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Posts posted by PHARAOH7

  1. as long as they did keep his passport then urn't denied thats for sure ................... u r under AP ...............but that might take some time it depends how many months it ll take ......... from what they say it shouldnt exceed 6 months so it 6 months or less ............ but in reality in some cases it goes for twice that long sometimes ................... peace

  2. let him just apply for student summer visa its usually for 2 months .............. or mid term visa ............if he got it which is based on mere luck ............. he can stay there join some community college and u start ur life without postponing ..... and get going with ur life dont make the fault i did waiting waiting postponing postponing u ll ruin & waist ur life in such worthless game

  3. people after 4 th of may #CAIRO EMBASSY ............. no singel one was scheduled yet ........... um on my 105 th day now waiting to be scheduled for interview .................... some people get their interview just after 2 or 3 months ...........its just depends on mere luck .........for some one got pure luckj like me so waiting for more than 3 1/2+ months ............. its normal .......... but i got high blood pressure from this journey and enjoyin life :)

  4. whats going on

    did they cancelled urs ??

    sorry was away for few days

    nope they havnt schedul any one from cairo still ............. um talkin about all thosepoor folks from pakistan .... get scheduled and was really excited then suddenly sorry guys cancel no interviews for u wait some more ............. i bet that never happened before ........... NVC is playin lately with people lives ............NVC is playin with couples waited for so long to be together ........... um not sure if thats testin people patience or just want people to say enough with it

    - the thing NVC never gets is that some people here r really happy where they r from and live a good life but they r obliged to file for that CR1 visa cuz their spouses cant really go live with them .......... NOT every one is doing that cuz they wanna live in the so called heaven on earth thats not true SOME CANT BE WITH THEIR LOVED ONES UNLESS THEY R DOIN THAT ..........

    so they better start deal with us as human beings contributing in the real life one way or another not just like a bunch of beggers do whatever they want to them and they just say ok i understand dont worry bout it ...........PFFFFFFFFFFF

  5. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw ............. scheduled then cancelled!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......... NVC on fire past few months doing things i never heared of before honestly ............ really whats going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ................. r they serious or just have no clue what they r doing and just playin with couples futures all over the world

    104 DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS .......... #NVC & #CAIRO EMBASSY r snooooooooooooooring

  6. For those whose interviews may end up not happening until after January 1, does anyone know if those applicants will need to update their I-864 with 2015 tax returns, '15 evidence of income, etc.?

    u ll have an interview before next year ........... all the delay happening now cuz of the summer season they were busy with tourists & students visas (summer visas) ........... i dont think u ll wait as long as may june july cc wait and still waiting actually ..........

  7. My husband and I called NvC almost everyday

    well from what i see in the spreadsheet for CANADA .................people with cc way after yours r already scheduled and some other after u in the queue already done with their interviews .............. i think u need to know whats wrong ................ u ll get something for sure with the coming batch for CANADA


  8. Of course not sorry. There's no rule. Like I said the record on this thread is 8 months for Cambodia. That use to be the wait 6 to 8 months for them. I have sent an email requesting information on delays to Egypt lets see what they say.

    i got some info dwheels from inside embassy .......... i just posted it before reading ur post ........... hopfully u confirm that and might get some updates about whats goin on with the CR1 no scheduling for CR1 since 4th of may thats about 4 months now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ................ appreciate it

  9. I'm not close to the time your waiting. But I'm on 78 days so I know how it feels.

    i really hope that all the ones who r waiting for soooooooooooo long ......... get their interviews assigned sooooooooooooooon .......... its just weird that canada waits for that long ............ i think u need to make some calls and send some emails u should have had even ur visa by now not just interviewed ........... hopfully its happy ending for us all soon

  10. Pharaoh, why don't you use this downtime to :time: ? Ya know, help others get a sense of how long the process is taking in Egypt/has taken you from the day you submitted your application to USCIS. http://www.visajourney.com/timeline/profile.php?id=216730

    It's more productive than complaining on this forum about something none of us has the power to change. At least filling in your timeline will let future applicants know what to expect. :idea:

    EXPECT 101 DAYS TILL CC WAITING FOR APPOINTMENT AND COUNITNG ..............how bout that ...........7'aleek fl manga bta3tak

