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Posts posted by quentin955

  1. Congratulations Quentin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dancing::thumbs::D:jest: Must have been really stressful because of the NVC’s mistake, but I’m happy everything went fine for you at the Embassy.
    RKandGC, I don’t understand, you’re already supposed to send a copy of the US citizen's birth certificate with your original submission, but they asked for another one?? :huh:
    Oh, and as for me, I got myself in a very stressful situation too, that I absolutely need to share here to make sure that it won’t cause anyone a problem! A little bit more than 2 weeks after my interview, my visa got delivered at my place… but with wrong information on it!!!!!!! :wacko::hehe: My personal information was correct, but on the visa you’re also supposed to find the name of your fiancé(e) and your case number. Well, in my case, it was… the name of a girl, and a wrong case number!!! I totally freaked out when I found out they messed up. Worst thing is that it was impossible to contact the Embassy by phone!!! I found an information about possible mistakes on the visa on their website though, so I sent them a letter along with my passport and the sealed envelope. I paid for a Chronopost to follow the delivery (26€ :angry:), and they got everything back the very next day after I realized their mistake. In my letter, I was asking them to give me a call as soon as they had my letter and thank God, they did!!!!!!!!!! So I had the chance to talk with someone who apologized for the mistake and explained me that they were going to print a new visa for me. The lady wouldn’t give me a phone number to call her back just in case because they don’t want to be called AT ALL… So I just had to trust her and cross my fingers! Fortunately, a week later I got delivered my new (and correct) visa!!!! It wasn’t long at all, but it can be a real problem for someone who is in a hurry to leave the country (wasn’t my case).
    Oh and they explained me what happened and the thing is that they need to complete an online form for each visa, but instead of filling out a blank form, they copy the information entered for the previous visa and changed them one by one!!! That’s why I ended up with the information of someone else. The lady explained me that it happens sometimes, but that not everybody spots the mistakes!!!!! So they end up with HUGE problems at the point of entry because their information is incorrect on the visa! So don’t forget to verify the information on your visa when you get it, mistakes are possible and it could definitely ruin your entry in the US, so be careful!
    Oh and now, I have two K1 visas in my passport. The good one, and the wrong one with a big stamp on it saying “CANCELLED WITHOUT PREJUDICE”. It was, of course, a brand new passport, so it looks wonderful as you can imagine LOL :rofl:
    Voilà pour les nouvelles ! Just wanted to keep you posted about what happened, thought it could be helpful maybe for someone else in the future! Take care guys and good luck!

    Well, thank you for the congratulations! But yes, it was quite stressful! Especially when you try to contact someone at the embassy and you can't talk to anyone! lol

    But apparently your case wasn't less stressful!! I'm glad it has a good end! I can't imagine what you've been going through.

    I haven't got my passport back yet. It has been issued on Thursday, last week (apparently they are taking as long as french administration lol). And now, because of what happened to you, I'm a little bit stressed about this. Especially because my fiancee changed her name back to her maiden name. I explained it to the man, and he typed the new name on his computer so it might be ok, but I was juste spelling the name to him and I couldn't check he wrote it in the good way. I can't wait to have the visa in hands, I'll feel much better! lol

    Btw, what company delivered the passport to you? La Poste? I heard some got it from TNT, so I don't know!

    RKandGC, congratulations! You've been through the longest part!! Time will be passing by now because you'll be more active toward your case. Good luck!

    Oh, and I just got a letter from the French Consulate of Los Angeles. It's my "certificat de capacité à mariage", which comes after the "publication des bans". It took less than 2 months for me. Just know that it's not necessary at all, but it will be faster and easier for us now to get the livret de famille. Voilà!!

    Well, thank you for the congratulations! But yes, it was quite stressful! Especially when you try to contact someone at the embassy and you can't talk to anyone! lol

  2. we got a RFE on the 15th and they have received our evidence yesterday. Hoping for a quick approval now.

    They wanted more proof that my fiancée was a US citizen...

    I'm sorry to hear that. Apparently it is going fast right now so there is no reason for them to take too long to approve your case. At least I hope so.

    But it sounds like the most ridiculous reason for an RFE ever. They might have their reasons, but it's really not what makes more sense!

  3. Between Fiance and Spousal visa, the Fiance visa should get her the right to work in the US at least 3 months earlier than the Spousal visa, because you can apply for the Employment Authorization Document simultaneously with the Green Card.

