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Posts posted by Odogwu

  1. We had our interview today and were approved!!! Cant express how happy and relieved we are!

    The interview went smooth, I was nervous and the fact that our number was 13!!!!! didn't help at all. I lost my baby's pacifier while going through security so had to hold him for the two hours we waited, to keep him quiet.

    By the time we got called for the interview my arms felts like they were about to fall off and I was hot and sweaty...

    We had a female CO that was very nice and polite. Questions asked:

    How my fiancé and I meet

    When did he propose

    If I was surprised when he proposed

    When is his birthday

    If I thought of a gift for his birthday this year- Its this month on the 20th, to which I replied Im hoping it will be us! that made her smile :)

    If I met his family

    How many siblings does he have

    How many times I was married

    Where does my fiancé live

    What does he do for a living

    She congratulated me and said we will get our passports in a week and that was it. And we found the pacifier waiting for us at the exit gate :)


  2. NOA1 03/05- I got a text at 10:32pm tonight that we were approved!

    Hold on you guys that are still waiting- it is coming!!!

    I called and woke my fiance up (it was 4:32am there)... I was so excited!!!

    I did contact Senator Burr's office but they said they would contact me before they made inquiries and I have yet to get a call- so I'm not sure if it was just timing or if they inquired without contacting me by phone.

    I remember reading some approvals in the thread the other day and I was crabby because it wasn't my approval. So if you're feeling that, just know that it's coming and keep your patience up and your anxiety down. The light at the end of the tunnel is fast approaching!

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