  11. Wow can't believe how long people in Egypt are waiting for interviews!!!!! Crazy.

    Case completed was today :) so really hoping for an interview early to mid-October. Crossing my fingers for everyone!!!

    yup its even more than crazy .............. i dunno bout australia but u might get october interview its kinda fast usually ........... just wish for every body to finish with this process fast and smoothly ............. cuz for some ppl its becoming anything but fun anymore escpecially if u have to wait for so long

    check out dwheels case sheet u might figure out how long it takes in australia for an interview


  12. 100 DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYS ............. the magic number ............. its September already .............. so its not possible for any September interviews or as its already started so there is no hope for that!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...................

    NVC should start scheduling #CAIRO EMBASSY CR1 CASSES ............. they haven't done that for almost 4 months now ............ all of them needs an ice bucket challenge and um the one who will do the buckets happily

    :protest::protest::protest::protest::protest::protest: COOOOOOOOOOME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON NVC

  13. My husband had his interview on the 20th of Aug but we are in the AP black hole...I m really not sure what is worse except waiting is waiting and wanting to be with your loved one and cant sucks. I don't believe there was any reason to delay my husbands visa but we immediately gave them more proof of a relationship (like my being in Egypt for 5 weeks this summer). Its frustrating to say the least but as Gatu says we have to have faith. But in honesty mines pretty shaken.

    I guess what really bothers me is some people get nice CO's that ask a few questions and send you on your way. My husband was nervous and he got the CO of a really nasty place. I know my paperwork was good, this just makes me crazier than waiting for an interview date. At least with an interview date you know you will get one eventually, with AP you are in a deep black hole. I don't know back to waiting I guess.

    I really hope when you do get your interviews you get a good CO and not the nasty one we got.

    first of all its sucks u have to go through the unknown again .......... but from what i notice around AP can be from a month for whom they arleady been approved and asked to wait for their visa ...............to 9 -1 year for those who asked for additionals ...........

    that been said ........I BELEIVE THAT THE INTERVIEW RESULT IS PRE DETERMINED BY 90% IN ADVANCE so if they pre approved u and there isnt the so called red flags or just minors of them u eventually get a nice co smilling etc............. u get a light pleasent experience

    but the most common thing ppl gets a grumby fisciouse CO if their spouse have kids from previouse marriage .............. i wont say age difference i wont say any thing else thaugh all those r red flags ............. still looooooooooooooots of ppl got approved through grumby COS ............. by beeing ultimate confidence and let that CO knows u r gonna be with ur spouse no matter what not the american gouvernment nor the egyptian would be able to separate u from each other ............ so basically if the marriage is legitimate and the grumby CO feels that strong vibe he or she will got no other way but say the magic words u r approved sir u ll get ur passport via aramex withing 2 weeks or so............

    i wont be askin u what was ur red flags and how many ........ or ur husband might have been real shaky and not replyin instantly

    BUT TO BE FAIR AFTER ALL THEY DON'T DENY OR PUT ON AP FOR NO REASON............ there must have been somthing

    - send them what they asked for ASAP as long as they kept his passport u ll get the approval its just a matter of time u ll have to wait longer thats bout it plain and simple.

    - hope u get ur closure and u two be together soon ............... thats how the third world especially arab nations been treated for quit sometime now thaugh we r pretty much the same as anyone else ..........


  14. Hi VJ Members,

    We are expecting our to have our interview scheduled soon as our case was completed on May 24th, however, when we call the NVC they say they have scheduled all September interviews already and also that we are not scheduled yet (Waiting for 90+ days). Contradictingly, VJ timeline shows not a single interview scheduled (for EGY) in September (IR/CR) and it is already Aug 23rd.Any one has any idea what is going with Cairo embassy? I have seen other members with CC before ours and they didn't get their interview scheduled yet (or maybe they didn't update their profile).

    Is it the normail waiting game or are we missing something?

    Worthmentioning that worldwide the number of (IR/CR) interviews scheduled for September are not as much compared to previous months (Only 6 interviews world wide).

    Longest time frame between CC and Interview scheduling for Cairo embassy

    they should at least schedule some CR1 next monday thats the last day to schedule for September interview

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