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Posts posted by hampguy

  1. Hello everyone!

    OUR VISA WAS APPROVED!! A huge thank you to everyone on this forum for all the help. I honestly don't know how we would have made it without you guys. I am so relieved that it is OVER, and we can begin to have a regular life with an actual plan, and a home.

    Some people at the consulate did not know about VJ and although they were doing OK they didn't have as much information as we did. Of course I suggested they add some info to VJ.

    I will post about the interview in the Mexico section. There were very few questions.

    Thanks again to everyone and good luck a todos.

    Congratulations!! This is wonderful news!!! Like us, FINALLY, eh? After we were approved, the torturous waiting time evaporated from our minds and i hope that happens with you two as well. Today, we begin the journey again... which is actually fun, except the fees <_< . We are sending in all of the AOS/EAD/USCIS/AP stuff, just like we did for NOA1. If we are a dutiful in our preparation as we were for NOA1, we should not have any RFE's. John Rex is anxious to get a job and everyday has been filled with getting a plethora of things done for express mailing this morning.

    Again Jess, i am soooo happy for you guys!!!!

    timothy & john rex

  2. Hey to Everyone

    we finally have scheduled our interview for April 1 and the medical for the previous day. I want to thank everyone for their help and support so far-this has really, really sucked.

    I cannot imagine how anyone could make it through this process without a website like this because there really isn't much information coming from the US govt.

    An FYI we expected to wait 2 months for an interview in CDJ and only have to wait 3 weeks. So don't count on having a long time between when you pay/schedule and the interview to get your papers in order. If there is a better place I can post that information let me know.

    So we will be heading to CDJ in about 2 weeks.

    I hope no one is still waiting here. Will post a review of CDJ when we are done.

    Good luck to everyone in this process.

    Congratulations Jess!

  3. Hey to Everyone

    we finally have scheduled our interview for April 1 and the medical for the previous day. I want to thank everyone for their help and support so far-this has really, really sucked.

    I cannot imagine how anyone could make it through this process without a website like this because there really isn't much information coming from the US govt.

    An FYI we expected to wait 2 months for an interview in CDJ and only have to wait 3 weeks. So don't count on having a long time between when you pay/schedule and the interview to get your papers in order. If there is a better place I can post that information let me know.

    So we will be heading to CDJ in about 2 weeks.

    I hope no one is still waiting here. Will post a review of CDJ when we are done.

    Good luck to everyone in this process.

    Soooo happy for you!

    Hey to Everyone

    we finally have scheduled our interview for April 1 and the medical for the previous day. I want to thank everyone for their help and support so far-this has really, really sucked.

    I cannot imagine how anyone could make it through this process without a website like this because there really isn't much information coming from the US govt.

    An FYI we expected to wait 2 months for an interview in CDJ and only have to wait 3 weeks. So don't count on having a long time between when you pay/schedule and the interview to get your papers in order. If there is a better place I can post that information let me know.

    So we will be heading to CDJ in about 2 weeks.

    I hope no one is still waiting here. Will post a review of CDJ when we are done.

    Good luck to everyone in this process.

    Soooo happy for you!

  4. I cannot believe you are still waiting. It is shameful on USCIS's part.

    Ok everyone-I need to rant. We are at the end of our patience, our health, and everything else. It's been over 300 days since we filed. USCIS "processing times" has passed our filing date and STILL NOTHING.

    Senator Schumer's office is harder to contact than USCIS and has done nothing at all-not even answering our emails or our calls. We gave up on them. Senator Gillibrand's office has been very prompt and knowledgeable but have not yet replied to our email of last night.

    We really, really don't know what else to do. We are considering just moving to another country.....what else is possible for us? I am sick and not getting medical care here-things are really going downhill fast and I don't think I have the energy to fight any more. Already we are so far behind that I will need to fly back to the US to do income taxes and get more meds and supplements (illegal to ship those into Mex) and I guess return again if they ever process our application.

    Maybe they are going to deny it and that's why this is taking so long. Anyone have any insight into why applications are denied?

