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Posts posted by Kris&Eva

  1. You must bring your letter from the embassy that confirms your interview, your passport, your police certificate, your fiance's/fiancee's pay stubs (proof of income), letter from fiance's/fiancee's employer, form I-134, proof of your relationship (pictures, receipts, flight tickets etc), proof of payment which you will have to make before the interview (the instructions on how to do this should be listed on your interview letter), birth certificate (original not a copy), 1 photo 2 inches by 2 inches.

    You will find the rest of the information on this website: http://santodomingo.usembassy.gov/k1-k2_instructions.html

    Best wishes and good luck!

  2. Sounds like you already have your visa.

    No I haven't got my visa YET. The K1 Petition is VALID FOR 4 MONTHS FROM THE PRIORITY DATE. My priority date is 25th June 2015. It will expire on 24th October 2015. I want to know what happens if the Medical expires and the priority date expires too? Can I have the medical done again? and will the validity date be extended?

  3. I had my medical examination done at Knightsbridge on 12th August. They found out that I have systolic heart murmur. I have received a referral letter to go to the hospital on 4th November 2015. My medical lasts 6 months so till January 2016 and the visa expiration date is 25th October.

    I don't know what to do at this point!!!!

    I rang the hospital and they said they have no available appointments before 4th November.

    What will happen with my visa process? and what will happen with the medical? Will the visa be extended and could I do my medical again if it expires?

    I know that when the tests are complete it will take extra time to time for them to send it over to Knightsbridge and if they confirm heart murmur , the knightsbridge medical centre has to receive RESULTS, and PROGNOSIS.

    I worry that the results will come out bad. What will happen then? Will this effect my visa process? Could they deny me?

    ​please help!

  4. Just because that's how it is for you doesn't give you the knowledge to diagnose others, please don't spread misinterpretation. Leave the diagnosis to doctors.

    The heart murmur thing mentioned in the other thread is the same thing the OP mentioned in this thread which she said the doctor wasn't even sure of so I don't know how you can tell the concern was warranted.

    This thread is older than the other one. The other thread has been posted recently. There is something wrong with me, and my doctor has referred me to have tests done.

  5. Sweetheart, I don't have the time or patience to argue with you "aggressively" I'm addressing issues which I think your posts have which could negatively affect the OP. It really is that simple.

    Everyone just please calm down. No harm done! Both of you made valid points and have been extremely helpful to me. Thank you all for taking the time to write back to me.

  6. I had a medical examination done and they have found a problem with my heart. I need tests done at the hospital so then it can be sent back to the Medical centre in London.. so then they can send the results to the embassy. I know it will take few weeks for me to receive results and then to have them sent to London. My priority date is 25th June 2015.. expires in 4 months so it expires in 24th October 2015. I am scared I won't be able to receive the interview before the expiration date.. because of the medical being put on hold. Can anyone give me some advice what to do?
  7. Amazing that there's also something else added onto that snippet of quote that kind of clarifies. ''Nevertheless, should it not be, it's always good to get it checked anyway.''

    If you'd like to continue aggressively arguing for the sake of arguing, it won't help the OP in the slightest, which is why I'm not continuing this with you, as it's kind of silly.

    ((OP London will extend your date. Don't worry. If it runs over or close, bring an updated and newly signed letter of intent from fiancé.))

    Thank you so much!

  8. I think it's great that action is being taken on your health, however I still think the whole thing was pointless. It's possible the doctor in London was right, also possible they were wrong. Only time will tell. I'm sorry this is delaying your process :(

    I'm just really scared because the expiration date is 25th october and i need the interview and the medical results to be sent before that. I know its plenty of time but sometimes it takes from 5-6 weeks to receive the interview and my medical isn't even done yet :(

  9. Absolutely don't worry, you won't be denied okay? And it's a very good thing you know now, where you can get medical care without heavy cost.

    Many people have heart murmurs, but they also often never know they have one. Often not even a doctor will pick it up as they can be transient and hard to hear if not specifically looking/trained. Stress will do you no good with it, but the good news is often murmurs are innocent and don't even require treatment beyond monitoring once in a while. My mom has a transient murmur, which is honestly fairly normal for her age. She has some underlying conditions that also has an affect on the heart. If you are generally fit and healthy, chances are it's an issue that is easily solved.

    Thank you! you have given me hope.

    I am just worried that the whole process is going to be delayed. I still haven't had my interview but the expiration date is 25th OCT. I am scared i won't be able to make it in time

  10. Just because you have anxiety doesn't give you the right to diagnose others on the internet with confidence :idea: I have panic attacks too, and given what the OP described and the mitigating circumstances, it seems pretty clear to me a panic attack is not what occurred.

    Oh really? Were you in the room with her and the doctor listening to her heart to know that the follow up was warranted? Give me a break.

    Ive made another post regarding the issue. I went to see my doctor today and she said she can hear a noise. She is going to refer me to the hospital for some tests. I still don't know when. Everything takes so long here in UK, it drives me mad. Apparently its a heart murmur.. so i guess the doctor in London was right. Still it doesn't give her the right to have an attitude with me. Doctors should have a positive attitude and look like they're willing to help... She shouldnt be a doctor.

