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Posts posted by A123B456C789

  1. Our application has made it to the lockbox at 3.18am this morning. We sent it on the 3rd but didn't send it priortiy but we sent it with tracking. Fingers crossed it won't take too long to get the NOA1 recieved Notification :)

    Good luck everyone.

    When you can fill out your time line so others can view your progress and have something to compare to. Good luck mine was received on Dec 7th waiting for my e-notification,

  2. Hi Lapaisita143,

    I believe we should wait for 15+ days before the email notification of Notice of Action (NOA1) will arrive. When did you sent your package?

    Hi sent my packet in Dec 1. I sent thru FedEx it's suppose to arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to get notification that it's been received.

    Hi Lapaisita143,

    I believe we should wait for 15+ days before the email notification of Notice of Action (NOA1) will arrive. When did you sent your package?

    Hi sent my packet in Dec 1. I sent thru FedEx it's suppose to arrive tomorrow. Can't wait to get notification that it's been received.

  3. Buenas soy nueva en el foro, para los ultimos de septiempre pedi a mi prometida, para el 4 de octubre me llego el NOA1 luego en noviembre el NOA2 ahora ya pedi mi #BGT al NVC y ya me lo dieron me dijeron que me comunicara a la embajada en Colombia para ver si ya tenian mi paquete, pero coloco mi numero de caso y todavia dice en transito... cuanto dura eso mas o menos para que diga Ready? y como contactaria a la embajada para que me entreguen el paquete? y luego despues de eso que necesito hacer? disculpen pero la verdad no se los pasos a seguir y estoy haciendo estoy haciendo esto sola con mi prometida.. si alguien me podria ayudar para saber los pasos a seguir se lo agradeceria.

    un saludo a todos :)

    Hola dicen que se demora entre 6-8 semanas para que todo llegue a Bogota. ahi te puse el link de la embajada de bogota. Ahi esta el numero para que te comuniques.


  4. They dont need to be translated if they are in Spanish or English, if they were in another language other than these two THEN you would have to provide a certified translation but no, its fine either one of them or both.

    I lost the piece of paper they gave me with the order but you can find it around in the forums. It is exactly as it is in the 3/4 packet you get from the embassy (you dont need to issue the movimientos migratorios paper with the DAS if you had never left the country (im sorry, i dont know if you are the petitioner or the beneficiary??) and the proof of relationship in another folder...although they never asked me for it.

    Im the petitioner. Also thinking of going to the interview with him.

  5. Hey.

    I didnt really understand much about what you are asking for but, my advice regarding the medical exams is indeed have a lot of patience and be prepared. Bogota is a big city with lots of traffic, especially in the mornings. So you just have to wake up early and be at your appointments as early as possible. I went to the laboratory to get my blood and xrays 45 minutes earlier than their opening schedule and there were already 5 people before me. The process perse only takes about an hour if youre lucky there arent as many people before you. I got out of there at almost 8 am. The physical exam i had it in the afternoon with Dr. Dennis. I had to wait 3-4 hours, i ended up leaving the hospital at past 7 pm but he evaluated me and gave me two sealed envelopes: one with the results of the blood test and xrays and the other with the results of the physical examination, the same day. WARNING: No matter which doctor you choose, be very aware of the vaccination form DS-3025, they're supposed to give you a copy of it, do not hesitate in asking them if you dont see theyre giving it to you, you will need it to adjust status later on (i didnt know about this form because unfortunately i didnt investigate much further plus i didnt provide a vaccination record at the appointment due to not being able to find it).

    Now at the embassy, you just walk up to the entrance and tell the blue jacket girls/boys that you are there for a K-1 visa appointment, they will let you in and go to the 3rd line where you will wait for your turn if people are before you. Once your turn comes, they will give you a piece of paper with the order of documents you should put your paperwork in. Once you're finished with that, they will review it and ask you to go through the security checkpoint and finally inside the embassy. Now at the entrance, you'll do a check-in, make sure they cross you out on the paper, and go up to the 5 or 6 window where you do another check-in and receive a turn (I got turn #22) and wait until youre called for a pre-interview. They will receive all the documents, and review them as they ask questions. Its all pretty basic i.e whats your name, whos petitioning for you, how did you meet, etc, so dont be scared. After that, they will ask you to sit and wait from 1-3 windows. I had to wait almost 3 hours until i got called for the actual interview, so again, BE PATIENT.

