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Posts posted by cajunasian

  1. Check out usedlaptops.com. This company buys alot of companies old laptops. When my company upgrade their laptops this company brought them. I brought Tracy one of this laptops after her computer died. It was a IBM Thinkpad T23, 2647-8U8 Pentium III 1,200 (1.2GHz), 512mb RAM, 40.0Gb Hard Drive, (2) USB Port, 56K Modem, Ethernet, No Floppy Drive, Internal DVD/CD-RW, Sound, A/C power adapter, 14.1" Active Matrix Display and the cost was $450 dollars. If you would to build credit, you can call like RENT A CENTER or Arron's but you will pay almost double what the computer is worth!!!

  2. Yo mamma's so fat, she's the tallest person in the world.. when she's laying down.

    Yo mama so poor when I rang the doorbell of her house the toilet flushed

  3. Yo momma is so ugly she stuck her face out the window and she got arrested for mooning!

    Yo mamma's so stupid, she stared at a Ford for an hour because it said "Focus."

    Yo mamma's so stupid, she tripped over a cordless phone


    I carry some flower to my father and grandfather's grave this morning. Then when I come back home to check my message Kim, Tracy's daughter and my soon to be step daughter, had sent me a Happy Father's day card!!!! It made me feel special and great!!! Ok enough mushy stuff

  5. Your momma is so dumb that she put a free cookie on layaway.

    Your momma is so fat that when she walks outside with a yellow shirt on everyone yells "Taxi"

  6. Here are so more:

    CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles

    MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation’s answer to the couch potato.

    SITCOMs: Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. It’s what yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids.

    STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.

    XEROX SUBSIDY: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one’s workplace

    WOOFS: Well-Off Older Folks

    CROP DUSTING: Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm.

  7. Assmosis

    The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss.


    Sitting around in a group discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed and who was responsible.

    Seagull Manager

    A manager who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps over everything and then leaves.

    Salmon day

    The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die in the end.

    Chainsaw consultant

    An outside expert brought in to reduce the employee head count, leaving the brass with clean hands.


    Career Limiting Move — Used among microserfs to describe ill-advised activity. Trashing your boss while he or she is within earshot is a serious CLM. (Also known as CLB — Career Limiting Behavior)


    The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve.


    To be exploited and oppressed by your boss. Derived from the experiences of Dilbert, the geek-in-hell comic strip character. “I've been dilberted again. The old man revised the specs for the fourth time this week.”

    Flight Risk

    Used to describe employees who are suspected of planning to leave the company or department soon.


    Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error message “404 Not Found,” meaning that the requested document could not be located. “Don't bother asking him . . . he's 404, man.”


    That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake.

    Percussive Maintenance

    The fine art of whacking the ####### out of an electronic device to get it to work again.

    Prairie Dogging

    When someone yells or drops something loudly in a “cube farm” (an office full of cubicles) and everyone's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on.

  8. I think this will qualify...

    Not too sure about baby #3, but maybe she's just not an effusive laugher.....

    Now, I wanna see...

    A horse reading a book.

    Show me dogs playing baseball


  9. man thats a big list, lol

    I have been on the night shift all week so we were bored and come up this list :whistle:

    you made that list up? oh jeesh ya'll must be a blast to work with :lol:

    About 70% of the list was made up from remembering what people had actually done in meetings. The other 30% was from e-mails from other people. Before every meeting, we draw straws to see who job it will be to "act a fool" in the meeting. :devil:

  10. 1. Take notes in finger paint.

    2. At sensitive moments, blow your nose raucously. Apologize for your sinus condition.

    3. Laugh uproariously at a quip that was made 2 or 3 minutes ago. Say, “Oh, now I get it!”

    4. Wear a disposable paper face mask. Tell the group: “Hey, you don't want to catch what I've got!”

    5. Check your watch very regularly, every 30 seconds or so.

    6. Make a face like somebody beside you farted.

    7. Stand up and act indignant. Demand that the boss tell you the real reason this meeting has been called.

    8. Slowly slump in your seat. When you are about to fall off the chair, suddenly straighten up. Apologize profusely.

    9. Spill coffee on the conference table. Produce a little paper boat and sail it down the table.

    10. Bring a noisy electric pencil sharpener. Sharpen your pencil every few minutes.

    11. Complain loudly that your neighbor won't stop touching you. Demand that the boss make him/her stop doing it.

    12. Have someone deliver a large cardboard box to you in the conference room. Apologize while you sign for it. About half an hour later, have a different person deliver another one.

    13. Remove your shoes and socks. Lay your socks on the table, turn each one inside out, and inspect them carefully. If anyone says anything, tell them "doctor's orders."

    14. Roll your eyes at almost everything the boss says. If addressed directly, adopt a cowering posture and stammer pitifully as you reply. Ask that he or she “not hurt you anymore.”

    15. During a meeting, each time the boss makes an important point, (or at least one he/she seems to consider important), make a little noise like you are building up to an orgasm.

