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Posts posted by anonymous08

  1. Hi.

    I hope im not hijacking any other thread here with a january filers,but i would just like to have this chance to gather all the january filers. we filed january 29. and it would be great to be updated with members who have the same month of filing. i am including the beneficiary's country, it might be helpful, im not really sure... but please tell me if im doing the wrong thing... thanks..

    Member Name----------Beneficiary's country----------I-130 Sent ----------NOA1

    2ondjourney------------(not stated)---------------------01-07-08----------



    Pattu Rani---------------Nepal----------------------------01-10-08-----------



    Brian&Mel--------------- Malaysia------------------------01-18-08-----------



    I am really glad to meet the january filers..

    Goodluck to us all.


  2. i just want to thank you all for the ideas and advices.

    They were married in the philippines year 2005. And its final that the guy dont want an annulment for some reason. The wife was just assuming that maybe He cant afford to file for one.

    And as i was talking to my friend about this ideas the members gave me, she added more information that her HUSBAND WAS STILL MARRIED (or still in a divorce process, no decree yet)WITH A CHINESE LADY WHEN HER HUSBAND WENT TO THE PHILIPPINES TO MARRY HER. . but months after their wedding here in the philippines, the divorce decree with the chinese lady was finalized.

    how did that happen? i mean, how can the guy marry her if he was still married to a chinese lady and the marriage took place in the US?

    My friend is planning to go to US embassy and report the situation. Will it help if she will do that?

    and now, the guy has no plan of supporting her but the son only. Normally, the guy sends atleast $700 monthly since the child was born. She got a 6000pesos house/monthly, internet bills, electric bills, water bills,milk, diapers and food especially for the baby. But the guy told her just few days ago that he will never send that amount of money anymore.

    I really do appreciate all the ideas and especially the time for reading my post. All inputs will be given to her right away.

    Thank you.


  3. i have a friend who lives in Butuan. Her husband is a USC but working in Canada.They have a 2-year-old son.theyve been married for 4 years already. Her IR-1 interview will be on feb.5.

    Dec. 2007, she found out that her husband was cheating on her. The guy has a vietnamese girlfriend that also works in canada. Until now the relationship is still going on. And the vietnamese gf called the wife confirming that the relationship is still going on.

    Few days ago, they had a serious arguement that led the guy to cancel everything, the medical and interview appointments and the guy told her that he will only support his son and she should only wait whenever he sends the financial support.

    As of this moment, the wife is so depress and very confuse and dont even know what to do. She wants to know what else she can do for herself and her son. She wants to ask help from the US embassy.

    I, as a friend, wants to help her but im not good about this problem, so i decided to bring this situation here in the forum. i Hope members here can give ideas so i can share it to her.



  4. we're using Vonage V-phone.

    When i was in the philippines last month, i gave my wife a vonage v-phone, it is unlimited call to US, Europe, Canada, and some other countries. She has a US number, specifically Minnesota area code., i can call her anytime and she can call me too., i paid 34.95 and i got 4 months free.... so, 34.95 for 4 months is a great deal.

    All she just need is an internet connection, then plug the device in, its a USB device., and it comes with a headphones,

    And sometimes, when im so busy with my work, i can forward my business phone numbers to her number, and she can answer it herself, i asked my customers about the reception and they said, they cant even tell that i am in the philippines coz its really clear, like a regular US to US call.....

    hope that helps.


  5. hi all,.

    i really appreciate all your responses and advices..

    I already learned a lesson with hiring a lawyer when we filed for k1/k2 for my wife and stepson, i paid $4500 for the whole process , and soon to find out that my wife,a member of this forum too,.knows more informations and updates compared to our lawyer,..my wife has been telling me to not hire a lawyer coz this forum can help a lot...but, i didnt listen to her coz i just want to do the right thing then, which i thought hiring a lawyer WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.

    thanks again. we'll try to submit our application at the end of this month..

    God bless us all.


