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Posts posted by noone12

  1. Pre trial is no conviction. Nevertheless in order for sth not to mess up with removal of conditions the maximum sentence for the crime needs to be less than an year. This is the immigration side but check with criminal attorney on what will happen in your state.

    The maxumum possible sentence even if the sentence the judge gives is less.

  2. haha this made me laugh ...but it is not about where we come from - we build a life here, for a long time and the mere thought your life, the one that you built can be questioned and your morality and trips - it is just nerve wrecking experience for it seems a lot of us. we are still the privileged ones to be here, waiting for this step but honestly i can not wait someone not to have a say on where I am going to live, work, simply exist. I think the feeling will be like i was no longer required to go on the line for passports other than in europe - it is just a kind of freedom, one you long for and sacrficed for a long time. freeedom with many responsibilities and rights. i can wait for the wait to be over.

  3. I am really happy for everyone who got their notices but I have seen a weird trend- some people get notices within a week or so and others just wait. It happens sometimes that those who got notices quick get before of other in the same office who are before them. Does somebody know how the "line" moves - is it just the date of fingeprinting query or sth else taken into consideration - like availability of the A file in the local office. I have my A file and I saw an email from IO to supervisor who asks for rapsheets of a bunch of people - and it was saing " as per 10-4-11 fbi query " so it seems it is the fingerprinting date still some people just jump in front of the line while others wait.

  4. And, again the whole scheduling seems unigue - even though Boston office took 2-3 weeks to sc hedule 5 people I know of in the last month I am still not scheduled.

    As far as fingerprints - they need them on each application. It is not a step that takes a lot though - it takes 48 hours on average to have your fingerprints cleared. The real wait is at the local office when you wait in line hoping a date and time for you comes quick. Good luck to you too.

    I wish they had more options for expedite request.

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