    Anyone have suggestions for another country we could live in that isn't too expensive since I'll need to maintain 2 homes and 2 families? Considering Nicaragua, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. Other ideas? Asia is too far away from our families.

  5. Thanks everyone for all the messages both public and private.

    I do have a print out with me with Tom's notes. We had planned to call VSC around 2/16 but maybe we can get our number even earlier based on what hampguy and others have said. That said, we are in the mountains of Mexico at the moment just enjoying each other so maybe a few days more doesn't make a big difference given our wait already.

    You guys have all been such a great support and honestly I don't know if we would have made it this far without this support and the information!!! I also signed up for another site and felt absolutely alone there and gave up.

    I hope no one from March is still waiting in the hell hole called Texas.

    Was your case transferred to VSC? I could not tell from your timeline. I was hoping it was NVC. I do have some "tips" that i used when calling NVC several times a day... these folks are very kind and don't bullshit you like USCIS.

    Jess, please get back to me.

  6. Hampguy--your initial post is confusing. You say she was "here" on a visa and they married "here". Is that US, UK, or Philippines? I kinda lost the plot and thought she studied in the UK on a visa.

    If she is a UK citizen, they have benefits for her. But they have new immigration laws that prohibit her from bringing an American husband to live in the UK unless she meets the financial requirements. Read them here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/469692/Appendix_FM_1_7_Financial_Requirement_August_2015.pdf

    You can study maternity benefits here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/maternity-benefits-technical-guidance/maternity-benefits-technical-guidance

    If you can understand those volumes of info, then you may be sufficiently armed to go rain on their parade. Or maybe you will just want to let them work it out for themselves.


    I reread my post after your comment. I thought it was very clear. She was here(I live in USA) studying. She would go back to UK occasionally to get passport stamped. She married my friend in US and had another wedding in Thailand. Now pregnant, she wants to go back to London and give birth and bring her husband.. Somehow i do not think it is as easy as she says, especially after saying they are not going to work due to her claiming they each get one(1) yea. paid maternity/paternity leave/

    . I really do not want to say anything to them, yet i also would not want to see them set themselves up in a bad immigration situation....especially after what me and my partner(Filipino) have dealt with.

  7. **** Moving from CR-1 spousal visa to UK regional forum as the questions are about UK law, not US immigration. *****

    Could you please send me a link to where you placed my post? I am not very familiar with site other than my own usage.

    Thank you.

    Your post is a bit confusing. You mentioned Denmark ... Not sure if she currently lives there. As per moving her husband to the UK he would need a visa. If he is merely visiting he can stay for up to 6 months.

    Regarding benefits, if she has been away from the UK for over 6 months it is likely a habitual residency assessment will be done to determine eligibility. If she fails the habitual residency test then she will have to live there continuously for 3 months to qualify.

    They have been married almost 2 years and reside in northern CA. She used to go back to UK to have passport/visa renewed. Her leaving USA before doing AOS etc. will exclude her from becoming a potential citizen here in US, right?

  8. Your post is a bit confusing. You mentioned Denmark ... Not sure if she currently lives there. As per moving her husband to the UK he would need a visa. If he is merely visiting he can stay for up to 6 months.

    Regarding benefits, if she has been away from the UK for over 6 months it is likely a habitual residency assessment will be done to determine eligibility. If she fails the habitual residency test then she will have to live there continuously for 3 months to qualify.

    The remark about Denmark was a joke.... "Something smells in Denmark"... It is a line used when something is amiss.

  9. She is a Scottish citizen. Scotland is part of the UK. That makes her a UK citizen as well. As a UK citizen, she is entitled to benefits.

    The USC can not simply waltz into the UK and live. A US citizen is allowed 90 days in the UK without a visa. He would need to get residency status in the UK if he wants to stay. If they aren't doing it the correct way, then their naivete will bite them in the #######.

    It does seem to me that they are living in an unreal world.... what country can you legally enter and get benefits like one year of paid maternity and paternity leave without even having held a job? It makes no sense to me.