  6. [petitioner's address]Minnesota

    U.S. Department Of Homeland Security

    U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services

    P.O. Box 804625

    Chicago, IL 60680

    Nature of Submission: I-130 Application

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Enclosed please find my Form I-130, Petition for Alien Spouse for [bENEFICIARY] and supporting documents. Contents include:

    1. Form I-130.

    2. G-325A Biographic Information.

    3. Copy of U.S. Spouse's U.S. Passport.

    4. Copy of Foreign Spouse's Passport.

    5. Copy of Certificate Of Marriage.

    6. One (1) passport-style photograph of Petitioner.

    7. One (1) passport-style photograph of Beneficiary.

    8. Copy of Petitioner's Birth Certificate.

    9. Copy of Beneficiary's Birth Certificate.

    10. Five (5) pieces of Pictures as a secondary evidence of Bonafide Marriage.

    11. Check in the amount of $355.00 for application fee.

    Thank you for your assistance in this matter

    Very truly yours,


    I hope i got this right.


  7. [petitioner's address]Minnesota

    U.S. Department Of Homeland Security

    U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services

    P.O. Box 804625

    Chicago, IL 60680

    Nature of Submission: I-130 Application

    Dear Sir or Madam:

    Enclosed please find my Form I-130, Petition for Alien Spouse for [bENEFICIARY] and supporting documents. Contents include:

    1. Form I-130.

    2. G-325A Biographic Information.

    3. Copy of U.S. Spouse's U.S. Passport.

    4. Copy of Certificate Of Marriage.

    5. One (1) color photo 2x2 of Petitioner.

    6. Copy of Petitioner's Birth Certificate.

    7. Copy of Beneficiary's Birth Certificate.

    8. Five (5) pieces of Pictures as a secondary evidence of Bonafide Marriage.

    9. Check in the amount of $355.00 for application fee.

    Thank you for your assistance in this matter

    Very truly yours,


    that's the cover letter for my wife's application, and now, i have no idea what's for her son (my stepson).,i mean, in his cover letter, what does it include?... i am trying to do this without a lawyer and i hope members here can assist me, me and my wife will really appreciate it.

    are we using the right terms?

    thanks a lot


  8. hi. I hope you can help me on this:

    13. Has your relative ever been to the US.--- YES

    do i need to answer question no.14, even if the beneficiary went back to the philippines.

    D. Other Information

    2. Have you ever before filed a petition for this or any other alien?

    (what does this mean? coz i filed a k1/k2 for my wife and stepson before)

    for some reason , its not just easy to fill up forms, and extremely expensive to hire a lawyer.

    thanks a lot


  9. HI Everybody,.originally, this topic is from the regional forum PHLIPPINES< but not much reply..so im here in the cr1 thread

    Im Jeramie,. im a member of this forum for over a year already., and this forum really helped me with our visa journey.

    me and my son were granted the k1/k2 visa last Feb.12,2007 . we flew to MN feb.16,2007, got married before i-94 expires.,

    not all marriage life will turn out as a happy ending, and unfortunately, our marriage belongs to one of the sad stories,.. it didnt turn out good., we always argue, i miss my family, he's bipolar, has business,. it means, all stress and problems are there..i wasnt that strong for him, and . to make it short, me and my son went back to philippines Aug.3, 2007., without advance parole , we started the AOS but cancelled it anyway..

    2months after we got home, my husband visited the philippines for 3 weeks, then he already booked a flight for december -march vacation., he'll be spending 4 months with us, ...

    Now, we want to start the cr1/cr2 immigrant visa., but we dont have any idea on how to start, i dont even know whats in a i-130 package., the exact documents needed.,

    i really hope you can help me with my situation here...

    well, 2 months being separated, really helped us to realize lots of things (absence makes the heart grow fonder).. im not saying that we'll not gonna argue again, but now we realized if we both will not make this work out, then we'll not gonna be together anymore, and we are so determined to make this work out, and the spark is still there, its just that the adjustment period was really tough and we were not that strong to stand for each other, but LOVE IS SWEETER THE SECOND TIME AROUND ..hehhee..

    oh well, back to my real issues,.i really hope that someone can enlighten us with our problems, i would really appreciate any help on this...

    thank u so much. and GOdbless..


