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Posts posted by a1angied

  1. Hi I post in other sections but since I am at this stage just wondered if I can get an estimate of time from the Biometrics appointment to the Interview if that is what is next.

    I just got the letter with the appointment yesterday for the 24th a week from today, I just want to know where does it go from here?

    For those of you who have not had the processing started or that is slow my heart goes out to you as well as my prayers. For those that go fast a smoothly congrats.

    Any help is appreciated.

    My time line is up to date

  2. Happy Friday all. It is going to be a wonderful day but the temps are getting to summer weather today 83 this weekend in the 90's. But I am sure I will be able to still enjoy it by starting swimming.

    Yesterday I got the appointment letter for the Biometrics Appointment for the 24th so I guess things are moving right along.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Happy Easter to all. My husband and I went to a Catholic service last night because my bosses daughter was having her baptism and they invited us and it was a 3 hour service oh my I have forgotten how Easter Service is as it has been a long time since I attended Catholic church. He said ok I tired it this time but please don't invite me to this again. I don't want to have to do that ever again, I guess that is why I joined a nondenominational church. I want the spitiuality not religion.

    Think I am going to make a pasta dish with turkey italian sausage and ricotta, pramasan, and mozzarella cheeses. Garlic Bread and greenbeans.

  4. Happy Friday All!

    I am excited I sent the papers in to remove conditions and they were received on March 28 and April 1 the check was processed through my bank. I am thinking this is a good sign. Is there a way to check on the computer as it has been awhile since I have had to track any progress on papers. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  5. Just wanted to start the topic as I haven't been around all the time, I check in often though just to see how things are going.

    I have been babysitting for a week and my boss returns today so I will not have to watch his three children 8, 10, 15. I am so ready to go home and be with my husband and in my own bed.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

  6. Hello all,

    I haven't been on in awhile but had some free time and wanted to stop by to say Hi to all.

    All is well with me and next month is when we file to remove conditions. Yeah! Almost done.

    Take Care


  7. Happy Caturday all. I have cats outside that come to eat food but won't let me touch them. I guess cus they know the dog lives inside.

    Today was wonderful weather the sun was shinning all day, it was wonderful! Central California was not fogged in today.

    My husband went to Jordan for 20 days last month and it was the first time he was gone since he got here 1 1/2 years, it was hard but I talked to him 3 times a day.

    He is a work right now and I am going to a friends daughters 16th birthday party so I won't be gone too long.

    Life is going good and in March is when we will lift conditions.

    Hope everyone is doing well!


  8. I am Angie and I am a Drug and Alcohol counselor for the past 10 years and I manage a company during the day. My husband Hasan works in sanitation at Foster Farms a big chicken processing plant. He has been there for a year and a month.

    Waiting for March to lift conditions.

  9. I had called Jordan Travel because that is the travel agency that I used when I went to get married and they can get cheaper tickets if I was in Chicago or New York but the problem is from San Francisco to New York is what is going to really get me. I will try Delta, he is going to go to talk to the HR department to find out exactly what days and I was going to try priceline to see if I can get a cheap flight to NY.

  10. Amal please include me for 2 copies of the book.

    Jackie I pray that whatever transpiered today in court is God's will and I know that these things drag out for months and sometimes even years. I pray that the fate of this man is decided soon.

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