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Posts posted by RexAra

  1. Did you submit photos with the DS-160?

    London scans photos you bring and hands them back Are you saying you never passed your photos to the document collector?

    Hi, yes I did upload all our photos with the DS-160 online. The document collector did ask for the photos and handed them back as you said, but I got really concerned as another applicant who was called after me was asked for it but didn't hand it back to her. She is also on the K1.

    If this is normal practice in London, then I guess I shouldn't be worried. Fingers crossed that everything's ok!

    Thank you for reply! x

  2. Hi -This is wonderful news.

    Im glad the courts have acted quickly for you and arranged your hearings. Have you actually been to court and been granted the specific issue order to leave, if so I'm really happy for you, it certainly gives me hope that a sheriff will find in our favor also.

    Im due back in court soon and even then ive been told i will need more dates after these. Its been a long process for us-its just taking so long to give the evidence.

    Really happy for you, good luck at the interview which you wont need its just them crossing the t's and dotting the i's making sure everything is in order, before they stamp your passports.

    Hi! I had the final hearing on 30th March. My application was successful and I have been granted the court order. So yes, it is definitely worth mentioning the visa process and the NOA2 expiration on the application. I explained to them that the Court Order may be requested at the interview, hence they process the application urgently.

    My interview is scheduled on the 27th April.

    Good luck to you too and all the best in the future! xxx

  3. Hello! Does each K2 applicant need to have a separate I-134 form from the K1 applicant? I'm just wondering if my 2 sons who are coming with me need their own I-134 form from my fiance.

    Please advise.

    Thank you!

  4. 13 wk 3 days Jan 11 (gavw72) medical referral delay

    4 wk 5 days Jan 25 (Emmylou151)

    2 wk 1 days Jan 27 (crazyworld)

    6 wk 4 days Feb 2 (trudi)

    4 wk 2 days Feb 19 - (PK4690)

    4 wk 6 days Feb 22 (PandaBound86)

    6 wk 4 days Feb 23 (MorganandMichael)

    6 wk 4 days Mar 11 (Khairul)

    5 wk 6 days Mar 14 (Nauchelle Iain)

    5 wk 2 days Mar 15 (Simon Schus)
    6 wk 2 days Mar 17 (lurdino)
    5 wk 6 days Mar 21 (Tomclarke91)
    4wk 5 days Mar 22 (SB415)
    4 wk 5 days Apr 4 (vpalermo85)
    7 wk 1 day - Apr 21st (Laurajc1984)
    10wk 3 days - Apr 29th (flootytooty)
    6 weeks - April 27th (RexAra)
  5. Hello! I just want to share my experience in completing the required documents for K1/K2 where the other parent wouldn't give their consent for the K1 applicant parent to take their children to relocate to the US.

    I applied to the Court for a Residential Order and Specific Issue Order to remove the children from the jurisdiction (UK). I noted in my application the "urgency" of the matter and sent a copy of NOA2 highlighting the expiry date. The Court received my application and responded in 2 days. Had my initial hearing in 10 days and a final hearing scheduled 2 weeks after.

    So for those who need to apply to the Court, it might be worth mentioning your NOA2 expiry date so they can speed up the process. It certainly worked in my case.

    Good luck to all!

  6. Thank you for your replies and advice. Oh I'm glad that the Embassy wouldn't ask for it, that way we could have our visa and just wait for the completion of the Court Order process. Yes, I need the order for the Court for my own peace of mind. Knowing my ex, I'm sure he'd take his revenge on me for going to prison by accusing me of child abduction. He doesn't really want anything to do with the kids, but it would give him the satisfaction that he would cause me distress by doing so.

    The CAFCASS has started the process too so it looks like it is all coming together now.

  7. hi RexAra, saw your post and understand your situation slightly. He has parental rights as you were married. you need his permission to take the children out of country to immigrate. some states in usa will also want proof that you have the other parents permission to enrol his children in their school. they need to be sure the children have not been abducted. Maybe consult a lawyer in regards to this due to your ex maybe serving time in prison as i dont know how this will affect things. Im going through court to get a specific issue order to take my child out on k2 visa and he didnt have parental rights but he put interdict on the passport so they could not travel hence forcing us into court to get permission from a court.Could your ex do this even from prison if hes trying to stop you leaving. My court route isnt quick though. hope you get the answer your looking for.

    Yes, I have started my application to the Court for Child Arrangements Order that the children reside with me in case he does something nasty, I will be guaranteed that they will be returned to me and also the more important Specific Issue Order for removal from the jurisdiction so that the children can move with me to the US.