  10. hi there vic&el, and Haole,

    thanks so much for those words.., for us its just a matter of space for each other, and now, we realized the distance is really difficult now for us.,hopefully everything will turn out good when we come back there in US. we still talk everyday longer compared than before., coz we were also starting a phone answering service in davao,

    As of now, my son is in an international school here in Davao, so that his english will be getting better, i got a car now and learned driving so when i get back there, it wont be difficult for me,...

    hi there, Haole, indeed its very true about the pc setup, eversince before i met my husband, we already have our pc here in our house coz of my sister and brother in college.,i also left my laptop before i left last feb.,

    We are planning to start the gathering of documents for the i-130 package on december,..

    back to my original query, HOW can i get an LCR for our marriage if we got married in MN, the nearest Philippine consulate is in Chicago IL,..

    thanks a lot for the replies....


  11. Thank you so much for the replies. I already read lots of cr-1 guides but still im confused...like: do we need pictures in the i-130 package?

    What is an LCR? Where can we get an LCR,. we got married in Apple Valley, Minnesota.

    I know my situation is really complicated, and i really do appreciate for those whose trying to help and assist me..

    thank u so much..


  12. HI Everybody,.

    Im Jeramie,. im a member of this forum for over a year already., and this forum really helped me with our visa journey.

    me and my son were granted the k1/k2 visa last Feb.12,2007 . we flew to MN feb.16,2007, got married before i-94 expires.,

    not all marriage life will turn out as a happy ending, and unfortunately, our marriage belongs to one of the sad stories,.. it didnt turn out good., we always argue, i miss my family, he's bipolar, has business,. it means, all stress and problems are there..i wasnt that strong for him, and . to make it short, me and my son went back to philippines Aug.3, 2007., without advance parole , we started the AOS but cancelled it anyway..

    2months after we got home, my husband visited the philippines for 3 weeks, then he already booked a flight for december -march vacation., he'll be spending 4 months with us, ...

    Now, we want to start the cr1/cr2 immigrant visa., but we dont have any idea on how to start, i dont even know whats in a i-130 package., the exact documents needed.,

    i really hope you can help me with my situation here... will there be a chance for us if we apply for a tourist visa while starting the cr1/cr2?

    well, 2 months being separated, really helped us to realize lots of things (absence makes the heart grow fonder).. im not saying that we'll not gonna argue again, but now we realized if we both will not make this work out, then we'll not gonna be together anymore, and we are so determined to make this work out, and the spark is still there, its just that the adjustment period was really tough and we were not that strong to stand for each other, but LOVE IS SWEETER THE SECOND TIME AROUND ..hehhee..

    oh well, back to my real issues,.i really hope that someone can enlighten us with our problems, i would really appreciate any help on this...

    thank u so much. and GOdbless..


  13. hi...

    arrived minnesota feb.16.. 11am..

    just finger scanning and digital photo taking at the POE..

    i want thanks all who gave me advice on what-to-do and what-not-to-do..

    well, as of now, its really really really really cold..me and my son's lips are already very dry and chapping..skin's very dry too..

    hope to meet filipinas here in NICOLLET AVE. ,richfield MN..

    well, i believe this is not yet the end of the journey,..but it will be easier now, coz we're already together..

    thanks everybody...Godbless..


  14. hi..

    18hours from now, me and my son will be heading to the airport..

    do i need to show any documents aside from our passport and the envelopes...

    where will i get the i-94?do each of us get one i-94?

    we will be on northwest, manila to nagoya, nagoya to narita, then narita to minneapolis....

    itll be just me and my son., so im a lil scared...



  15. hi..

    ds-156k - there should be a signature below "do not write below this line" part..(its a must!)

    On the DS-156K it says "DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE" and then "the consular office will assist you in answering this part". I take this to mean it needs to be signed in front of the officer, no?