    Spousal visa would mean you marry now (doesn't matter where), and then she waits in France until her green card is ready in Paris. I used the data on this site to calculate a timeline for this back in June, and found that the expected time between marriage and green card was around a year.

    Fiance visa means you can apply right now, even though you're apart, and then she gets a Fiance visa and comes to the US to marry and apply for a Green Card. The timeline I calculated for this is 7 months to enter the US, and then you have the right to work 3 months after marriage (Employment Authorization Document).

    However, the Fiance visa process for me has been exceptionally rapid. The Embassy in Paris received my petition 3 weeks ago, only 2 months after submitting the petition to the USCIS. Other recent recipients in this thread can confirm or refute if this is the new norm.

    The Embassy has had my application for 3 weeks now and I've no news on when I can schedule the interview. This is actually making me terribly nervous, but I don't see any options other than just waiting. I hope there wasn't some important correspondence that fell through the cracks.

    I agree with everything. If you and your fiancé are wiling to spend three months together with your fiance not working, go for it. Because you can apply from everywhere and you get to be together sooner!

    plb, I hope you heard from the embassy! in my case, they got everything from the NVC on August 19th, and we got news from them on September 6th. It was an E-MAIL sent to the PETITIONER. It might not be the case for everyone but apparently it is for most of people.

    It's apparently going very fast at the USCIS right now (40 or 45 days depending on the center - our case took two months), so maybe the embassy is getting a lot of cases at the same time.

    I got some problems, my interview was scheduled last week... And they called me the day before saying I can't have the interview because everything was in the US, and i didnt wait for an email to schedule everything. It was actually not true. The problem was because of something I was kinda scared of but thought it would be okay: The NVC messed up one letter in my name. Although they had my case number, they could not find me with one different letter. They called me the day after to tell me they found it and when to come.

    Apparently it is not the first time. So, everyone must check their names and every information on the letter from the NVC and, if there is a problem, contact the embassy ASAP. It was a stressful situation.

    By the way, my interview was scheduled this morning... And we got APPROVED!!! I hope everyone here will get everything approved too!

    If I have time I'll leave a review. They all were very nice. I was surprised because they asked for almost nothing at all (except the things on the list they sent me. And not even everything!) and didn't ask me many questions. Maybe 5 or 6. I guess I gave the man enough information in my answers!

    I'm going to the US on November 12th, and we are getting married on December 3rd!

  4. Well I'm not saying it's impossible to do everything in just a day, but I strongly advise you against handling it like me, meaning to show up there like everything's going to be perfectly fine :rofl: I think I just got lucky this time, so make some phone calls just to make sure all the arrangements are possible first, and maybe make some appointments just to be 100% sure.

    Oh, and btw... WE GOT APPROVED FOR THE VISA today!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs::content::wub::rolleyes::P:D:jest::lol::dance::yes:

    Our relationship is pretty specific so I got really anxious because of that but everything went super smoothly! I'll write my review soon :D

    Well, congrats!!! Finally everyone is seeing the end of the road!

    Hopefully y'all will keep us updated on how everything is going after you arrive in the US!

    I decided to go get the blood test, gonorrhea test and the chest radiography done today, one week before the medical appointment. They all told me there that I did the right thing because it would have been stressful and I'm sure i'll get all the results in time then.

    The nurse who took my blood said "if it's a fiance visa, they won't disapprove it!" Well, I hope she knows what she's talking about and I hope she's right! lol

    I didn't make any appointment or call, because I had time today.

    But I did everything in the morning and there was no problem with it. Everything went smoothly!

    I was in Levallois around 10:10 and left before 12!

    Oh, btw, plane tickets seem quite cheap on American Airlines right now. I booked my flight to Dallas for November 12th (my interview is on October 12th so it will be okay!), I paid 500 euros when it's usually from 850 to 1100. Or even more. (of course, for a round trip ticket. I'm supposed to leave Dallas on the 13th, which I wont do. lol. A one way ticket was 1,500...)

    I just hope I'll get approved now! lol

  5. Congratulations Angie33!! Fantastic news! =D

    Okay so my interview is tomorrow, oddly I'm not that anxious about it, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be quite complicated to sleep at night though =P But anyway, thanks to all the information that I got here, and thanks to Sonia with whom I got lunch today, I feel ready!!

    But anyway, that's not why I'm here :) I just got the medicals today and wanted to warn people here about two things. Well first I really invite you to read Sonia's review about the medicals, it was super helpful to me! (link: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/473587-frenchamerican-couples-part-iii-2014/?p=8300196)However, two unexpected things happened to me today that I believe most of the people around here should know before getting to that point of the process.