    Questions i was asked (my son was petitioned along with me):

    -Whats your name

    -Whats your sons name

    -Whos petitioning you

    -Whats your relationship with the petitioner

    -How did you meet

    -How many times has he visited

    -Have you been to the united states

    -Have you and him been married before

    -Have you and him been convicted before

    -Have you been married to the father of your child

    -Whos the joint sponsor

    -What is the relationship to the petitioner

    -Did you file for a B2 tourist visa last year? (i did but got denied)

    -What are your wedding plans

    And voila, she said all was in order, visas approved, gave me a panflet with domestic violence information and told me the passports would arrive in 2 weeks (it actually took a week)

    The consul was very nice and she made me feel completely comfortable (i think she even was in just her 30's, looked so young lol)

    I hope everything goes good with you and your fiance. Just remember to be calmed, patient and honest with all the questions. It will pay off.

    When you fiancé went to the interview what type of documents did they take? I wanted to have an idea to start getting documents in order especially if they have to be translated from Spanish to English. Do you know if the documents from your fiancé needed to be translated to English at least for the ounces taken to the US embassy in bogota? Thanks for any advice
  6. Keep in mind that a forum like this one is for initial bonding with others who are along the same timeline as you for initial processing. The initial application is the same no matter where in the world you are. But, having said that, once you get your approval (NOA2 text message or email), you should move over to your country's sub-forum to get a better understanding of the process for the Embassy that you will be interviewing with, and to get direct answers from those who have completed the steps you are about to at the US Embassy - Colombia.

    Those in this thread, are applying from various Embassies around the world and there are different process for each. So what works in Russian, Philippines or UAE may not work for those processing through Columbia. VJ sub forum for all things dealing with the US Embassy in the Colombian and they will answer your questions for the processing of your visa from their personal experience. Link: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/96-mexico-latin-south-america/

    Get the US Embassy Colombian K1 Embassy Letter (EL) at http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQFjAAahUKEwjxpMeZ_9jHAhWBvoAKHWlIAuY&url=http%3A%2F%2Fphotos.state.gov%2Flibraries%2Fcolombia%2F231771%2FPDFs%2FIVPkt3-4Instforinterviewmedicalexam_Oct2013_.pdf&usg=AFQjCNEpCX1tzqMoy4YxxYDJokypCTqJLw&sig2=shqbIglBK8R2mAJjLWQc8was this is your bible needed to complete and receive your visa. The required documents are included and use the EL as a check list. Once you have completed or gathered the required documents you'll be ready for your interview. If it is not on the Embassy letter, it probably is not needed.

    Last but not least, READ the pages on the US Embassy website for you country so that you are up to speed.


    One last place to check for information would be the VJ Wiki found here: http://www.visajourney.com/wiki/index.php/Special:AllPages

    Good luck and God's speed.

    Think you so much I really appreciate the feedback! And taking the time to explain this.

  7. Hi everyone,

    I was in the November filers group, but was told I belong in this one instead...I sent our I-129F packet Nov. 25, due to holiday it was just delivered Monday afternoon of this week (Nov. 30), and just got NOA1 e-notification today!

    Good luck to all of you!

    LoL I was told the same thing so welcome to the December group!!! That's awesome!!! Quick notification and it went to Cali.

  8. Good Day December filers. Welcome to what is worst then the 5 o'clock rush hour. Yes, it's going to be long process so keep your anxiety in check and don't spend to much time dwelling on "when will I get it" syndrome. This is not a race but a marathon so gather up your patience's.

    There are two recommendations that you should do to make your life a little easier. First sign up for myUSCIS and get the android or IOS app for monitoring your records. Every time there is an update you will receive a message on your phone. They are awesome for letting you go about your day and not worrying about your applications.

    More details below, follow the links for instructions in how to get the apps and register for myUSCIS.

    Good luck to all. :thumbs:

    Thanks will do!

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