  11. Did the GP refer you to a cardiologist? Before you leave for the U.S., I think you should pause and get some answers from a specialist. Medical care is so expensive in the U.S. so the opportunity to get evaluated free on NHS is really something to prioritize. It could be anything from not very serious to Whoa! you need heart valve repair. That could be billed out at over $100,000. So once you can stop crying because you know you will not be denied a visa, think about your health and consider at least getting a specialist's opinion. I understand it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under you but regroup and think about it. BTW, You two are a gorgeous couple.

    Heart murmur info http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/heart-murmur-causes-treatments

    The GP will be sending me to the hospital for an ultrasound scan for my heart and 24 hour monitoring observation of the heart. I don't know when yet as she told me she will be letting me know. Thank you for the reassurance and the compliment ! :blush:

  12. So I had my examination yesterday at Knightsbridge doctors and the lady sent me a referral to my GP as she heard something when she was checking my heart.

    I went to see my GP today and the DR heard the same thing. Ive never had heart problems... NEVER. I have been checked before and i never had heart problems.. Nobody ever told me I have heart murmur. So this is news to me...

    Can anyone tell me if i can get denied because of this? I am so heartbroken. I can't stop crying because of this.. it might effect my future with my fiance. I don't want this to ruin everything.

    Please help! :crying:

  13. No you will not get denied. Go to your GP, get it checked as Knightsbridge requested, and give them whatever documentation they want from the GP. How was your blood pressure during the exam? Do you commonly have anxiety? Do you have any thyroid condition or a family history of heart problems? You most likely were having a bit of a panic attack. In the event there is something wrong with your heart, you should certainly get it looked at.

    My blood pressure was absolutely fine. I don't suffer from anxiety.. I just get stressed out too easily. I will mention that for the past few months I have been stressed out due to family reasons and it has effected my health. (I know! not good) I don't have any thyroid condition or history of heart problems in my family either.

  14. I remember once going to the doctor (my GP not for the medical) and having a scare, then having my pulse checked and was told it was high. Luckily he realised I was just stressed and checked a few minutes later and just figured that it was all fine.

    I get really stressed about this process too. Some people handle it better than others. I think I sweated a pint and a half while I was in the waiting room for my medical! I'm sorry one of your doctors was a bit rude about things.

    Your visa will be delayed while the GP checks your heart, but the worst thing you can do is stress about it. Go in there knowing your heart is just fine, and even explain how stressed you were at the time of your Medical. The GP will most likely understand.

    Trusting that there's nothing wrong with your heart you won't be denied.

    People live every day with a slightly off heartbeat... it's fairly common. My other half has a funny little skip in her heart (and it's not the romantic type! lol). Try not to stress going in to the GP for your referral, and do tell them there what had happened. You might be lucky and they'll just listen to your heart, see it's fine, and roll their eyes about the other doctor being so rude. They must understand that it's a stressful process for people.

    Best of luck! You're almost there.

    Thank you for taking your time to reply to my post! means the world to me.

    Yes, it is a very stressful process and some take it easier some take it harder.

    Are you saying IF I do end up having something off with my heart, I will get denied? Can they actually deny me on that?

  15. If you got that upset over someone telling you about being near sighted and that you should wear your glasses????

    No lol I didn't get upset over that specifically. I was already stressed out on the day and she just pushed my buttons even further.

    I wasn't asking about this, i asked about the other issue.

  16. Hi everyone ^_^:innocent:

    I had my medical today at Knightsbridge Doctors medical in London for the K1 fiancé visa. Everyone was so nice to me except for the last doctor I saw. She was really blunt and horrible to me. She took my blood, checked my eye sight ; i am short sighted.. and she was being rude to me that I don't wear glasses (I do have glasses though).. yet i do not want to and it is my personal issue. I was stressing out ridiculously and she irritated me with her behaviour. I started burning up from the nervousness and i felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest lol. Yet i didn't give off like I was nervous. She started listening to my heart and she said it was beating too fast (DUE TO BEING NERVOUS).. then she told me to calm down but I couldn't. She suggested that I have tachycardia - abnormal rapid heart rate.. and she said that she could hear some noise but she wasn't sure. I have never had any symptoms of irregular heart beat... and To be honest, she seemed like she didn't know what she was doing. Rude and unprofessional. She's written me a letter and referred me to a GP so he can check my heart beat again. My process is going to be delayed. Can anyone tell me if this will effect my Visa? Can I get denied? Please can anyone help me out? :(:unsure: :help:

  17. I'm about to mail off my petition. Should I send any documents with petition? For example: my birth certificate, photos of her and I together, copies of our messages ect. . I'm trying to make sure I do everything possible to make this go smoothly. We want to be together as soon as possible. Thank all of you for your help. God Bless

    please look at this site: http://www.***removed***/visas/kvisa/fiance-visa-petition-documents.html

    you need as much evidence and proof as possible!

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