    I'm not sure what other beneficiaries did but I followed instructions in the DS forms so I did not write below the line as instructed and waited until the consul told me to sign it. I agree that the signature "is a must" but I think you need to wait until the consul asks you to sign.

    before getting a number, there's a guy there who will instruct or orient everybody to sign everything..even the signature in ds-156k..if the person who will check the papers will find out that there's no signature in the ds-156k., then you have to go out of the line and just come back if youre done with it...


  16. hi..

    we just got approved today..and hoping to pick up the visa on friday..as of now, we're here in DIAMOND hotel..

    i may not be as informative like others, but these are the things that i remembered so far..please bear with me..

    documents that we're asked to get a number.:

    ds-156k - there should be a signature below "do not write below this line" part..(its a must!)

    2 ds-157

    2 ds-156- with pictures pasted not stapled on it (2x2 white background/visa background)

    ***the people outside the embassy whose taking care of the line with all the rented chairs for 10pesos each, they will really try their very best to tell you that your picture is too big, too small,you needed another 4 pcs of pictures, etc.etc.etc...NEVER BELIEVE THEM..

    just make sure to paste 2 pictures on ds-156, then youre fine, the other 2 pictures were already forwarded to the embassy FROM ST. LUKES..

    filipina interviewer:



    CENOMAR --she didnt asked for it but i volunteered to give it to her and she said "oh, good for you, thanks"



    2005 ITR


    didnt ask for additional documents

    just asked me and larry about the number of times he visited me..

    im really thankful for all the informations i got from this forum,...some girls which we met there, thought im very smart, coz i know what to do next, what to expect next,.....GRRR...im not...i told them, i just read alot in the forums..

    thank u once again..

    and goodluck to all incoming interviews.


  17. Jeramie, I don't think there is anything to worry about. Being an illegitimate child, you have sole parental authority over your son. The fact that your son is below 7 years old makes for a stronger case. The father's acknowledgment has no effect over that authority. Acknowledgment is only important and will serve its purpose pag dating ng “mana” (inheritance).

    Our Family Code is very clear that the mother has parental authority if child is illegitimate. Even our DSWD, the government agency tasked to protect minor children, exempt illegitimate children from travel clearance if travelling with their mother.

    Here are the pertinent laws/regulations:

    Family Code of the Philippines http://www.chanrobles.com/executiveorderno209.htm

    Chapter 3. Illegitimate Children

    x x x

    Art. 176. Illegitimate children shall use the surname and shall be under the parental authority of their mother, and shall be entitled to support in conformity with this Code. The legitime of each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the legitime of a legitimate child. Except for this modification, all other provisions in the Civil Code governing successional rights shall remain in force. (287a)

    Dept. of Social Welfare & Development FAQs http://www.dswd.gov.ph/faqdetails.php?id=47


    Illegitimate children are under the custody of the mother. If they will be traveling with the mother, they are not required to secure a travel clearance from the DSWD. If they are traveling with person other than the mother, they must secure a travel clearance.

    I hope that this will put your mind at ease. You may want to PM Rebelheart. I think she has the same case as yours.

    Maybe others who have the same case can speak up to ease the worry of jeramie and larry. I should not worry if I were you. The embassy knows our law and will abide by it. O ayan, sana magbati na ulit kayo :yes:

    thank u so much for the informations..now, i can sleep better and i can help build up once again larry's hope for the interview..

    i already went to the DSWD davao,. and they told me that everything will be fine coz i was never married, so the father has no "say-so" to the child.

    thanks and Godbless..



    DID you go too dswd too ask them? Eldalin say the is no need too get the consent of the father, unless we hear other wise. We will just trust what they said. If I was you i would go ask them too be sure. :blush:


    All minors other than those cited above, for example:

    A minor traveling to a foreign country with either parent or with his or her solo parent or legal guardian;

    A minor traveling abroad whose parents are in the Foreign Service or living abroad or are immigrants, provided he/she is holding a valid pass such as a dependents visa/pass/identification card or permanent resident visa/pass/identification card which serves as proof that he/she is living with parents abroad and their travel does not constitute child trafficking.


    thank u for the reply.

    goodluck with the upcoming interview.


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