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Posts posted by rl2009

  1. I am so sorry to read this story, I know how upsetting this must be for you. I believe you should give this some time before you do anything you can not change. My heart goes out to you, and we wish you the very best. May God bring you comport, wisdom and MUCH love right now. From what I have read here you have a lot of friends here if you need them. Rosana and I wish you the very best in life filled with happiness, love and joy. God bless you.

    Luke and Rosana

  2. When I travel to Brazil for the interview, I wanted to take my fiancée some suitcases I have already bought in Brazil and here in USA. She already has many suitcases to bring I was wanting to take advantage and to bring 2 more, would it be weird and allowed if I take 2 empty suitcase one inside the other?

    Anyone have idea?

  3. Hello everyone, we finally received our new case number today from NVC. CSC finally sent me e-mail yesterday stating I had been approved, after almost a month ago receiving the approval in the mail. So I called NVC again today and they said it was mailed to Brazil today as well. I am so happy I think I might piss my paints.

  4. Hello everyone, we finally received our new case number today from NVC. CSC finally sent me e-mail yesterday stating I had been approved, after almost a month ago receiving the approval in the mail. So I called NVC again today and they said it was mailed to Brazil today as well. I am so happy I think I might piss my paints. :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:

  5. Os avanços da medicina plástica no Brasil são reconhecidos em muitos países. A revista Época da semana passada fala, numa reportagem de capa, sobre a grande quantidade de estrangeiros que vêm aqui para fazer uma cirúrgia. Eles ganham com a qualidade e o preço em real. Muitos estudantes estrangeiros vêm ao Rio de Janeiro para, especificamente, fazer residência na área com o Ivo Pitanguy. É uma pena que a reportagem está em português.

    Eu mesma, um dia penso em voltar aqui para remover uma gordurinha localizada que a academia diária não remove. Aliás, se eu tivesse uma boa grana já iria para USA totalmente recauchutada. :lol:

    Vamos localizar reportagens em english e lotar a thread com elas. :devil:

    :unsure: Onde está Mew ? Nossa pesquisadora oficial, eu sinto a falta dela. Ela é ótima nisso.

    Prá você Mew (F)(F)(F)

  6. In the beginning we are lost about all forms and proofs, then was nice to have an attorney but now I think we could do all process, we only need time and patience

    Our attorney forgot to send the divorce decree and we got a second RFE. :angry:

    Other thing: an attorney can't get informations from Immigration, the same way like us. We asked the help from a Congressman and Senator. We got NOA-2 approval almost 7 months before NOA-1. All process was hard on us and now we are waiting NVC to receive our process from CSC, yet. :crying:


  7. Hey!! Para as meninas que estão começando vida nova aí eu tenho uma questão?

    É possível encontrar no supermercado arroz ou feijão com a mesma facilidade e diferentes qualidades como temos aqui?

    Não faço questão de feijão todos os dias, como alguns brasileiros, mas um arroz vai bem com quase tudo.

    O Luke tira sarro dizendo que adoro comer arroz, mas ele entrou no clima quando esteve aqui e até em restaurantes self service ele fez questão de comer arroz. Uma vez foi engraçado, ele colocou arroz, feijão e farofa sobre o feijão, eu não sei onde ele aprendeu isso :lol:

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