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jenni and sami

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Posts posted by jenni and sami

  1. I know it was one of the best calls that you have received in a while... APPROVED. YEAH BABY YEAH!!! Cheers!!! - Sheriff Uling

    Indeed it was. Anyone who knows me would tell you I don't take kindly to being woken up at 2 in the morning, but this time I was delighted. Couldn't get back to sleep for the next two hours for the joy of it all. Woop, woop indeed.

    Thanks for all the congrats, prayers and kind thoughts folks. Sure is appreciated.


  2. Hi All,

    I'm in a real hurry, so this is just a quick message to say I got a very excited phonecall from Jenni in the middle of the night. We were approved, apparently on the 9th, though the email didn't arrive till yesterday.

    I see from topic titles that there have been quite a few more approvals. I'm hoping all those who filed before us are either approved, or CSC is going to get on your case asap. Now on to London...

    Thanks to all on this forum who provide clear advice, candid commentary, and caring support for so many going through this process.


    a very happy Sami :yes::yes::yes:

  3. I share your questions and curiousity Sami. I believe there is a higher power but I don't have faith. To my understanding, 'faith' is to believe without question. I have millions of questions. Our dramas shared on this forum are nothing when you consider the plight of the world - the poor, the starving, the suffering, the injustice.

    I thank god, in case he's listening, for letting me meet such a wonderful man, and I ask him for patience to survive this process.

    I don't go to church, but if there is a god, and he's listening, he can hear me wherever I am. I have love and compassion for my fellow human beings, and if god exists, I hope he's satisfied I'm a good person!

    Due to seperation of church and state, I am not asking any god to grant approvals. I am asking USCIS.

    Heehee I like your style.

    What would be interesting is to do a poll - those approved and religious, vs those approved and not religious. Maybe I will go to hell for questioning His work. :unsure:

    Thanks Michelle, nice to know I'm not the only one.

    To my mind the most important thing anyone can do in this world is to be kind and loving to all. You do that and you can't be going far wrong.

    RE: the poll - to be fair, most of the prayers I have seen on this thread have been petitioning for a swift approval for all who are waiting, not just those of faith. I guess the sudden glut of NOA2s in the last few days could be seen as a sign by some, though I may need a little more convincing.

    I hope you and your beloved can be together soon.


  4. I fully respect all who have posted their prayers here, and I genuinely hope they work, but I hope you don't mind if I ask you guys a question. If we are asking God, or Allah, or whoever to grant our approvals, are we also accepting that he/she/it has been delaying approvals so far, i.e. that he/she/it is reponsible for the delay, as well as the eventual approvals? I just don't understand when people thank God for the good stuff that happens to them, yet fail to admonish him/her for the bad stuff.

    I'm just reminded of people who miraculously escape a plane crash and claim that "Jesus saved me", surely the flip side of the argument is that he killed everyone else, or at least failed to save them? As the late Bill Hicks once asked, why was John Lennon killed, and yet George Michael lives on?

    I hope this question does not cause offence. More power to all of you for expressing your faith - as a devout agnostic I've just always been intrigued as to how this works.

    For the record: I'm crossing my fingers for swift approvals. I guess that pretty much adds up to the same thing.

    Good will to all people of this earth.


    Sami…….I’ll take a crack at your question…….. “If we are asking God, or Allah, or whoever to grant our approvals, are we also accepting that he/she/it has been delaying approvals so far, i.e. that he/she/it is responsible for the delay, as well as the eventual approvals?”

    First of all, there is only one true God. Period. It is my belief (as a life-long Catholic) that there are today 6 billion answers to your question. God does what he does because he is God and it does not matter what we think or judge or to complain. God is holy and almighty. He created all the universe so he calls the shots. You ask are we also accepting that God has been delaying approvals so far….well, the answer can be “yes” for some but not all. If God has plans for member “x”, and the plans of member “x” do not coincide with God’s plans then the answer can be yes, he is delaying member”x” ‘s approval.