    We have our Notice of Proceedings (initial hearing) on 14th March. I have no idea how long the process will take but I have made the Court aware that our visa approval notice expires on 12th May and that school starts in San Diego, CA in mid-July.

    The ex pleaded guilty to the Domestic Violence offences and is awaiting sentencing tomorrow (7th March). A Restraining Order is in place. Hopefully, the situation will help make the Court Order process a bit quicker.

  8. Thank you for all the replies! I'll take them both with me if it's a morning appointment and maybe stay in a nearby hotel the night before. I saw some posts here saying they were given an afternoon appointment (London), it would have been easier for me if I get an afternoon one.

    Anyway, thanks everyone!

  9. Hello,

    I'm very worried that if the Embassy give me a morning appointment, I'll be stuck with childcare as I live quite far away from London and would probably take the national rail. I would also need to take my 4 and 13 year old children (K2) with me as I have no family here in the UK to sort them out for school if I have to leave very early in the morning for the interview. Has anyone here taken their children with them? If so, what is the procedure?

    Many thanks!

  10. I am having my final hearing in March. Only difference is I had no contact with my ex for 6 months and then he got back in contact and said he was fine for us to move. But he lives in the US and we are on 'civil' terms. I say civil, he can be very rude and nasty at times but only in text as I won't talk to him on the phone as that is his time with our daughter. He also does not pay child support but emailed the court to let them know he was ok for her to move. I still have to go though court because I had a residential order. You can get permission from the court but they will want to do an assessment that this is in the best interests of the children and not you putting your needs first (I've been accused of this in the past even though it was completely untrue).

    They wanted me to write a report to do with health care, education, housing, finances, my fiance's relationship with my daughter and how her dad intends to be involved (or not as it seems). They also wanted to see photos of our home which was a nightmare as I had to clean everything as he'd just moved into a new house so the girls could have their own bedrooms.

    If you can't get permission from your ex you will need to get it from the court or legally he could say you kidnapped them. My ex can't do that to me as he lives there so it'd be benefiting him for me to move. But because your ex lives here and you are going though court you need to consult the judge about it.

    What you have may be enough but it may again not be. Email the embassy.

    Thank you very much. This is very informative. Is the final hearing in March for a court order? How long is the process? That is what I am worried about, that he might accuse me of kidnapping once he's out of prison and paid his time sentencing (just to be spiteful). The prosecution team is confident that we'll get a conviction due to overwhelming evidences and the fact that the case was forwarded to the Crown court denotes how serious his offences were. Hopefully, the situation will help me get a court order quicker, if that is the only way.

    Sorry, I got a bit confused with your case. Your ex lives in the US but you and your daughter are here in the UK applying for a K1/K2 visa? And still need a court order to take your daughter to the US?

  11. Email the Embassy and ask... THEY are the ones who know what they will want.

    Many folks, it seems, are very reluctant to ask the Embassy. Maybe they worry that their case will be highlighted. That is not the case. They are there to help you. Ask them.

    Usually the letter is required, but your case is unique.

    Thank you for your reply. I will email the Embassy and ask as you suggested. I was hoping someone in this forum might have gone through the same or if there is a bit of leniency in a case such as mine.

    I am really in a difficult position in acquiring such consent as I know for a fact that my ex would not give it, especially if he finds out that I have moved on with my life and starting a new life abroad with the kids.

    Again, thank you for your suggestion.

  12. Do you have proof of sole custody?

    If yes then you should be fine. Also providing proof of the restraining order etc would be helpful.

    In the UK, both parents have parental responsibility if both are named in the child's birth certificate, even after a divorce. We don't have "custody" here. Both my children are living with me. My ex has no made any attempt to contact them through the social services' contact centre since his arrest last year and has never paid child support. But still need his consent/permission for me to take the children to relocate.

  13. Hello, does anyone know if a letter of consent from the other parent is mandatory or required to show on the day of the interview? My problem is that my ex-husband will not consent for me taking our 2 children to live abroad as he is facing a custodial sentence in February in a Crown Court for domestic violence, stalking and harassment. Will the embassy still ask me for a letter from him even if he's in prison? I can not provide this due to bail conditions/restraining order that he is not allowed to have any contact with me either directly or indirectly. Will a written evidence (court letter) confirming his custodial sentence be enough reason for me not providing a consent letter from him?

    Please help. Thank you.

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