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Posts posted by nipa

  1. Thanks Charmander for all your help. Can't forget nitehero and all the others that helped over the years.

    i guess the lady from yesterday didnt look because she said N400s weren't adjudicated if there is an I751 pending and mine wasn't so no use filing now. I don't plan on naturalizing anyway so it doesn't bother me. From my experience, it usually takes 4 business days from card production to when i get it in hand so hopefully monday or tuesday.

  2. Thanks charmander. I just called and was escalated to a tier 2 agent. She said it's true that my case is outside normal processing time but those times are just goals and that they may be actively working on my case. To be honest i was so let-down; I thought she would start an inquiry or something. She was just nonchalant with it and made it seem like i was crazy for even inquiring about the case. Anyway, i hope she at least makes a note on the file so that someone will look at it.

    I guess i'm gonna have to make an info-pass and get an extension on my extension. Hopefully Gannicus has some better news.

  3. First of all, congratulations to you and charmander. Must be such a relief.

    I have heard nothing new yet since last week. Hopefully i'll have some good news to share with you guys soon. I've been doing a lot of reading and it appears childless marriages are subject to more scrutiny. Maybe that's the cause of delay in our case. It's really nerve-racking. But i think everything should be fine.

  4. The adjudicators are human as well. They know stuff like this happens in marriages. I think you'll be fine. Submit all the recommended documents, include as much information as possible, show co-mingling of finances and then include information showing the situation and that it has been resolved. I think he'll have more problems during naturalization but not during RoC. You'll be fine and i'm happy to hear everything is well. It is never OK for anyone to get physical with their spouse.

  5. I love this. Couldn't agree more. I have always thought that if you get a greencard based on marriage, and the marriage fails then your greencard expires on the final divorce date. And no exceptions and no waivers. That will do away with marriage fraud.

    Sorry to derail this conversation but this is beyond ridiculous. Please look up the divorce rate in America. This has nothing to do with green cards. How fair is it for a person to sacrifice, leave their family and home, move to the US to be with their partner and then get kicked back out because the person turned out to be an "ayehole" after 3 years or it just didn't work out?

    I for one, am significantly invested in the US. If my wife and I were to have problems and it ended in divorce it would be devastating to abandon the multiple projects i have going on and start all over somewhere. It would be even worse if it was the US citizen's fault or they simply decided they didn't want to be in the relationship anymore and just left.(it happens) Looking at the stats, the percentage of people who get denied are very small anyway, why punish the majority of people because of that?

    To get back on topic, i think the O.P's scenario is pretty rare. The majority of people are able to do everything with that letter and my understanding is that your status doesn't change anyway; It's just the ID Card that expires. USCIS is no hurry to change the system because #1 it works and #2 it buys them more time for the "fraudulent marriages" to go bad. It essentially changes the 2 years to 2.5-3 years. That's what's called a win-win for them.

    What i do think however, is that they should be proactive in balancing the load across the 2 service centers. It is stupid dumb(my age showing? lol) that the CSC is processing ROCs in under 6 months and it takes the VSC 12 months to do the same. Move some cases, or re-balance the states that apply to the different service centers.

    ****ooops* sorry about the multiple post. My browser made it look like i had lost the post.

  6. I love this. Couldn't agree more. I have always thought that if you get a greencard based on marriage, and the marriage fails then your greencard expires on the final divorce date. And no exceptions and no waivers. That will do away with marriage fraud.

    Sorry to derail the conversation but this is beyond ridiculous. Do you know the percentages of valid marriages that fail in the first 2 years? If someone sacrificed and uprooted their entire life to move here and be with his partner, that person should not be punished because that person later becomes an ####### or it doesn't work out. I am so invested in the US now that should my wife and i have problems that eventually ends in a divorce, i would have to leave the massive investment and contribution that i have made and walk away. How fair is that?

    People will always find a way to abuse the system but from the stats, it looks like it's a very very small percentage. The majority shouldn't have to suffer. I'm not a fan of the 1 year extension but 3 years is more than enough to verify legitimacy of a marriage and i suspect this is why they're in no hurry to speed it up or change it.

    I've had my extension letter for a year and I've had no problems working or travelling. It looks like the O.P's situation is not very common.

  7. I am an April filer as well and i have to say this thread is the only thing saving me from going completely crazy.

    Received notice of acceptance on April 22nd, 2015. The last update was 05/07/2015. The crazy thing is that my application has been tagged CRI89 so i can't even request a status using the automated site because CRI89 is not available in the drop down. Congrats to all the April filers who received their 10 year Green Card.

  8. Just to update everyone who is worried. I received NOA about 2 weeks ago. I actually just got back from a trip to Canada. The border agent told me I needed to get a sticker for the back of my green card. I didn't even know they did that. Anyway, I had no problems going and coming back with my expired green card and the NOA letter. I still haven't received a biometric letter and my receipt number doesn't show my status online. However the lady I spoke to at USCIS said it was perfectly fine. Just sitting tight now and waiting.

    Thanks for all the people who commented.

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