    God also gave us free will to choose our own paths as well. Just as you have chosen the path to not accept God totally and to be an agnostic, and I have chosen the path to accept the truth that he gives to us. I cannot judge you and you cannot judge me. In the end, I believe, when we leave this temporary world and we are both standing in line at the great judgement seat of God, I believe that I will have nothing to worry about and that I shall be in heaven with God for eternity. How can I be so sure of this? Jesus. When Jesus died for us on the cross, he washed away all our sins and secured a place for us in heaven. You have a place and I have a place if we CHOOSE to accept it. I accept what Jesus did for me so this is my ticket into heaven.

    Could my petition be denied, yes. Could it be approved – yes. Could it take another week, yes, could it take a year – yes. No matter what happens, I ask God for patience and guidance to deal with my suffering. I turn all over to him for help. Jesus told us that to worry about the future is futile. We cannot control what happens to us if we wanted to. Look at all the retired folks from Enron who thought they were set for the rest of their lives. I do not think that many of them thought that they would be applying for “door-greater” jobs at Wal Mart at the tender age of 65.

    Does ####### like this happen to us on this earth – yes. Why? Is it God that does this to us. – No. It is the sin of man that creates all the pain and suffering on the earth. That plane crash you spoke about, why did it happen? Maybe someone tried to save some bucks and didn’t put in a couple of bolts into the engine – maybe the pilot was drunk, maybe it just happened because it hit a bird, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe and on and on and on. The truth of the matter is, we will never know all the answers to all our questions. Only the One True God Knows All the Answers. When we get to heaven, you and me, we can both ask him – O.K.???

    I looked up the definition of Agnostic. I found this; “Agnostic theism is the philosophy that encompasses both theism and agnosticism. An agnostic theist is one who disavows knowledge of God's existence but chooses to believe in God in spite of this.”

    I thought that this was an interesting definition for agnostic. My question to you is – does this definition define Sami?

    What I find interesting is that you were the first one out of all the members on vj to question this prayer thread in many weeks that it has existed. Also what I find interesting, is that I was one of the first to get involved and to try to give some sort of an answer to your question. I did not wake up this morning and think to myself, “ I think I will answer a question for an agnostic today”!!!!!! Do I think that I will be rewarded for defending my beliefs? To tell you the truth…..I do not know……maybe this was my test of faith in my life today. If it was…I want to thank you for being involved in my test!!!!!!

    Mr. Lonely ( Mike )

    Hei Mr. Lonely,

    Thanks for your explanation. I must admit I am still at a loss. I guess I don't understand that if, as you say "Jesus told us that to worry about the future is futile. We cannot control what happens to us if we wanted to", where does it leave all this praying? Seems we are trying to control our future, albeit through petitioning a higher power. I also wander whether, if we can influence God's behaviour, would we not be better off asking him to turn his attention to climate change, famine, genocide, than to speeding up the process at the USCIS? Yes, I realise that these huge problems in the world could be argued as being man-made and part of the paths we have chosen to lead, but then so could the terrible delays at USCIS.

    As you can probably tell from my apparently incorrect use of the term agnostic, I am no theologian. To answer your question, my understanding of the term was that it meant "undecided" (a gross simplification, but close enough to where I'm coming from). I am unsure if there is a higher power, and if there is I am undecided of what/who that God (by whatever name) is and which version of God's teachings I should choose to believe. Seems to me that religions are all humankind's attempts to understand the unfathomable and therefore all holy writings and teachings are tainted by humankind's prejudices and weaknesses, as well as humankind's incredible strengths and virtues. I guess I just try to be a good person to all living beings and hope that if there is a God, they don't mind if I don't call them by their correct name. I suspect that in many people's eyes that leaves me damned, which makes me sad.

    Once again, many thanks for your clarification. I understand and respect that y'all have a strong faith and trust that questions from those who think differently will do nothing to dent that.

    I wish you a speedy approval so you can be with your loved one soon.

    Best wishes,


  5. I fully respect all who have posted their prayers here, and I genuinely hope they work, but I hope you don't mind if I ask you guys a question. If we are asking God, or Allah, or whoever to grant our approvals, are we also accepting that he/she/it has been delaying approvals so far, i.e. that he/she/it is reponsible for the delay, as well as the eventual approvals? I just don't understand when people thank God for the good stuff that happens to them, yet fail to admonish him/her for the bad stuff.

