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Posts posted by wvnurse

  1. Hi all,

    I am having a problem here. When my husband, who is from Kenya, and I go to social gatherings, what do I do when I don't speak the language? We recently lost my sister-in -law to colon cancer on 2/24. WE traveled 2 hours from where we live to be there, and cared for her in the last few weeks, and then after she passed away, we sent her home to Kenya to be buried. During so much of the time we were there, Kikuyu was spoken. The parents came to see her, ad of course they dont speak english. Thats fine...but I feel like at a loss of what to do when its just my husband and cousins his age as we were hanging out in the evening, having some beer and goat meat...the conversation began in english..then changed to kikuyu..I dont want to sound like a big baby..but I felt left out. How do I handle this? I want to try to learn the language..but this will take time. When the conversation changes from english to their tribal language..what to I do.. look at the wall?? take a book to read, I dont want to look stupid. I understand how much speaking is language is so important to him. Has anyone else been through this?? Please help!!!!!

  2. Hello All,

    Yes, it is a shame that people are comitting marriage fraud. Now, we will all have to suffer! I live about 90 minutes from Arlington, and read about this in the Washington Post. The story came out 2 days after my husband and I were interviewed. He is from Kenya, and was overstayed on his visa. We have a wonderful bonafide marriage, we dated 20 months before getting married. Our interview was a nightmare in Pittsburgh The officer was so nasty to my husband I could hardley speak, he was a true smart a$$ to me during the time we were interviewed together, but was very nice during my individual interview. I think he must have a split personality. We recied a letter requesting more information on my husbands past. He would not accept my husband birth certificate, needs proof that he was not married prior to coming to the USA..just a bunch of other stuff. He also wanted a copy of his visa application....so with that we consulted a lawyer, because my husband was not completely honest on his visa application. I want to add here that this is very common for people in the past to "color" the application a bit, because they just dont let single, working class folks out of countries to visit the US. So, now we have hired an immigration lawyer to file the 601 waver, as my husband admitted his falt to the lawyer, he was not asked at the interview if he lied on his visa application. In the past, Immigration was really only concered about your life since you cme into the US, of course the FBI back round check needed to be completed and approved, and no other marriages or crimes comitted abroad. Other than this incident, my husband has been an honest man. I know people who have married immigrates with an overstayed status, and were never ever asked to produce a copy of their visa application. Our lawyer told us that African groups are now being targeted for high suspect in fraud. She stated that it going to be very difficult for Africans to get into and stay in this country.

    What a shame that we will have difficulties keeping our loved ones, due to a few peoples greed.

    Good luck to all of you, as my husband are prepared to fight!


  3. Hi All,

    Well I got a letter from Pittsburgh today, and as was posted by anther person,to my last post, it looks like the Officer is playing hard ball for sure. He is requesting the following: A birth certificate from his daughter back in Kenya, ( we did supply this once) so I guess we will get a baptismal certificate, that is an alternative listed, also, Secondary evidence of hubbys birth in Kenya, copy of application for b-1 Immigrant visa application, evidence of civil status married/single in Kenya prior to coming to the USA, evidence of income and filing of the required state and federal income tax returns from 2001 to present. (it was a typo 1001 to present) alll of this by October 5th. I think some of these documents will be difficult to get. He worked under the table, and was paid cash . So he must contact the IRS of what to do, I heard they will work with you in a payment plan. He hasnt gotten home from work yet.so he has no clu what is waiting for him... any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance


  4. Hello to all,

    Well its been a few days since out interview, and we have calmed down a bit. I know that out situation is different, given the age differences. I do believe that the officer really was just doing his job, in trying to protect me as a USC. I think he did calm down when I told him we had been dating since 2004, not 2005 as he first thought. So we are waiting to see what list of thigs John needs, and the officer was even a bit helpful at the end in suggesting school records. John has called home and requested the send his Kenyan national ID, which the officer wanted, look into school records, and taking his mother to get the affidavid done. I think we will be approved, because I feel we have proved that we have a bonafiide marriage. There was nothing that he asked each of us that we answered differntly. We have turned the matter over to God and will get a lawyer if need be. Thanks to u all for the support,


  5. my favorite time of the year..summer almost over....glad of that...and now, football season starts tomorrow evening....

    i am always for ...the st louis rams!

    and you??????????????????????????????????

    Hi !!

    I am also happy to see football season again! I am a Pittsburgh Steeler fan!

    Here we go Steelers Here we go.........!


    my favorite time of the year..summer almost over....glad of that...and now, football season starts tomorrow evening....

    i am always for ...the st louis rams!

    and you??????????????????????????????????

    Hi !!

    I am also happy to see football season again! I am a Pittsburgh Steeler fan!

    Here we go Steelers Here we go.........!


    Oh Shoot...

    How can I forget Penn State??

    We are PENNSTATE....!

