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Filipina warriors

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Posts posted by Filipina warriors

  1. I tried calling but always put on hold. :( Aren't they supposed to finish reviewing it since DS260 has an expiration date.

    I suggest calling NVC on Monday to see if they can put you on a Supervisor Review. We got on it after 35 days and were approved 1 day after.

    I tried calling but always put on hold. :( Aren't they supposed to finish reviewing it since DS260 has an expiration date.

  2. Well I guess this is everywhere anyways. It's nowhere different with the Philippines situation when it comes to professionals. That US reference is ridiculous. :( If you're a hardworking person trying your luck on your own but know no one from that place is definitely non sense. :( Thanks to everybody though.

  3. But I am not a Pharmacist. I am a Chemist just like Chemical Engineer except that I work more inside the Laboratory,usually in the research and development of products or testing of quality of the products in Manufacturing industries. Thanks.

  4. I am a Licensed Chemist from the Philippines. I have plan to work in the US, but I will have my visa from my husband who is a US citizen. Will the companies in US honor my diploma as Chemist if I applied for a Chemist position. Thank you.

  5. Hi. I just wanna ask who among here is expecting a case complete this week. It's been almost 45days now since we submitted the AOS and Civil Documents. And it'll be 30 days now on October 9 for my DS 260. However I didn't received any confirmation or email from NVC since I submitted it unlike when I submitted DS261.Did you receive an email after submitting DS260? Thanks.

  6. If you're married and still in communication with her, and you have kid. I don't think that's an issue.

    If you're married and still in communication with her, and you have kid. I don't think that's an issue.

    If you're married and still in communication with her, and you have kid. I don't think that's an issue.

    If you're married and still in communication with her, and you have kid. I don't think that's an issue.

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