    I'm just reminded of people who miraculously escape a plane crash and claim that "Jesus saved me", surely the flip side of the argument is that he killed everyone else, or at least failed to save them? As the late Bill Hicks once asked, why was John Lennon killed, and yet George Michael lives on?

    I hope this question does not cause offence. More power to all of you for expressing your faith - as a devout agnostic I've just always been intrigued as to how this works.

    For the record: I'm crossing my fingers for swift approvals. I guess that pretty much adds up to the same thing.

    Good will to all people of this earth.


    I think the idea is that we're too stupid to know what's best for us, or something.

    Hmmm, well that would certainly apply to me. ;)

  6. I fully respect all who have posted their prayers here, and I genuinely hope they work, but I hope you don't mind if I ask you guys a question. If we are asking God, or Allah, or whoever to grant our approvals, are we also accepting that he/she/it has been delaying approvals so far, i.e. that he/she/it is reponsible for the delay, as well as the eventual approvals? I just don't understand when people thank God for the good stuff that happens to them, yet fail to admonish him/her for the bad stuff.

    I'm just reminded of people who miraculously escape a plane crash and claim that "Jesus saved me", surely the flip side of the argument is that he killed everyone else, or at least failed to save them? As the late Bill Hicks once asked, why was John Lennon killed, and yet George Michael lives on?

    I hope this question does not cause offence. More power to all of you for expressing your faith - as a devout agnostic I've just always been intrigued as to how this works.

    For the record: I'm crossing my fingers for swift approvals. I guess that pretty much adds up to the same thing.

    Good will to all people of this earth.


  7. Seriously... any one know why no appovals, at least on VJ!!!!?

    I know you probably dont know, just thought I might be mising something?

    Just a thought here, and I'm sure someone can tell me if my theory doesn't make sense. After the initial flurry of RFEs we had a couple of weeks wait before a week or two of regular approvals. Now it's gone quiet for a couple of weeks again, so could it be that another "set" of applications will be approved soon? I'n not quite sure of how they work (not sure if they are either!), but perhaps they work on a bunch of cases together, which takes a couple of weeks, clear them, and then start on a new batch.

    Just thinking out loud. Feel free to tell me if I'm an idiot. People usually do.

  8. Everyone, I´ve been approved today. I can´t begin to express my happiness, but at the same time, I would like to leave a word to everyone going through the same thing.

    It´s hard, it hurts, makes us crazy and depressed, it seems endless and unfair, and so many times I lost hope. Everyone says that when it comes it´s all worth it, and it is, but you can´t simply forget the sleepless nights, the jealousy that others got it faster, etc.

    I wish this process had been a fair one, older petitions approved first, and my thoughts are with all of you that have been caught up in this mess and are now waiting longer than you are supposed to. My thoughts are with the recalled petitions, and those at CSC and NSC that have to put with slow processing.

    I hope you´ll all hear something soon, ´cus it´s unbelievable when you actually read those little words on the screen (this case has been approved).

    To all of you .... :thumbs:

    Congratulations!!! You're posts are always thoughtful and helpful and you sure deserve this nugget of good news. On to the next step. I'm sure everyone will be wishing you all the best.

  9. Responding to extremism with extremism. Genius. :huh:

    Since when is freedom speech considered 'extreme'? They are fighting fanatics (who kill people) with words. I have no problem with this.

    You people criticize free speech but remain silent about actual terrorism.

    Hardly silent. I have said on many occasions that it is not acceptable. What else would you have me say?

    And while you seem to want to make this about 'free speech', the single objection I have to this is that it paints ALL muslims in a negative manner, that tars them all with the brush of religious fanaticism.

    How is that acceptable in the name of 'responsible' free speech? I say responsible because it goes back to that argument that just because you can say something doesn't mean you should...

    Of course this will turn into yet another flame war, which is exactly what the trolling OP, clearly wants.

    one question i have is - are these pics real or photoshopped?


    OK, I know I said I'd duck out, but just to clarify - yes, they are real, or certainly very similar banners were carried. The photos are, I believe, of a protest in London that was held just after the Danish cartoons were published. Most mainstream UK muslim groups condemned these banners for insighting violence, and the demonstration was pretty small if I remember rightly.

  10. This will probably be my last post on this stream (unless I get really wound up! :angry: ), as I do feel that Visa Journey should be about, well, the visa application process, not thrashing out age-old political arguments.