  10. She is a Scottish citizen. Scotland is part of the UK. That makes her a UK citizen as well. As a UK citizen, she is entitled to benefits.

    The USC can not simply waltz into the UK and live. A US citizen is allowed 90 days in the UK without a visa. He would need to get residency status in the UK if he wants to stay. If they aren't doing it the correct way, then their naivete will bite them in the #######.

    Thanks. Title of post says UK/Thai dual citizen.

    Didn't think it sounded correct from what she has said. Have you any further info?

  11. Hello,

    My friend who is a USC married his longtime gf who Thai/Scottish. She was here on visa for studies. They married here then headed to Thailand for "destination" wedding.

    She is pregnant and wants to be in London where her mother an sister live. She has told me all she has to do is fly there with her USC husband and all is done. Myself and my partner in the Philippines are at the medical/interview stages with our K1. He should be here by Christmas. With that being said and knowing what we have gone and are going through something seems wrong with the picture she paints us. She also said that the UK will provide on year of paternity/maternity to each parent and PAY them. How can this be true when they won't even have worked there? Something seems terribly wrong with what she is telling us.

    She wants the baby to be born there so baby will be citizen automatically, right? Again, something smells very bad in Denmark....... any leads or links to this situation would be appreciated.

    Thank you.



    Don't know if this helps Jess, when i spoke with congressman's counsel, he said TSC is understaffed.....BFD i know. Any further actions with "powers that be"?

  13. I received a letter from my state senator's office that they inquired on behalf of my case on October 20th- I was approved Oct 28.

    If you're still waiting, contact your US Senators!!! It makes a difference!

    I contacted Sen Thom Tillis and his office said they could not do anything until the "official" processing time had passed.

    I contacted Sen Richard Burr's office right after and they inquired on my behalf.

    Thank you Renee in the Winston Salem, NC office!!!


  14. NO1 3/23 filler here- approved on 10/29!!!!!!???

    The Day before I went to spend some time with my fiance..there was nothing more I wish to happen...I was losing hope like most of you guys here..but our day came in the perfect time so we can celebrate together..everything is happing for some reason and I believe your day is coming very soon! ....NO2 is on your way?

    Congratulations to you both... enjoy the next steps, they are much faster than the hell at TSC.

  15. He did not have many belongings. I have totally enabled all of this. I am not saying I am to blame, but am just admitting I have been an enabler. The part I have the most difficulty understanding is that when I am vocal about things, I get dismissed to not understanding Cuban people and Cuban culture.

    Ok, we can all be enablers at times. The good news is that you acknowledge it. You might never know what he deems "Cuban culture" From the Cubanos i knew in LA and FL, they do not treat their gf/wives like this!! He sounds like he wants to be taken care of and is not conscientious of how you figure into the situation. His arrogance and "Machismo" is in full swing. Put him on the RTD to LAX. You owe him nothing. I do hope you do not marry this guy. I cannot imagine anybody ignoring the 'red flags" this early on. I was wrong about you not owing him anything...treat yourself to a one way ticket from LA to Cuba for him.

    You have acknowledged being an enabler, the second step is to take the action and get into the solution of the problem....if you are not in the "solution", you are in the problem.

    Please take extra good care of yourself and know you do not deserve this treatment.

  16. Agree on putting my foot down.

    Thank you all for validating my feelings

    His behavior is absolutely disgusting to me. How he can talk and treat you like that in YOUR home is beyond me. I would never tolerate being spoken to like that in my home....regardless of who it is. He sounds like he has no gratitude. As far as buying clothes? Wow, "Out of the Closet" thrift shops are not good enough? I lived in LA for 26 years, left in 2003. There is that amazing Cuban restaurant on La Cienega and another on the west side and another in the Valley....the name is escaping me.

    My partner is coming here from the Philippines and i have been buying quality items from Savers and local thrift stores, i have showed him and he is shocked that they are high end and in brand new shape. I just returned from Savers about one hour ago and got a few winter items for the both of us. Luckily we are both the same size.

    It sounds like you live very close to LAX........

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