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Posts posted by JC&BB

  1. Exactly. So there were other reason(s) why you were denied. It wasn't due to not having enough FB friends. That's ridiculous.

    Stop with the bad attitude towards people who ARE trying to help you. People are trying to tell you that you need more trips and time with him in order to make it look legit.

    I don't have an attitude but when someone says something that I know isn't true I can speak my mind just ask they are. There wasn't an issue until she started questioning him about Facebook and ended it by saying I was just looking for a man!

  2. Your welcome and it's not fair that people are bashing you after the day you had. I know what you mean about having your friend list private unless your friends. Obviously a lot of people love having their life in the public but I wasn't one of them. I'm one of those rare people that don't have any social media accounts I find it too much drama and avoid it completely

    I don't even know why I said anything on here. People at times are rude for no reason. They assume things without reading what's being said. I said many time my page is locked. If we aren't friends you can't see anything there's nothing wrong in that.

    One visit isn't enough? Again there's no rule as to how many visits or days you stay. We met, and talk as much as we can considering they have issues with the internet and Facebook there.

  3. I said we have 6 mutual friends right now of those one live here in Nevada. She didn't care about the ones in Ethiopia she wanted to know who was here. Since the main lady he talks to is no longer on Facebook she couldn't pull up her page. FYI people deleted their pages everything it's no conspiracy....

    Since my page is only setup to where my friends can see things he offered for his page where you could access the other lady that lives here. She said no she wanted to see it on my page.

    Since she couldn't she didn't believe we met on Facebook, but how else could we have met?

  4. WELL first good luck to you..

    You asked people here to figure and help you why denied?

    Now you act rude to them?

    Hopes you success on your journey

    You said I blocked my page knowing I had a interview when my page has been like that.

    If you are my friend you have full access to my page. If we have no friends in comment you can't see anything. How's that an issue? People do it all the time it's called keeping weirdos out of your business

    But why you said earlier you 5 or 6 friends?

    Things don't add up

    The other friends are in Ethiopia!!! She was only concerned about the Las Vegas friends. There were 3 now there's only 1 the others live in Ethiopia

  5. You set FB only your love can see it?

    We would not able to see it? Even CO couldn't see it?

    When CO ask to see your page, It is not available?

    He off his for CO?

    If you were in that situation "CO" what would you think?

    What everyone here think?

    Your case may be true love, but that is weakness and suspicisious

    My Facebook is set up to where only MY FRIENDS can see what's on there. Again my page is public to all my friends and mutual friends. But if we have zero friends you won't see a thing. Do you understand now?

  6. Well who would of known the co would actually check the Facebook to me that seems odd.

    FYI when I had my Facebook it was completely private I know a lot of people that do the same.

    Too many phychos on fb in my opinion

    Thank you and I'm getting bashed for that. I promise you it was because she couldn't see anything. Who takes Facebook seriously anymore? I don't

  7. Him and I have been talking for almost two years. We chat, talk, email as much as we can since the Ethiopian government controls their internet and Facebook usage. Him and I have spent a week together (face time) and no I'm sorry couldn't stay longer because I have a job and a child to take care of.

    People deleted their pages all the damn time so again putting all your eggs into Facebook and ignoring everything we had in front of you is crazy.

    But you all still think we did something wrong when others with less have gotten approved. Each case is different and every country is different.

    Him and I will get married. But please don't tell me what you think when you don't know what was sent and how NONE of you want to believe it was all because of Facebook when she told him to have me fix that!

  8. How is one week in person a solid relationship? You barely have any time to do anything, live through anything together. It's still a fantasy at this point.

    No one is denied a visa because the CO is "rude." It is weird to "meet on facebook." Who just adds random strangers on facebook?

    Again we have and had mutual friends! There's a large Ethiopian community here in Vegas. From me having friends from people here in Vegas we both popped up on each other's add to friends list. Got it?

  9. I know some CO interview is not fair, but base on what you said, I believed you guys didn't have enough call time. One week is not enough!!!!I can tell you that...M and my fiancee call daily and face time almost 7 days a week since we engaged.

    Since with 7 days face time, guarantee you CO will ask more evidence..in your case FB,,,, but was blocked!!!!!!

    If I am CO interview, I would raise my suspicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wish you good luck on spousal journey


    Little FYI Ethiopia blocks the internet there a lot! So whe talk as much as we can on the phone. We email daily and do the best we can when the Internet is working there.

  10. Please close this! Thanks for those who offered positive reviews and feedback.

    My relationship isn't fake and it was denied because she couldn't access my friends. That isn't grounds to deny anyone. She could have pulled up his page and found them but she didn't want that. So she was just being rude and wanted to deny. If he offered to show her his page and she declined that shows right there she didn't care to know the truth.