    There is a lot of bitterness here but really, Off Topic is just that - off the topic of the immigration process.

    Ooops, I missed the fact there was such a forum, or that I was in it. Fair enough then - age-old political arguments are fair game after all. I, however, have had this one too many times to remember, so will probably duck out at this point. I fully understand and share peoples' outrage at acts of violence or hatred, but I don't feel that the linked-to website had anything to offer in terms of solutions to the violence that is out there. As a parting (non-violent) shot, if anyone is interested in peace building, can I recommend the following site:


    They by no means have all the answers, but at least they are making measured and reasoned attempts at creating a better world. NO, they won't single handedly stop extremists, and yes, sometimes force is the only justifiable response. But we'd best make damn sure we consider the consequences of any actions we take, lest they breed more violence and resentment in others.

    That's it. I'm done. I'll stop preaching.

  11. Responding to extremism with extremism. Genius. :huh:

    Since when is freedom speech considered 'extreme'? They are fighting fanatics (who kill people) with words. I have no problem with this.

    You people criticize free speech but remain silent about actual terrorism.

    I have neither criticized free speech, nor remained silent regarding acts of terrorism. We here in the UK have recently commemorated the one year anniversary of horrendous attacks by religious bigots, but to claim all muslims are somehow implicated is insane. Firstly I questionned the relevence of this post to people trying to get through their visa applications, and secondly I suggested that it was religious hate-mongering and, hence, unhelpful. Yes, the people calling for violence are wrong, but suggesting that there is a "muslim invasion" going on, or that the majority of muslims are extremists is just ridiculous. I didn't suggest that Hristo, or anyone else, should not be entitled to express their oppinion, I simply disagreed with that oppinion.

    This will probably be my last post on this stream (unless I get really wound up! :angry: ), as I do feel that Visa Journey should be about, well, the visa application process, not thrashing out age-old political arguments. However, I would like to say that I for one appreciate being part of an online international community (of people of all faiths and none) that is dedicated to helping each other out through what is, for many, a difficult time. If more of us, from all nations and all cultural backgrounds, took that attitude, then there would be much less violence in the world, religious or otherwise.

  12. hey everyone. i dunno if anyone is followin the news but im scared Sh!tless! seems there is a war amoungst us here................................and now the airport and sea are unusable! and my passport to top it off is with the Security General because they are processing my residency........................we live in a fairly safe neighborhood but that doesnt make me worry any less.........................ohhhh why oh why did i come here??????????????? do you think this makes a good enuf reason for the embassy to let us go to the USA? when we can that is................. :help::crying::help::crying::help:

    My thoughts are with you and all who are cought up in this tragic conflict. Lets hope the rational and peaceful people of all nations can bring stability to the region. As if dealing with US immigration wasn't bad enough... My heart goes out to you.

  13. Hello folks,

    I was speaking with someone the other day who told me one of their friends came to the USA on a tourist visa, married someone, got their work permit, then adjusted their status to a conditional permanent resident. Their next step would be to remove their conditional status after two years (like fiancee visa).

    I didn't think that it was possible or legal to do this. I was also under the impression if the beneficiary enters on a tourist visa, it is the petitioner's burden to prove that the beneficiary did not enter the country with the purpose of getting married to them.

    I would like your opinions as to whether this legal to do, or is even possible. Would the analysis be any different if they were entering on a student visa? Thank you for your assistance.

    This is basically what we were advised to do by an immigration attorney whilst I was in the States on a three-month visit to see my (then) girlfriend, now fiance. We were sceptical and spoke to the embassy hotline in London who said there was NO WAY I should overstay my Visa Waiver and that I should return to the UK and go through the K1 visa process. In the end we decided to play it by the book and I have returned to the UK and am going through the official channels, waiting for CSC to approve our application - the risk of it going wrong the other way seemed too great to us, even if that risk was only slight, particularly if they are currently cracking down on immigration which seems possible.

    However, I have heard of other people doing similar things. If you do go this route, I would certainly recommend you consult a lawyer first.

    Hope that is of some help. Good luck, whatever route you choose.