    First, the blood test! I went to Laboratoire Bio Paris Ouest located at 2 place du Général Leclerc around 8:30AM. When I told them why I was there and that I had my appointment with the Dr Jolly on the same day (2:30PM) they told me it was unlikely that she'd have the results in time!!! I told them that it said on her website that the results should be sent to her before 2PM if the blood test was carried out before 9AM and they told me they should, yes, but that it is not possible now that the US administration requires an urinary test (for the gonorrhea). When I told the lady that I wasn't concerned by that test (because it only starts on October the 1st), the lady seemed reassured and told me that everything should be fine then. But for those who want to carry out the blood test and the urinary test on the very day of their appointment, I would strongly advise you to call the lab first and see if that's possible or not, because the lady on the front desk said that the urinary test takes too long to proceed to have the results on the same day!! Well, maybe it's different if you show up there super early (opens at 7:15AM) but it's not even sure, so if I were you, I would call to ask or would go there at least the day before the appointment with the Doctor, just to make sure. Also, for you to know, when I got there, there were only a few people before me. When I got out, around 8:40AM, almost FIFTEEN people were waiting!!! I realized that if I had showed up there 10 minutes later, I would probably not have carried out the blood test before 9. So be careful for all that.

    Second, the chest X-Ray at the Centre de Radiologie EIFFEL. I didn't have an appointment since it wasn't necessary (according to the Dr Jolly's website). Well, guess what they told me when I showed up there? "Oh I'm sorry but we do not proceed to any X-Rays this morning"!!!! I was in SHOCK! I immediately told the lady at the front desk that my appointment was this afternoon and that I absolutely needed the X-Rays, so they decided to make an exception! I'm not sure I was the only exception though because I heard some noise in the chest X-Ray room after I left, but yeah, when the front desk lady told me that, I must say I got super scared! And it really felt like she did me a favor, so yeah, that's something I guess you guys should know, maybe it's better to have an appointment, or at least make a call to make sure that they're carrying out X-Rays before you show up =P

    I think in the end we can say that I got super lucky today!!! :D Hopefully I'll just have the same kind of luck tomorrow :D But in the meantime, I really wanted to warn you about those 2 things!

    Take care guys ♥

    Well, thank you for all of this information!!!

    Thankfully I live near Paris and I have two days off next week so I'll be able to go get everything done before the medical appointment in two weeks. I wasn't planning to do so, but you convinced me. It's better to make sure everything will be okay!

  6. I haven't been on this forum for some days and apparently a lot of things happened!

    First of all, Congrats to everyone who got approved!! And thank y'all for the reviews about the consulate.

    Hey everyone,

    Just found this thread. My girlfriend and I plan on moving to the USA soon as well. What parts of France are you from or your SO is from? My girlfriend is from Nice in the south. Also how did you guys meet each other? It's crazy that there are so many US-French couples on this board.


    I'm from the parisian area, and she lives in North Louisiana.
    I met her online, on Interpals.com. It's just a website to find penpals and friend all around the world and learn languages.
    I met some friends here. Then I met my girlfriend. After some months, I visited her in the US and stayed with her for 3 months. We waited again for some months, and she visited me for 3 months too! And now, we are waiting for the visa. The interview is in October :)

  7. OMG!!! I can't believe they just added another test :o thank you for warning us!! :)

    Do you live in or around Paris? Cause if you do, you can totally take the tests beforehand...I did mine a week or so before the medical ^^

    That's a LOT of shots/surgery in just a few days, rest well this weekend!!

    I actually talked about that in the review I wrote for that lab ^^ They will be at their new address starting October 3rd. It's written on their door so that's the first thing I noticed when I went there :)

    I live around Paris, but I'm taking antibiotics right now, until next Saturday. I have to see the doctor for the shots, and unfortunately I don't know what my next days off will be, after October 2nd...

    And I got an answer earlier today. Apparently it should not be a problem to get the gonorrhea test done at 8 or 8:30 if I have an appointment at 2:30... But she doesn't seem so sure about this.

    So, yes, if I can take the tests beforehand, I will, it will be less stressful! Thanks for the tip.

    And yes, I remember seeing the information about the new address in this thread before!

    Who sent you this email? The Dr Jolly?

    But yeah, it seems like it doesn't concern me since my appointments are before October. At least something I won't have to do!! :D

    Yes! Doctor Jolly sent it to me! Or at least her assistant. So, yes, I think you don't have to worry about this! Lucky you! Haha

    By the way, thank you Sonia for sharing with us everything you are bringing to the Embassy.

