number, give them the date your petition was approved, and let them know that you were instructed to reconstruct the package and include your senators info on there too so they know whats going on) ALSO MAKE SURE YOU ADD A COPY OF YOUR NOA2. explain all this because USCIS IS FREAKIN STUPID and they might get confused and think this is a new petition being filed.

    as for me, I called NVC just now but because of labor day (i think) my petition was still not received. I am hoping that the email from NVCresearch was indeed true and that my petition really is on the way to them...

    Gregory&Dyn- i am sorry for you, have you heard from your senator/congressman yet? what else have you tried doing (i know it seems hopeless)....also to answer your question... I asked my senators office the same thing, about how the process goes after I reconstruct the packet--- You do not have to wait for the approval again. you are already approved, they basically just review it and send it along to NVC. I believe that is true since NVC notified me that its on the way on Friday....maybe they received it monday and it was ready to go by friday to NVC. I hope you hear SOMETHING, ANYTHING soon.

    praying for us all

  18. hey guys, just an update.

    I got an email today from NVCresearch - keep in mind I have not emailed them in like over 3 weeks.

    The email said: USCIS has notified us that the petition is on its way to NVC. we will notify you when we receive the petition.

    YAY. i think, i hope, i pray lol.

    Thinking this is true because from what I have heard, USCIS sends out petitions to NVC on fridays, so today was friday- and im sure they contacted nvc today to let them know they FINALLY sent it over today. Fingers crossed its true and I'm at NVC next week!

    have a good weekend guys. prayers for all that are still waiting.

  19. Oh, and because bad luck seems to be distributed in abundance as of late, I called my senator's office this morning because I hadn't heard anything from them in a full week. As it turns out, the immigration liaison in Constituent Services just happens to be on vacation. She was gone all last week and part of this week. Grrrrrrr!!!

    any updates?

    I received an email from Senators office this morning stating that USCIS let them know that they received my reconstructed package and will be assigned to the appropriate unit for review...please allow additional time and an update will be provided when more information is available....

    Can't help but be nervous and feel like my case is going to be forgotten or take forever to be "reviewed"- i dont get why i need to be reviewed, im approved!

  20. Oh, and because bad luck seems to be distributed in abundance as of late, I called my senator's office this morning because I hadn't heard anything from them in a full week. As it turns out, the immigration liaison in Constituent Services just happens to be on vacation. She was gone all last week and part of this week. Grrrrrrr!!!

    WHAT A JOKE. USCIS has also told me before not to call until my 90 days is up. I was told the same spiel as you , and eventually my senators office was able to get some answers and ofcourse they basically lost my package. BS !!

    I really wish your senators immigration team wasnt on vacation because I know how important it is to get them to start contacting USCIS and NVC so you can get some answers. You are WAY over normal processing times, IDC what USCIS says..... we both know that its not normal they will say anything to get you off the phone and off their backs.

    I'm sorry I don't even know what to say anymore.... maybe try again this week to try to get luck with a nicer maybe more helpful TIER II officer?? (if that even exists)

    as for me- my reconstructed petition was delivered to the USCIS office today and I hope this specific officer who it was addressed to will EXPEDITEDLY SEND MY CASE TO NVC and not hold that for weeks!!!

  21. We have a few threads with this issue going on now at VJ.

    I was approved June 8th and still have not reached NVC. I waited like I was told the 6 weeks and still nothing. I was also told by USCIS to wait 90 days...my 90 days is creeping up.

    I suggest you get your friend to really be persistent with the senator/congress persons office because they are the only ones that actually were able to give me some solid answers- not the typical spiel that USCIS or NVC always gives us.

    My case ended up being "misplaced" even though it was "sent" to NVC July 1st. I found this out after waiting over 75 days. USCIS gave the answers to my senator and advised them for me to reconstruct my whole i-129f packet to "avoid further delays" :ranting: I just sent out my reconstructed packet to USCIS today and should be there by monday.

    best advice i can give your friend- be persistent, send lots of emails, and senator will be your best friend. thats the only person that gave me some answers and alot of people usually get pretty good help from them. good luck!

  22. I feel the same way, really frustrated that my fiancee shouldve had his interview by now and already been here or getting ready to travel here.

    I sent out my reconstructed I-129f packet today to USCIS addressed to the specific officer that is in contact with my Senator. It should be there by Monday. Wish I had a direct phone number to her so I could bug her all day long about it until she sends it out to NVC - i think its the least they could do considering they lost my packet and made me go insane for almost 3 months now.

    I will keep updating you guys, let me know how everything goes for you guys and lets try to enjoy our weekends :cry:

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