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Posts posted by travystats

  1. We will be in Manila during my 3 weeks. I am only 27 and have never been married so all of these steps should be pretty straight forward. As for the seminar and everything that comes with this whole wedding I am looking forward too. I dont ever plan on living in the Philippines but of course for me at least its important to learn as much about the culture. I am definitely way happier to have found a beautiful Filipina who I can learn so much from rather than the standard american chick. I just cant wait to get home after everything and start the process to get her here.

  2. Thanks again everyone for the responses. Apparently I am unable to book an appointment online during the date that I want. All of the spaces are gray. As of right now the only available date is August 31st. So perhaps it would be easier if I called. Yes this is going to be a civil ceremony. Is the marriage seminar in between getting the legal capacity cert and receiving the marriage license?

  3. Thanks a bunch Moneyman. Her and I already have our wedding scheduled and our function is booked. I will be renting a vehicle for my stay there. She has her cenomar already. Since the big day is coming up of course now I am getting nervous about making sure the timing on everything will work. The earliest I can get to the embassy there would be monday the 10th. 2 weeks from that date is our wedding. So pretty much have to get the marriage cert and apply for the license on the same day. Hopefully im not forgetting anything. I know there is some sort of marriage seminar as well but hopefully that is after the above mentioned things.

  4. I will be arriving in the Philippines on October 7th and will be leaving on the 28th. My Fiance and I are getting married on the 24th. I was wondering how long it would take to get the certificate of legal capacity? Is it something we can get the same say? Also it says the marriage license takes 10 days. I would assume that is 10 business days? I feel like we are really cutting close on time.

  5. Answers:

    • You don't have to worry about the W2.
    • Up to you, if you are barely over the threshold, then it may be helpful to have a joint sponsor. If you are well over the threshold, then it should not be necessary (just remember the CO has the final say).

    Okay, awesome. Yes on paper I am only a few thousand over the threshold, and only for this year. Last year was my first filing and it was for dirt. Oh the joys of working for family. Having my father as a joint sponsor should help things go smoothly just in case since I dont have 3 years of filings yet. (Although by the time I start this process next year I will have 3 years). All in all this stuff doesnt seem too difficult now, just got to sign the papers properly and meet the necessary guidelines. I guess at this point the bottom line is whether or not she goes to the embassy on a good day.

  6. I would still err on the side of caution and prepare for a year.

    However long it takes is fine with me as long as the paperwork goes through smoothly. So I wont know what service center I get until I file the first papers? Also I am a little unsure about having my original copy of my birth certificate in the Philippines while I am not there. Is that standard for you to have to leave your personal papers like that with your spouse while you are out of the country?

  7. We used Rapid Visa for our case (before I found this website). They have been fine, but in all honesty, we could have saved ourselves the $ and done it ourselves. In fact, aside from the I130 petition, we have done everything ourselves. We just kind of stopped using them lol

    It looks like your CR-1 process went by quickly. I was thinking over a year at first but it looks like the majority people have it finished in under a year. I am glad I found this forum for sure. Super quick and helpful responses. I hope I was able to address others concerns as well. Her and I are looking forward to documenting the progress.

  8. Thanks for all the responses everyone. I can see how marrying someone the first time we meet in flesh can be seen as extremely risky but honestly all of this stuff is risky no matter what way you go about it. When you talk and skype with the person every single day for a long time it makes you not at all willing to spend any more time waiting. shes 30, im going to be 27 and neither her or I want to prolong starting our lives together. After reading some more I definitely will be only visiting for 3 weeks, marrying her and will get the CR-1 visa going. I do appreciate the concern however you must understand I am way beyond the point of reconsidering my decision.

