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Posts posted by Mineira

  1. I have a question about my biometrics letter. I got 2 WAC numbers. One of them when I go check my status online says "Case Status does not recognize the receipt number entered," and the other one says "On June 21, 2016, we updated your name for your Form CRI-89, Petition to Remove Conditions of Permanent Resident Status." Is that right? Or still soon for my case to be checked online?

  2. Hi !

    I live in SoCal, I got the GC in March and SSN on April and also I am suffering every day looking for jobs. I have a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and more 17 years working on commercial banking and customer service but I haven't had good luck yet.

    The last 2 months I'm applying for for jobs EVERYDAY but I don't get anything.

    I've got some interviews but that's all, and I feel so bad...Sometimes I wonder if coming was the best decision (I had a very good job in my country and stability, now I feel stressed without money, my husband is working 2 jobs and I am so frustrated about our situation).

    I don't know what else I can do...

    Mineira, I suggest you continue being honest, I feel your sexual option won't be a problem here in CA.

    Wish you good luck on this long way !

    I hear you. Sometimes I ask myself if coming was the right decision but love brought us here and I'm sure soon we will find a job :)

  3. Contact the Trade Promotion bureau from your consulate and the local chamber of commerce - you have a bachelor's degree in Business, ask them if they have networking events coming up. I doubt you really want to work retail.

    Visit the Caljobs center - take the workshop on job interview - volunteering personal information is usually not good; not because they care you are married to your wife, but simply because it is oversharing in the context of a professional interview.

    Good luck!

    Will definitely do that. Thank you so much :)

    No clue if that's why or not but I'm not sure why you're even telling them. A job applicants relationship status isn't relevant at all. My advice, don't bring the subject up and don't answer if asked.

    It is illegal to deny an applicant based on sexual orientation and it may be illegal to ask about ones marital status.


    Won't bring the subject again. Thank you for your advice :)

  4. I doubt that your sexuality has anything to do with it. Retail is a difficult monster with no experience. Many won't hire without it as the turnover is usually high. Administration is very picky as well especially if you're going to be speaking to the public. Some will discriminate that way unfortunately. Have you tried temp agencies? They're a good place to start

    I haven't tried temp agencies yet! Thank you for your advice. Will start looking for agencies here :)

  5. Hello everyone :)

    I got my GC back in 2014. After getting my GC I spent one year studying English to improve my writing and speaking skills. I didn't feel good about my English before but now I do :). I have been looking for a job here in SF. I have a bachelor's degree in Business from Brazil. Unfortunetely I have no experience and it is hard to get experience without a job. I have tried retail stores but I don't know why, but every time I tell them I am married to a woman they say they will call me but never do ( I really hope it's not because I'm married to a woman.) So I would like some advice from you. What could I do to improve my chances of getting an administrative job? Should I just say that I am married but hide the fact that it's with a woman, until I get an offer? I would hate to lie, but it's been hard on my wife having to provide for both of us.

    Thank you all for your time :)

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