    I think my binder has almost the same stuff in it, so it's kinda reassuring. I was wondering if I was bringing too much stuff.

    But I guess it's good to show that we worked hard and well on our case, it shows we care!

  8. First of all, congrats Angie!
    And thank you for the feedback. That's really nice, and it will be useful!

    Yes, exactly, it's 180€ cash or check ONLY so make sure you take care of that in advance :)
    The flu will depend on if it's available or not at the pharmacy sooooo maybe not ^^ have you booked your dates yet? What did you get?


    I got the interview at the embassy on October 12th, 10:30. The only day I could get a medical appointment in the afternoon is... October 11th. At 2:30. so yes, the shot against the flu has to be done!
    I went to a pharmacy, they didn't have the vaccine for the flu yet. Thankfully another one had it. I know it's not required but I got one for both hepatitis A and B. I read that some people got asked to do it once in the US, for the AOS... So, the more the better! lol
    I also got my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. I had to, and it's cheaper than the US. I feel like everything is going really fast right now! It's a little bit stressful, but it will be okay!

    By the way, there is a BIG UPDATE concerning the medical appointment. Here is the email I got:

    1. Our laboratory BIOPARISOUEST is moving at the end of September to BIOPARISOUEST SAAB at 2 place Général Leclerc, 92300 Levallois-Perret (at the exit of Metro Anatole France). The telephone number will be 01 47 57 85 86.

    2. The US Immigration services have just added an additional exam for all candidates of 15 years old and above. It is a test for the gonorrhea infection. The test is done in the laboratory at the same time as the test for syphilis. The gonorrhea test is the first urine test of the morning and you must not urinate during the 3 hours before the test. If a man has urinated too recently he will be asked to come back after 3 hours. For a woman who has urinated too recently the test can be done as a cervical swab. Remember the results will not be available on the same day if it is not done before 09h00.

    The instructions are the same as for the blood test for syphilis:

    You can eat and drink before the examination

    You do not need a prescription or an appointment to use our test centres.

    To get the results at 15:00 the same day, you must do the test before 9:00 am (Laboratory BioParisOuest SAAB). It is therefore important to arrive by 08h30 and not to have urinated since the night before or at the latest 05h30.

    The test for gonorrhea costs 30 euros.

    Voilà! As if it wasn't stressful (and expensive) enough! lol

    I'm just a little bit worried, they talk about the results at 3:00... My interview is at 2:30.
    If I have some free time I'll go get the tests done another day. If not, I'll contact them and ask!

  9. Hey guys!!

    Since I have not seen one on here, I thought I would review the process for the blood test/chest x ray here to help others who will stumble upon this thread in the future :) Since I work in Levallois, I was able to get both done yesterday and today, so here's how it went:

    Blood test @ Laboratoire Bio Paris Ouest

    I got there at 9:20, they asked for my passport (I only had a copy then, but I made sure bringing a copy was alright so I called the day before to ask and made sure that wasn't going to be an issue), made me fill a piece of paper with my last name, first & middle names (same as on the passport), date of birth and made me pay, 28.10€ to be precise, and you can pay with a card! The nurse picked me up, drew my blood and I was out in 10 minutes! It was EXTREMELY fast!

    A little heads up for the people who will be going there after October 3, 2016 though: they are transferring the lab to 2 Place du Général Leclerc, 92300 Levallois-Perret

    Chest X-Ray @ Centre de Radiologie Eiffel

    I arrived around 9:00, they asked for my passeport again, asked me if I had booked my appointment with Dr Jolly and I guess, were able to access my file from their computer! They asked me to sign their form, pay 40€, again you can pay with a card and took a picture of me with their webcam. I only waited for a few minutes before I had to go in where they asked me to take my top off, yes ladies, bra included lol and jewlery as well! They made me fill out my lungs, took a shot from the front and one from the side. Once I was out, they asked me to wait for the CD. Just know that I waited for 45min just for the CD so make sure you try and arrive early enough for this! You can then leave with your enveloppe and don't forget to take it with you to your medical of course :)

    I know this was probably more detailed then needed to be lol but I thought it could be helpful :)

    Good luck to all of you! :star:

    Thanks for all of the information!

    This is really helpful! Since the price is supposed to be €250 for everything together, I guess the medical appointment with the doctor is about €180. Maybe you'll be able to confirm it once yours is done.