  11. I am right, You setup FB for private...If not, CO would see it..But why you set only you can see and knowing the interview?

    I've had my page like this for 7 years!! I didn't just do that. You sound ignorant right now. Asking why I did it knowing I had a interview. If this has been done YEARS ago what are you talking about?

    When you have mutual friends with someone on Facebook you can see the same friends you have with that person. Last time I checked that's how you add people. Just because someone page is private does not mean they are being or are suspicious.

  12. Why is it when someone gets denied you all swear it's because we made the mistake and not think that the CO could hav just been doing it to be rude?

    Come on there's people faking relationships ever day that get approved with little to no evidence at all! But when people have a strong relationship that that person might not agree with you all say oh red flags?? Please tell me what red flags???

    Because we all perceive things differently so for one person to hold another persons future in their hands is crazy.

    Him and I know we showed everything and did everything RIGHT! We didn't lie or cut corners. Him and I will get married and go from there.

    You all really shouldn't think that all the CO's are honest in their decision making. They make mistakes just like we do; and I know for a fact there wasn't anything else wrong she didn't know that shshe could see people on my page. Again that is not a red flag or a reason to deny someone and then say I was just looking for a man.

  13. I can see someone FB with how many friends before add them to friends on my FB. unless you setup private page.

    I can check tons of people FB how many friends they had before I even add them.. CO can't even see your FB friends?

    There must me private blocking FB

    Yes it is blocked because I was tired of getting fake accounts adding me and adding my friends with viruses. I have my reason for why I did my page like that. NoT because I have something to hide.

    One week...only 7 days of face time is not good evidence.

    There's a lot of people who had the same time or less and got approved!

    anyway, sounds like something missing from the interview...Some red flags you might not telling us..

    Bottom line is when they denied, its pain to re file again...Only make more visit and file spousal is best chance

    No! There's nothing I am missing! We had a strong case and because of Facebook friends she made an issue. But you are opened to think what you want.

  14. Nobody is listening to me.

    My page on Facebook is setup to where if we are not friends you can not see my friends. So yes the CO went on my page and couldn't see my friends. But there's pictures on my page that he is tagged in and I am tagged in on both of our pages. My profile picture is of us. She wanted to see who the friends where on my page but couldn't because she wasn't my friend.

    So please everyone stop telling me that there's more to the story he isn't telling me. He told someone else the same story and they too were shocked but on 10/25 someone else was denied for the same reason of meeting on Facebook.

    Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and option I will figure out the next step and keep you all posted.

  15. Not really

    Why would you set FB not allow to see? especially interview and said met on FB....

    if you don't set private, we all can see who is your friends on FB and CO can see it also.

    How many years you guy chat? and now can't see your FB by CO...I woud raise suspicious also.

    You are again missing what I am saying!!

    If you are not my friend on Facebook you can't see anything! You can add me if we have mutual friends but if again we are not friends you can't see anything. A lot of people have their pages like that it has nothing to do with the CO! Bedilu can see my page but she wouldn't look at his to see mine. Again nothing suspicious with having your page set up like that. Come on now really?

    It's unheard of, that one was denied a visa due to lack of mutual friends on social media. CO know couples that met online but proofs like photographs, communication records have always been convincing. If it were me, I wouldn't have told the CO that we met online (even if we did). Have you even visited this man? Taken photos? Met familes and friends?

    I told the truth! And yes I met him, took pictures and all that. So I repeat it was because she couldn't find who I the mutual friends were on my page since she couldn't see anybody on my page.

  16. 4 years older

    20 months

    Together 14 months

    Face time a week when I went there

    Evidence: pictures, emails, what's up app, call log, 'money sent, proof ofe getting baptized into the religion (orthodox), wedding plans,

    This might seem nothing to some but people have gotten approved with less and it's all up to whoever is interviewing you.

    Nobody introduced us to one another after we started talking on our own tsige started question him with his intentions for me on Facebook. Nobody brought us together. He told her we met on there by having mutual friends and she asked who he said her. When she wanted to look her up he told her she no longer has Facebook so she wanted someone else. And since she clearly was mad that she couldn't see anything she said I was just looking for a man!

  17. Do ya'll have an age difference? How much older are you than him?

    How long have you known each other?

    How long have you been dating?

    How often have you seen each other in person? How many times, and for how long?

    What evidence was provided?

    Sadly, her opinion on your relationship is all that matters when it comes to bringing him over to the US. If you tells us what evidence that you sent, we may be able to figure out why she came to it being down to not having enough friends on Facebook.

    It's much like being hired at a job, they may tell you that you're not qualified because of prior experience, but in all honestly the HR just didn't like your face. They won't always tell you the ACTUAL reason, they may just tell you a reason that's easier to hear, or one that can be put down into the system.

