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Posts posted by Mrs_Carmona9412

  1. I believe there is no telling an exact processing time, not even an estimate. Every case is different. No one admits it but sometimes things get lost or misplaced, or even forgotten and then they make up this B.S story about there is an increased volume in applicants. (I guess sometimes that IS true.) My husbands case took almost 3 years since we filed our i-130 in 2012. We also filed for an i-601waiver which took almost a year to complete and then recieved a letter that they wanted more evidence! Anyway, he just had his interview at the U.S consulate in Juarez, Mx on Monday and was approved. Now there's more waiting to do for his passport to arrive. That's all it is sometimes... Money... and waiting... Good luck!

  2. I may not be much help but my husband recieved a letter from NVC on April 24th saying it would be about 60 days before they reviewed his case due to a heavy volume in applicants. But we got another letter by May 20th saying it was reviewed, then June 10th we recieved our consular appointment letter. We were surprised it didn't even take a full 30 days out of the 60 day window they gave us. I guess every case id different. Good luck and hope you get your case complete soon!

  3. We got that same letter from the NVC. I believe we recieved it on April 24th saying they're experiencing an increased volume of applicants and that it will be at least 60 days frmo then until they actually review our case. By May 20th we got another letter saying our case was reviewed and we finally recieved the actual appointment letter with instructions for the consulate interview on June 10th. My husbands appointment was July 27th. We never called to check the status, if anything we were too busy working to save money for the trip to Juarez! Everything fell into place, he was approved and now he is waiting for his passport to be delivered. Good luck and I hope you receive your appointment soon!

  4. Try to apply for an I-601 or I-601a waiver. When my husband and I got our I-130 approved we immediately filed for the I-601a because he tried to come in to the U.S illegally in '95, he was caught and immidiately sent back to Mexico, he never made it across. He tried again in '97 and has been here ever since. He just had his visa interview on Monday and was approved! When someone says they cross over with family or even friends, it is seen as immigrant smuggling, so I am not sure if the waiver would help you in your case. I would seek legal help from an attrorney. Good Luck!

  5. My interview was on Thursday Jun 25 and I got the visa on Wednesday Jul 1. It stayed an entired day in Juarez.

    Basically the consulate generated the visa on Friday, it stayed all day there then they sent it to Monterrey on Monday and Monterrey to Saltillo on Tuesday and I picked it up Wednesday morning in Saltillo.

    That's not bad, considering you had it delivered to another city. My husband is waiting for it in Juarez, sounds like he has a good chance of coming home later this week. Thank you for your post!

  6. We are at the few steps before the interview where we must send all supporting documents to the NVC.

    I was reading that it says you must have the Hep-B vaccine but back when I was a kid in my country nobody had that vaccine. Do I need to get it now as an adult or will they let me pass because I have all the rest of the vaccines required?

    You will get how ever many vaccinations they see fit. My husband didn't have any record of ever being vaccinated as a child and we were worried he was going to have to get ALL of them, but luckily he only got 3. We paid a total of $350 including the exam.

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