    Chris (again)

  6. Hi All,

    Whew, back from Pittsburgh this evening. The city was nice, we had dinner down station square, rode on the incline, today hung around the strip district. Now, the interview was another story! The man we had, has a split personality! He was so nice to me, but just a beast to my poor husband! My husband is from Kenya and is soft spoken with a thick accent, the interviewer was a big older white guy ( am white as well...).

    He just about brow beat my husband with "I cant hear u! U need to speak up..what did u say!!??"He drilled my husband like he was a criminal! Asked when he came to this country, why didt he leave?? "oh, you never intended to leave here, did u!!??" and "why did u stay??" my husband replied, that he liked it here, the guy kept saying "U liked it here..thats not an answer, I asked U why U stayed here??" and again John could only say he liked it here..they he asked did he work, John said he did, odd jobs and washed dishes. The man asked if he paid taxes on this money, John said no. He asked where he worked how he got the job and did he fill out work papers, and John said no he didnt, he only showed the man his drivers license, and never asked if he had a work permit. He was just nasty about all this, and just glared at my husband. He never asked to see a marriage certificate, he looked at the bills and said what eles do u have beside bills? I showed the paper from the bank, it states we have checking and savings, but did not show the list of deposits. He asked if we had a check book, it only had a few checks out..he was upset about that..I told him I just put the new one in.and forgot to put the log back in. He just seemed irritated to be interviewing us... THEN... he didnt accept my husbands birth certifcate, its the only one he has, and its an official document, but my husband was born at home, and the people register the home births at home, John registration date was back in 1991, and he was upset that it was registered 20 years after his birth, and it wasnt acceptabe. he wanted to see his Kenyan ID, that he no longer has cause he doent live there anymore, and he told the man that he has a valid passport for ID, and he asked well what did u use to get the passport..and John said the birth certificate....the guy just went on and on about the birth certificate. Well, at this point I was getting worried!

    The man then sent John out of the room to speak to me alone, he asked how we met, and then said " are u aware there is a significant age differance??" I kind of chuckled and said "uh,, yes" ( I am 15 year older ) I told him how it was a bit of an issue with me at first, but never to John. I said well I dont look like I am turning 50.(God blessed me with good skin and a baby face) and he man nodded and raised his eyebrows and said not u don't look 50.. and I laughed and said well I am not 50 till the end of this month...and then I just might not even be 50 then! and he laughed. He joke with me when I said that I met John on April fools day...and said That might tell u something...then he said he became engaged and married his wife on April fools day..I said to him " well, that might just say something about u too".. and again he laughed. He asked me something else, minor, I dont remember..but I started to cry...and told him I was so sorry that I was just so nervous...I said "its just that my husband is such a good man...hes so good to me...hes so grounded, and I'm not....he treats me so good...he's such a good man..." the man was very nice and said its ok, to cry..Im sorry i dont have any tissues, as he looked about the desk. The he said, " Everything is going to be ok, u dont have anything to worry about." He asked some things about John and his daughters mother back home, I explaided that they had diffrences, that she was from anither tribe, that John is Kikuyu, and I didnt know what she was, but it was a tribe that never got along with his. When they broke up, she left and John told her the baby stayed with him..that is how they do there, the child belongs to the man..after a few more things he called for John and I went out, he asked him what tribe he was from, and what happed with the childs mother, John told him the same as I did. He tried to provoke John by saying " tell me about the customary marriage between the babys mother and you.. and John told him..3 times that he was NEVER married to her. He just brow beat him some more trying to catch him in a lie.

    He then called for me, and told us. "I cant approve u today, your back round check hasnt come back, and I need some other documentation about the birth certificate" He said he had to prove he was born there.. So I asked well what does his mother have to do, sign an afidavid stating she gave birth to him on such and such date at home?..He kind of looked at me and nodded his head and said well yes something like that..a self serving documentation....and stated he could get school records too, and but said I really want that document from the police station. He said well, I will send u a letter telling you what I need. He smiled at me, and I reached to shake his hand, and John reached to shake his...it seem like neither one wanted to..lol What a day!!. He asked nother that we were prepared to answer, he did however study our wedding pics, and the letter from Johns work, and the letter from the Dr when John seen him for the first visit..( thanks for being my new patient stuff, if u have any questions have your wife call me, or you can call the office..lol)

    So what do U think???? Do think he will deny us??? I dont know what to think, I need works of encouragement and a game plan for a denial. Thanks so much for the help I have recieved here. Sorry this was soo winded!


  7. Thanks guys, but what is co-mingling of assets???He has only had his ss# for a short while, the mortage on the house is new, I closed just 2 weeks after getting married, I dont think I can list him untill I refinace. I can see if I can quickly add him to my car loan...Perhaps I get him added to my JC pennys account. I havent even changed the name on my credit card yet... they want a copy of marriage license, that I have yet to provid them. Oh well...I hope I have enough stuff..


  8. Based on the other reviews from San Antonio I was expecting a cake walk. Nope.

    I am the 'immigrant'.


    Appt was at 1:30pm, we got there at 1:15pm and were called at 1:40pm.

