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Posts posted by tiss25

  1. Thank you guys for all you support !

    It's a tough decision and of course we wouldn't want a rejection or a ban. However I think the odds are better for a positive answer... we are still thinking to go on together as married couple and risk it all.

    However, in US nobody will wait us with cakes and free home... it's very difficult there too. So if we are to be rejected, we can continue living here too.

  2. Go ahead and do what you want. Good luck tho and stay prepared. I know people who just falsely marry people they never knew before sake of DV lotto success and gets paid. At least she's your girlfriend and this is just coincidence. I wish you best of luck.

    So, They do it for money and what's the result? Maybe they win in this case, not knowing the other one... And I should better not try this (considering most of the posts here). At least interesting I could say... :)

  3. Thank you all for the answers!

    My thoughts are now of a person that is in love with this girl.... when I first knew her, we did not discuss about visa lottery and this possible situation. And now this happened and... it's very difficult to decide, especially that the embassy could not believe us ! We may have the courage to go ahead and fight for a new life there, but we could get banned ! That's not fair. She has to be there alone! However, I will not insist...

  4. We had to wait 4 years to get married. We all survived it and so did our love. Its not hard if its true love. And where theres a will theres a way.. So i think marriage is a bad idea to use as the excuse of not being able to be together. So be together but see where life takes you all. If its the same in a year or 5 then get married. I dont believe people have to get married to be together in this situation. Its simply idiotic to marry someone you dont know. If so, get a good prenup and your papers in order in case it doesnt last when the first few months are over and real life hits ya with normal life situations.. You dont know the person that well yet.. Love is blinding for awhile. Just saying. Think about it again.. Im sure there are ways. We all had to do it. Long distance for 3 years. Married for one now. Made it fine even if we couldnt be together fully for the first 3!

    It's possible also your way but I am sure that if we take 100 cases of our situation (hypothetical) if he/she leaves alone, and the other stays, you'll get 75% or more of cases with relationship ending forever.

    The same 100 cases if they both go together to a new life and help each other being together.... you will get maybe 90% win rate (let's say 10 will end).

    Is it relevant? numbers are just for example... hope you understand.

    Secondly... what about having a newborn child? Will she raise him alone there? Will I stay alone with him at home ? Really??? Oh... wait for the child at least 3 years from now, or maybe 4.... it doesn't sound to me too constructive or feasible

  5. It's certainly going to look suspicious to the embassy. With such a recent relationship and apparently rushing the marriage despite living in different cities, even if you are living together by the time of the interview, I would expect you will have a quite a burden of proof of you. You'll need to keep doing what you have been, collecting as much evidence as possible to prove that it is a genuine relationship, and then hoping for the best. Having a tourist visa/visited the US likely won't make any difference.

    Thank you for your answer!

    We were thinking the same, that it might look suspicious. We are rushing the marriage because otherwise it's quite impossible to be together and create a family.

    And it's very strange because she could win as single, and maybe she could find an interesting guy in July 2016, or in September... by your explanation, means she can't have any serious relationship leading to marriage with a local guy till interview... and even after interview she will leave and still will be unable to have a local guy marrying her because of long waiting time for F2A ! They will need to stay separated.

    And I say this because we thought also of marrying after her interview... but it's too much to wait... about one year till the interview and another 2-3 years till you get GC as spouse of a GC holder :((

    As proofs I mentioned moving together, pictures from different events and vacations (we are freelancers so no work schedule), joint bank account, Facebook pictures of us together, maybe online conversations printed...

    What should we do?

    Thank You!

  6. Hi guys,

    My situation is that I know my girlfriend since april 2016 so it's quite a new relationship. At the beginning of May, she found out that she is a winner for the DV program. We would want to marry in a month or two, let's say till the end of July and complete the DS260 forms as husband and wife. She has CN 16xxx.

    Do you think we will have any problems in this situation?

    Don't know if this helps or not, but at the moment I have tourist visa, and I traveled last year for one month in US.

    Of course we will bring pictures from different events where we are together, or with our families, or friends. We live in different cities but it's very likely that we will move together and bring some proof about this. Any other recommendations?

    Thank you so much !

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