    16. Bring a huge jar of Vaseline to the meeting. Display it prominently.

    17. Stay behind as everyone else, including the boss, leaves. Thank them for coming.

    18. Every so often, duck under the table. Stare in horror. Pop back up and look real scared.

    19. Rubberneck at the notes of the person next to you. Copy them word for word. Subvocalize as you do. Tell them that they “understand these things better than you do.”

    20. Bring a hand puppet, preferably an animal. Ask it to clarify difficult points.

    21. Take your temperature every so often with a candy thermometer.

    22. Distribute free condoms before or after the meeting.

    23. Make all the stereotyped facial expressions to indicate that you are a psychiatrist administering psychoanalysis to the speaker. Take notes furiously.

    24. Bring a pitcher of non-alcoholic beer to the meeting. As the meeting progresses, start slurring your speech. Belch loudly. Tell your co-workers you can't help it. Start crying.

    25. Have a timer that buzzes at intervals. When it goes off, take a pill from a pill case and gulp it down. If anyone asks, tell them it's to “prevent the seizures.”

    26. Lapse into a staring coma. Drool. Have a confederate wipe the spit from your lips, and say “It's pitiful. But what can you do?”

    27. At opportune times, stick an inhaler in your ear. Inhale deeply.

    28. Ask your neighbor, nearer the speaker, to trade places with you “so you can hear better.” Gradually work your way up to the speaker. When you are as close as possible, stare up at them adoringly. After a while, change your expression to a frown, sigh heartbreakingly, and begin to stare into space.

    29. Give a broad wink to someone else at the table. In time, wink at everyone. Sometimes shake your head just a little, as if to indicate that the speaker is slightly crazy and everybody knows it.

    30. Wear shades and carry a walkie-talkie with an earphone. Once in a while, quietly say a few words into it.

    31. Bring a doughnut cushion and use it. If anybody asks, say that your hemorrhoids are really acting up this week. Offer to share it if they really need it. Be embarrassingly persistent in your offer. Offer to show them how bad they are.

    32. Wear brightly-colored earmuffs. Explain that “my ears tend to get real cold at these meetings.” Ask the speaker to please talk a little louder.

    33. Stand up and start doing the Macarena. Forcibly wrestle yourself back into your chair. Look real embarrassed. Tell everybody “My doctor's appointment is tomorrow.”

    34. Bring a large box of Depends to the meeting. Stow them under the conference table. Explain to a neighbor: “Just in case.”

    35. Bring a small mountain of computer printouts to the meeting. If possible, include some old-fashioned fanfold paper for dramatic effect. Every time the speaker makes a point, pretend to check it in one of the printouts. Pretend to find substantiating evidence there. Nod vigorously, and say "uh-huh, uh-huh!"

    36. Bring a few telephone books. Add a few to sit on, adjusting your seat height until the top of your head is exactly one-half inch higher than the speaker's. Explain that you sometimes have trouble seeing the presentation.

    37. Arrange to have a poorly-dressed young woman with an infant quietly enter the meeting, stare directly at the (male) speaker for a while, burst into tears, then leave the room.

    38. Play a game of jacks on the conference table. Explain that it helps you concentrate.

    39. When there is a call for questions, lean back in your chair, prop your feet up on the table, smile contentedly, and say, “Well, here's the way I see it, J.B...” (or any other impressive-sounding initials that are not actually your boss's.)

    40. Have a friend who does not work at your company accompany you to the meeting wearing bib overalls. Explain that it is National Take-a-Hick-to-work Week. Have him occasionally make an inappropriate comment or ask a stupid question. Tell him to keep quiet, and apologize to the group. If possible, have him bring his own spittoon, and chew tobacco and spit throughout the meeting.

  11. Ok, I was one of those people who didn't believe in long distance relationship. I meet Tracy while I was attending a good friend's wedding there in Manila. Over the past 2 years Tracy and her daughter become a part of my life. When I was there in Dec of 2005 for a visit, I had not plan to ask Tracy to married me. The night before I was planning to leave Manila and return to the States, I couldn't sleep. I was up all night thinking about if I should ask her to marry me. When Tracy along with her daughter drove me to the airport, I knew I wanted them to be a part of my life. Inside the airport we said our goodbyes and hug each other, Tracy turn to walk out the door of the airport, I called her name. She turn around, I ask her to married me. Tracy started to cry and said YES!!! :dance: When I flew back to her in May, I gave her the ring and we started the paper work for her K1 visa.

  12. hiii all frinds here and thank u so much for help us but we will give up and stop eveything with visa because we are not sure if we will get it

    we was have problem with I-130 and it take 2 month to get our NOA1 and now with I-129f we sent it at 10/05/2006 and we wait long time and we not get the NOA1 so we tryed to sent it again on 6/6/2006 and till now we not get card confirmation and money order not cashed yet and all the time the uscis said we must wait 30days but that not fair so i just want to say thank u for evryone help us

    Don't give up, just stop and regroup.Some of the people here are giving you good advice, get infopass and find out what is going on with your case. BTW if some people were nicer to Bush maybe they we get their visa!!!!

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