  9. In short, the stages are:

    - get married

    - file I-130 with G-325A (one each) and G-1145, if desired

    - when the I-130 is approved it is sent to the NVC - that's when you need to worry about tax returns and financials

    - when that's approved it is sent to the embassy and your wife must have a medical examination, get the necessary shots and go to her interview at the embassy

    - when that's approved she gets her visa

    Sounds easy enough. I have one other question though and its about the DCF. Her and I have discussed the possibility of me just staying in the Philippines until she gets her green card. I read that I would have to get joint citizenship as well as be in the Philippines for at least 6 months before being eligible for this. If staying there longer than my planned 3 weeks will help expedite the process than for me its an option worth considering. If not than I have no problem continuing down the CR-1 path. Thanks again for such quick responses guys and gals. It means a lot. Its my future on the line here! (as you all well know ;) )

  10. Yes, she'll need originals eventually

    Alright. So when I arrive back in the U.S. I fill out the I-130 and go from there? How long do I have to send her the necessary paperwork for her interview? I see many of your timelines of the process and it really reallly excites me. I wish I could just get started now! haha. The timeline of everything is a little confusing. Im sure its not as overwhelming as it looks or as im making it out to be. It appears that the wedding is the first step followed by the I-130. I also hope that when I send the documents to her dont somehow get lost in the mail!

  11. It's what you currently make what matters. You will still have to send in the taxes for the last 3 years but if you are above the limit now you are fine.

    Okay thats what I thought. The thing is I only have filed taxes for last year and this year (14/15). So I only have two years of tax filings since working with my father. Before that the last time was in 2007. As of the year 2015 yes I am above the limit. Its just the "last 3 years" thing when I only have two years.

  12. For the I-130 after you are married you need proof that you are a US citizen (copy of your passport or birth certificate), proof that you are legally married (marriage certificate and translation into English if necessary), proof that any previous marriages have ended lawfully (divorce decrees or death certificates) and a passport photo of each.

    The affidavit of support comes into play much later.

    You will each need to comple form G-325a so you might want to take a copy for her when you go if she does not have a printer.

    As of right now my only other question is about my income. This will be the first year that I will be filing as making more than the 125% income level. I have read that you need multiple years of X income? Will me finally making enough this year be enough for us to do all of this? That was really my biggest concern because before this year I did not make over the 125%.

  13. Welcome!

    You're in the right place. This is very much a "do it yourself" site and you will see from all the members here that it's quite possible to do the whole thing without needing to pay a lawyer. Save those $$$ for your new life together.

    If you want to do a spousal visa, it will take about a year from start to finish. You can't start until you are legally married so in the meantime you need to read, read, read and prepare. Honestly, thee is no such thing as too much preparation for this process.

    One thing you will need lots of is proof of a genuine relationship. So keep all air tickets, hotel reservations, photos, emails, chat logs, cards, postal receipts, and anything else you have. Start gathering them now.

    And read the guide on this site (link at the top of the page). The first step is the I-130.

    Absolutely am going to be spending this time doing as much research as possible. Yes a spousal visa is the way we are going to go. If a year is how long I must wait for her than so be it. Thank you! I am just hoping that going there and meeting her only once is enough for her to be able to come here.

    You can most definitely do it yourself! And since you aren't sending anything in until after your wedding you have plenty of time to read up on thing! Start by reading the guides here on VJ, they are a gold mine!!

    Awesome. So I dont need to fill out the I-130 until I go back to the U.S.? What will I need to bring with me to the Philippines? I thought I needed to bring the affidavit of support there.

  14. Hey everyone, I found this site after many hours of doing research on the proper steps needed to properly apply for and receive a CR-1 Visa. It seems like you are all very helpful so I am looking forward to the responses.

    So my fiance and I met on FaceBook last April. She is a filipina living in Jordan currently as a house maid. We have spoken to and skyped each other every day as well as sending each other a box of personal items/gifts to one another. Of course all of the timestamps and receipts have been saved for documentation. Her and I have come up with this plan to finally meet each other in person in october of this year and get married. I will be there for three weeks before I head back home. I know for a lot of people that to make a decision like this with someone that you have not met in person is very risky but I guess when you just know, you know. I am back and forth with the idea of hiring an attourney or doing it myself, or even trying a website such as rapidvisa. I understand the K1 is a quicker process but her and I would rather get married sooner than later and once she is here with me and both of our feet are on the ground we can arrange a nice U.S. wedding (not a 90 rush). Should I just go about doing this myself or is it easier to pay someone to do the paperwork? What exactly do I need to do here? I can honestly say that this decision isnt anything I have ever considered in my life but now that I have met her its amazing how things can change. Im looking forward to any help. Thank you!

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