    Apparently we don't have to get a shot for hepatitis A and B, which is good. I will certainly schedule all of my appointments this week. I guess I have no choice and I'll have to go get a shot against the flu, like everyone who's getting everything done by the end of September or later... It kinda sucks. It's like there is always something more to do! It's worth it though!!

  10. Hello everyone,

    I will schedule my medical appointment soon, but I have two questions about this:

    1. Do I need the letter saying I have an interview at the embassy soon, or can I just go there with my case number? So I could schedule the medical appointment before scheduling my interview.

    2. I looked at the paper saying what shot is needed. I have had everything done in my life except for hepatitis a and b. But I don't really understand: Is it only required for kids, or do I have to get the shot before the interview too?

  11. Oh yeah, I forgot about that problem! I also had this one myself :rofl:

    Was it the zip code and state that disappeared from her address? It did that every time with my DS-160!

    Lol, that was EXACTLY my problem!! Well at least it's done now!

    I have another question (I think I know the answer already... I just want to make sure I do everything correctly).

    I will get the affidavit of support from my fiancée probably on Monday or Tuesday. I have everything else I need. Can I call today (well, seeing what time it is... more than likely tomorrow) to get the medical appointment, and do everything I have to to get the interview appointment once I have the affidavit in hands?

    I mean, do I have to get an appointment with the embassy before, or can I schedule a medical appointment before I schedule the one with the embassy?

    I'm not sure I'm very clear... lol

  12. Ok Quentin, then the problem can be coming from the picture itself. Is the picture has been approved on the website? Have you tried with another one? Because they have very specific standards for the picture, and maybe that's why the "review" button is not available.

    Ok, I feel really stupid now... I decided to review everything from the beginning once again. And I realized two things got erased on my fiancee's address page. So I fixed it and apparently it works now!

    Thank you for your help!

  13. Congrats frfrog !!!!!!!!!! :D :D

    Quentin, have you tried to click on one of the categories on the left? Like "family" or stuff like that? It will take you back inside that part of the DS-160, then you click on "next, next, next" etc. and you should have the possibility to sign it again.

    I did it.. And when I am at end of the security/background part, I can't click on next to get to the photo part.

    So I have to click on top of the page to get there. Then, I try and upload a picture, but "next:review" is still disabled. And this time it is not possible to click on top of the page either.

    It doesn't work in other browsers either.

    I guess it's juste a technical issue and it will be back to normal soon.

    If not, I guess I'll start another ds-160 form!

  14. Woohoooo! Congrats on receiving packet 3!!!

    As for the bans : ok! I didn't know that, it must be extra extra rare haha are you sure that's for K1 visas? To me, it would only make sense if you'd wanted to live in France cause US immigration couldn't care less that your marriage is legal in your home country since you won't be living there anyway lol so it could have also been IR1/CR1 visas..no idea!! But anyway, yes, as long as we're not planning on staying in France for a while, I guess it's ok to wait ^^

    I wouldn't even know how to go about and do the bans thing haha

    Well, I'm just doing it because although we want to stay in the US, we never know what we are going to do in a few years. And the earlier she gets her name on the livret de famille, the earlier she could get the french nationality. And it's something we will ask for so we won't need any visa anymore to travel! That's the only reason, actually. Lol

    And congrats frfrog!

    I was wondering: Has anyone of you experienced an issue while filing for ds-160?

    I filed it a few days ago while I was waiting for packet 3 to get here. I saved it instead of signing it.

    I retrieved it today and It's all completed and the picture is still here. But I can't review it and sign it anymore. I'm stuck on the picture page, even when I click on the "review" button. I guess I'll be waiting for a few hours to see how it goes. If it still doesn't work, I'm gonna file another one I guess.

  15. Hey everyone!!

    Apparently I just had to be a little bit more patient... My fiancée got an email today from the embassy!!!
    But I learned something: Do not lose your time and call the embassy... lol I was at work and tried and call them during my 15 minutes break. It was useless. Even when I finally got a real woman to talk to, as soon as I said I wanted some information about my visa, she put me on another recording that gave me another phone number. When I called it... It was another recording I was on the phone with.
    Well, at least we got the email!!!

    So, about the bans, sorry it wasn't very clear.
    I was talking about an interview that the consulate can ask you to attend to, for them to recognize the marriage legally in France. It's not common but it can happen when they want to make sure the marriage is real. (We kinda have to go through that for the K1 visa though, but whatever)
    And I read (I'll try to find the link if I can!) that if you do everything about the bans before, there are less chances for you to be asked to be here. Once again, I'm not sure it's true. I hope it's clearer! We just don't want to take any risk since we will be far away from the consulate in LA.