    Escorted upstairs and to his office by the inteviewing officer. On the way up in the elevator he asked if I had my Biometrics appt, I said yes, on June 13, 2006.

    Were asked to sit down with me on the right side. IO sorted through some papers, asked us to stand and swear under oath.

    Then came the questions... We were asked:

    - our ages (I'm 8 years older), this raised an eyebrow

    - our previous marriages, any children. The IO asked my husband quite a few questions about his previous marriage, when married, for how long, why it ended. Got another raised eyebrow since I've never been married and have no children. I guess women are supposed to have these things by the time they're 36

    - about our engagement

    - about our wedding

    - about our courtship and visits before I entered on K1

    - my husband about his education, job history and plans for the future

    - me about my education and what line of work I plan on looking for

    - me about my family

    - proof of co-habition. He took into consideration that we've been married less than 5 months and didn't have much proof.

    - how many times I've been to the USA

    and a few of the "are you a terrorist/prostitute/criminal questions

    - he took my I-94, told me about removing conditions

    - he didn't check either of our IDs

    - he didn't ask to see photos, but we convinced him to look at ours after the interview

    Most of the questions were directed to my husband, the USC. He even told my husband about how I should apply for an EAD if I really wanted to work.

    He told us we were approved, pending my FBI clearance and we were given a wait time of 3-4 months for the clearance.

    We were back in the parking lot by 2:10pm

  9. Hello all,

    My husband and I are going to have our interview in Pittsburgh on Sept. 5th. We have wedding pi, other family pics and events with all of us. We also have bills in our names, he is on my Insurence, and Benif. of each other, we are on the same car insurence, joint checking and savings acounts. I was thinking we should get some letters from friends. Do they just write a letter stating how the know us a couple and what not... and then get the letter noterized or is there a form we need for the letter to be written on?

    Thanks, Chris

  10. Hi Helen,

    I will tell then to hurry up and get your interveiw.. and are u from Pittsbugh as well. just looking for a hotel near the office. I told my husband I cant wait to go.... and buy some cool Steeler gear we cant get here in WV. I was born and raised in Pa, about 90 miles from Pittsburgh. I cant wait to get a real parogie pizza! I hope I can find station square..its been a while since I have there.

    See ya Chris :dance:

  11. we had a prenuptial agrement before we got married, it was verbal:

    if one of us gets very fat, the other one can ask for a divorce, and the first one has to agree with the divorce, no matter what.


    no seriosly, this is real

    WOW..LOL... My husband is from Kenya, and he loves big women... I think he would ask me for a divorce if I got skinny!!! He says.."skinny legs turn me off..."But to each their own for that as well.


  12. Thanks ladies,

    I will sit down and have a talk about the bank account issue with my husband. I am willing to do this as long as we do keep open comunication. Thanks for all the coments, as i will keep reading them.


  13. Hi all,

    I have a question for ya'll. My husband is from Kenya. Things are now really falling into place for us. He has recieved his EAD card and Monday recieved in SS card. We job hunted on Wenesday, and got hired on Saturday in a printing co. So life is good. I know my husband will always have "family support" back home, and that will never be a problem. He has worked "under the table" untill now. Even though the money he made was very low paying, he always took care of home back home and since we have been married takes care of home here. I always fet bad about taking his money..I make $32.00/hr... he made $6.50/hr, but he is a man and he feels he needs to contribut to our family..one of the reasons I love him sooo much. Anyway, he told me Saturday after he secured his position, that he wanted us to have 3 bank accounts, mine ours and his. I guess I thought we would just put all of our money together in 1 big pot. I have been married before, lol but he never worked so, this was never an issuue, cause it was all mine! I guess he will take money from his account to send to his family....I guess its a good thing..the bill money will go into one account, and if I go shopping for "stuff" that , that money will come out of my account. What do u all think???? My husband has been very honest about thinks and is very open. I have a great relationship with what family of his is here, his sister and brother, cousins and family friends. I have been invited to all family parties and such. I have no reason at all to not trust him. I guess I should add that have always had insecruities, some of that stems from past relationships. I have to truley say, John is the BEST man I have ever known. Any coments will be welcomed

    Thanks, Chris

  14. Hi all,

    I am new to this forum, and I cant believe some of the attitudes here. I just wanted a little support. Thank you Kezzie for your opinions. My husband is a 4 year overstay from Africa. He entered into this country leagally. We married in December after having dated for 2 years. We filed for his AOS in Feb. I want to ask Stinger a question. What if...he/she met and fell in love with their spouse and found out that person was a visa overstay? Would you shun them or do everything in your power to allow this person to stay in this country? Dont forget some of our loved ones have suffered much in their home countries. Many are from third world countries, who have grown up with knowing what is like to go to bed hungry, and have not had may of the things that even the poorest of Americans have had. My husband is a wonderful man, has never been in trouble, never broken a law, except for this overstay. Yes, he was quite honest with me about his overstay and told me after a few months of dating, and it never made a diffrence to me. I just know we will do what we have to do to keep him here legally. I urge Stinger to have some compassion for his fellow man.


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