  14. They just sent the approval notice THIS MORNING (5:45) and said it was mailed out July 10. (Updating timeline after I post.... I guess I will put July 10 for NOA2 date?)

    Is VSC working around the clock to get these things out because of that AP article putting all eyes on USCIS, or are they usually this good anyway?

    I can't even believe it, I am so happy!!!!

    Congratulations!!!!!! I'm sure it is a big weight off the mind. Hope the rest goes smoothly too.

    Hopefully CSC will get moving soon too.

  15. Your original NOA1 had a timeline for approval, I.E.80-110 days They are saying it should take less than that from this point. The link they refer to is the processing times for the service centers which is also messed up at this point because of IMBRA. At this point who knows when the NOA2's will be out. I am betting if you got your RFE it will be sooner rather than later. But that is just my opinion.

    Thanks Gary,

    I appreciate the reply. My fiance seems to think there was no timeline of approval on the NOA1, but i'll ask her to double check. Of course it would be nice to pop over and take a look for myself, but I guess that's why we are going through all this bull**** in the first place. Soon, soon. I hope all your recent touches are a good sign! I know you, and many others, have been haning in there a lot longer than we have.



  16. Hi All,

    I'm sorry to add to the list of people confused and befuddled by CSC idiosyncratic use of language (a bit rich, I suppose, coming from someone who just wrote "confused and befuddled" ;) ), but can anyone help with the following?

    My fiance received an email yesterday from CSC confirming they had received our RFE return. So far, so good. HOwever, what is concfusing us is the information on processing times. They tell us that because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. They then don't state a maximum time, and tell us that a processing time can be found on the receipt we received from USCIS (NOA1 I presume). My fiance looked on this, and on the ifo received with the RFE, and there was no processing time included. The email also says that we can follow a link for processing times, yet no link is provided. Are we being stupid and missing something, or is the info on projected processing times completely useless? Any advice would be appreciated. I'm, copying the full text of our email below.

    For now, I'm just pleased we appear to be on their system and things are moving forward - however slowly.

    Thanks in advance as always for great advice, support and info provided by all on this forum.





    >The following is the latest information on your case status


    >Receipt Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX


    >Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)


    >Current Status:


    >On July 8, 2006, we received your response to our request for evidence or

    >information. However because preliminary processing was complete, the

    >remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this

    >message. You will receive a written decision on this case. You can use

    >our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. Follow the

    >the link below for current processing dates.


    >If you have questions or concerns about your application or the case status

    >results listed above, or if you have not received a decision or advice from

    >USCIS within the projected processing time frame*, please contact the

    >National Customer Service Center.


    >National Customer Service Center (800) 375-5283.


    >*The projected processing time frame can be found on the receipt notice

    >that you received from the USCIS.

    >*** Please do not respond to this e-mail message.






    >The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

  17. I recently stayed for 86 days in the States to visit my then girlfriend, now fiance. I was expecting it to be no problem at all at the border, just as I hadn't really thought about it. I was questionned for a surprisingly long time about what I did, what I was doing there and how I was going to support myself. I told the officer that I had savings, and that I was basically there to see if we could live together, and if yes, we would be filing for a visa etc. Eventually he let me in, and didn't ask to see proof of savings etc, but I would say it is worth taking any evidence you can. Particularly if you have recently visited for a reasonable length of time.

    Cheers, and good luck,


  18. Hey ya'll,

    Quick question. I am visiting my fiance in the UK in a couple weekes and my stay will be for a month. When the POE officer asks me who I am visiting, should I go ahead and say my fiance? And if so, should I explain that we applied for a K-1 visa for the states? Also, do I need to bring proof that I will be returning to the states like my fiance would if he came to visit me?? We have not received our NOA2 yet, so I do not think they would have us on record in the UK yet.

    Any thoughts.

  19. We got ours too. Mailed to North Carolina. We originally applied to Texas, and were then moved on to CSC. Our NOA1 date was 06-01-06. I've said this on another post elsewhere, but I just wanted to say that my heart fgoes out to those still waiting. Especially as it appears that some have way earlier NOA1 dates than ours. I hope you'll receive yours very soon and are getting towards the top of the pile for processing. Lets just hope that the extra people they are bringing in to clear the backlog makes a difference for everyone.

    Hang in there!

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