    I read something else about processing time though, more than on only one website. Apparently the consulate gives the priority to people who published the bans to recognize it and send the livret de famille. So, it takes 6 to 8 weeks before the marriage, but accelerate the process after that. That's what I read. Although after everything we have to go through during the K1 visa process a few more weeks isn't a big deal!

    If someone who's interested in it reads it, I actually got an update on this. I know someone who got married in Nepal. She puts March 1st on the form she sent to the consulate but got married on March 28th. Apparently it's not a (so) big deal!

  16. Wow. Thank you for your answers!

    I thought "ready" meant the Embassy received it. Well, if it has been sent by the NVC on August 23rd... then I guess it's more understandable!
    My fiancée didn't receive anything either. We both looked in our spam folders too. I guess I could call and ask, I saw it's what some people do in other countries (like Canada). If I can actually get someone to talk to me, and not a voice recording.
    So, apparently, nothing is very upsetting. Being patient is hard, now that we are seeing the finish line (At least before the AOS and more paperwork).

    About her name, I have an original birth certificate, an original divorce decree, a copy of her new ID and of her new Social Security card. I got her on the phone yesterday, she changed her letter of intent to marry me, adding she changed her name back.
    And on the NOA 2, both of her names are written. I dont know why. But they are. So I guess it will be okay. I'll put her new name on the form, and try and contact them about this, if I can. If not, I think it will be okay if I explain them.
    Thanks again!

    And for the "bans"... Well, we didn't want to do it. But since I am working until October 30th, it's okay to do it now, if it can make the process go faster for the transcription.
    I also read that even if it doesn't happen often, they can ask people to come to the consulate in person more often for an interview without the bans. It might not be true though, I don't know. But since the consulate in New Orleans doesn't take care of it anymore and the one in Los Angeles does, if we can avoid this, it would be good!

  17. Hello everyone!

    Apparently everything is going quite fast in France... Which is good!
    So... first of all, congratulations to everyone who got approved!

    I have some questions about my case, hopefully I'm posting it on the right thread!

    Firstly, the NVC sent everything to the embassy here in Paris on August 19th. The status is "ready" since August 23rd. What does it mean? Does it mean the embassy got it this day?
    I haven't had anything in my mail box since this day, no packet 3... And nothing in my email inbox either. So here is my question: Does it usually take this long? Apparently for a lot of people, it took approximately 7 days to get the 3rd packet. And some people get an email too... So, should I be waiting for an email or a letter? I guess I can try and call tomorrow, since my case is "ready" for fourteen days but I heard it's not always easy to talk to someone at the embassy.

    My second problem is this one:
    My fiancee, the US citizen, was married before. She divorced (of course). But she didnt change her name back to her maiden name before she sent everything to the USCIS. She did it before NOA 2. The thing is: It's written on the divorce decree she sent to the USCIS that she went back to her name and I also have a photocopy of her new ID, and of course her birth certificate. I filed the ds160 form, because I wanted to do it as soon as possible, but I dont know what to do.
    When they ask for her name, should I use her maiden name, or the name she used to file the first forms? I sent a message to the embassy more than a week ago but didn't get an answer yet.

    I also have another question for people who asked for the "publication des bans" in either LA or Washington DC, they ask for an approximative date and the place the wedding will take place... It takes up to 2 months to get it done so we want to do it asap, but we don't know those information yet. They were supposed to answer my questions but didn't yet.. This is why I'm wondering what did y'all put there.

    Thank you!!

  18. Hey everyone!

    Thank y'all for your answers.

    She doesn't want her ex-husband's name on the license because she doesn't want anything to remind her of him. Also, she doesn't want the kids we will surely have one day to know about this.

    I guess if we don't have choice we will keep it like this, of course!

    I think I forgot to say it, but she is the US citizen.

    Thanks again for your answers.

  19. Hello everyone! My fiancée has been divorced but she has not changed back to her maiden name legally. We have already sent off paperwork showing her full name (including maiden), but her ex-husband's last name is still on the paperwork. We also added the divorce paper within our packet. Is it possible to change the name back to the maiden name during the processing of the K-1 VIsa? I figured it would not be a problem considering it is the name on her birth certificate and her SSN stays the same. Will our paperwork be denied due to this? We just do not want her previous last name on our wedding license.

    Thank you to anyone who might be of some help to us!

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