    They have 6 mutual friends on FB, but only ONE mutual friend that lives in Vegas and she doesn't have a facebook, the IO asked which mutual friend did they meet through, and he said the girl without a facebook. Then they asked him if he had any mutual friends in Vegas, and he said the same person without a facebook. In this case, they went to look up the person without a facebook, and came back with nothing. So to them, he's telling them he met through this person on FB, that doesn't exist on FB. Why he didn't say the husbands name, who still has a FB, I don't know.

    Also, on FB you can hide things that the public can't see. Her stuff is hidden, even if she had 300 mutual friends, none of them would have shown on her FB if she set it to not show.

    She is no longer on Facebook but she did have an account. Again because of how my page is set up she wouldn't have been able to see anyone. Currently we have 6 mutual friends (one lives here) we did have 8 but the couple took down their pages due to the issues going on their (genocide). He said we met on Facebook by having mutual friends never did we say anyone introduced us to each other. Anytime you're on Facebook they recommend friends you add that's how we met.

  18. I really dont understand. If you chat daily, and have mtuual, why now interview now no friends. maybe that raise a suspicious to CO. Everyone FB have firends, and especially both of you chats, should have a least a few common friends on FB

    No she looked on my page and since my page doesn't show you who my friends are she didn't believe him. He told her to check his page she said no she needed to see it on mine.

    If you go on my page and you aren't my friend you can't see who I am friends with. If you add me you can only see mutual friends we share.

  19. Sorry for what happened.

    Honestly, your case was denied based on lack of evidence. Just from what your fiance says, it seems like they don't believe him, it also seems like he may have stumbled through answering them, which makes him more suspect that he's not telling the truth. If she was pressuring that hard on finding a mutual friend on Facebook, she most likely already had her doubts of the relationship, him not being able to provide the answers just sealed the deal.

    I agree with Lioness, evidence needs to be strengthened. More visits, etc. The more face time you have, the more legitimate you look, face time is one of the strongest evidences to have, quality evidence vs quantity of evidence.

    You all wouldn't understand! We had strong evidence she was just being rude. I'm telling you it isn't what you think at all. When I called the senator they stressed how others in the past have called for the same reason. They didn't like something they seen on Facebook. Not to mention I am older than him and his country it isn't normal to marry someone older than you if you're a man. Im sure she didn't say anything but didn't like that either since she made it a point to say afterwards I was just looking for a man. And told him that next time we need to have more friends. I wish I could show the letter. But he was denied for no good reason at all. I am sure if it her option on our relationship is just hers others who've seen what we took to the interview will back me up with we had a strong case she just wasn't rude. You can ask him anything and he will answer you not second guess himself

  20. I know you feel that the FB issue is the only reason for denial. However, that was just a factor in them not believing the relationship is real. No IO can list "no mutual FB friends" as a reason for denial to USCIS. The true reason will be listed as not enough bonafide relationship evidence.

    So...before refiling please take steps to strengthen your evidence. As one poster suggested...more visits or marry, and file CR1. No, simply just refiling will not guarantee success. Please be proactive.

    But we did have a strong case her only issue was the Facebook friends. She was being bais and didn't care about anything we brought to the table after not being able to find anything on my page with mutual friends. I wouldn't be upset if he said I was married or anything like that. But because the reason for her denying us due to not seeing things on Facebook is crazy. I promise you this isn't the first time this has happened to someone. He knew all there was to know about me and did great until she couldn't get something with Facebook. Facebook doesn't determined a relationship but I guess it matters to them. If the lady was still on Facebook he would have been approved because she could have seen we both were on her page. But as the lady said I was just looking fo a man, when she's never met me and will never meet me.

  21. I am so sorry your fiancé visa was denied and what a stupid reason because of Facebook??

    Yes Facebook, just sad today. I've cried so much my eyes hurt. I thought they would have had an issue with me having a child and never being married. NOPE all because of Facebook! Unbelievable, if I did the K 1 visa again do you think we will have the same outcome? I mean this time I would change my settles so they can see who's who.

  22. This the message I got from him....

    am not hung up on u .. how can i do that ..? but i was upset of them , wasn't in a good mood that's why ... and at that time i can't hear u what u sayin ... so let me tell u what the girl ask and told me ..
    she asked me lotta of questions and i did answered all the questions correctly ..then lastly she asked me how did i get u ? and i said by mutual friends on facebook and she asked me again .. by who or who was that mutual friends { she need name of someone } and i said i there is not lotta of mutual friends there in las vegas just tsige and again she need someones name ...and then she asked me another question that if there is someone i know from las vegas i said tsige .. she goona look up if tsige is using facebook and i told her back she not using facebook anymore but i said tsige for the question if u know someone from las vegas .... but she need someones name that's only on facebook .... then she deny me to gave me the visa ... so what am i suppose to do .. ?

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