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Posts posted by mhch

  1. Hello everyone!


    I had my interview yesterday and got approved! Yes! I had my biometrics appointment back in January 2020 before the lockdowns and the interview yesterday. Not much have changed in the offices because of COVID, they don't allow you to go in 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment and obviously you need a mask. 


    For the interview they will tell you in the notice what you need to bring. If your ROC is marriage related, you have to take your spouse and what the officer lady valued the most was: photos together, tax returns filed jointly, joint bank accounts. You don't need to take anything that you've already submitted to them. So I took our apartment lease contract, utility bills, tax return and bank statements from this year only. 


    She took us to a separate room and interview us together, asked us how we met, how was our wedding, what do we like to do together and just general plans for the future. She was taking notes while we talked. It lasted around 20 minutes. She had our whole case with her which was crazy to see (from K1 to now). She was very nice and told us we were approved right away and the card would come in the mail between 2 weeks and 2 months. She also mentioned I can now apply for citizenship. 


    My local office was in Portland, Oregon.

  2. hi! So I just got an RFE stating that my form I-693 was incomplete. All I got from my doctor in Brazil was the first page of my DS-3025 saying that my US vaccination requirements were complete. I had my exam in September/2016 so next month will be a year. Now I'm confused if I need another exam here. Can I state that my exam is not a year old and just have a doctor help me fill out the I-693 form? I don't have any other paper of my exams in Brazil 


    The RFE says "The vaccination record (DS 3025) included as part of your original overseas medical examination report was not properly completed. Submit parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 9 of Form I-693 from an approved USCIS Civil Surgeon. The exam must be in a sealed envelope and have the medical office stamp or doctor's signature across the sealed portion of the envelope. Unsealed medical reports will not be accepted"

  3. hi everyone, I received a RFIE (Request For Initial Evidence) asking for some documents of my joint sponsor, he sent me everything except the letter of employment, he lives in another state so before asking him I was wondering how necessary the letter is since I have his last pay stub. I'm concerned because the letter from USCIS says that if I fail to submit all the evidence required I will be denied. Has anyone been through something like this? I have his pay stub, proof of assets, tax returns, proof of citizenship BUT the letter of employment  

  4. Me parece que tá tudo completo. Leva a confirmação da entrevista que vc recebeu por e-mail (do site ais), que tá tudo certo. Eles provavelmente não vão pedir pra ver.

    Boa sorte e fica tranquila, vai dar tudo certo.

    obrigada, ana!

    você sempre salvando todo mundo! hahah

  5. gente! <3 minha entrevista é terça feira agora, dia 4 e já to com os documentos separados
    alguém que fez a entrevista recentemente poderia me ajudar a confirmar se ta tudo certinho? to muuuito nervosa! :wacko:

    - passaportes originais e cópias da pagina biografica
    - pagina de confimação do ds160
    - pagina de instruções do site ais
    - recibo de pagamento
    - noa2 e carta do nvc
    - certidão de nascimento
    - certificados de antecedentes criminais (PF e secretaria do estado)
    - formulários de sponsor e co-sponsor com os respectivos documentos (form 1040, cartas da empresa e banco, birth certificate)
    - provas de relacionamento (mensagens, histórico telefonico)
    - letter of intent
    - exame médico
    - fotos

    eu vi no site do consulado que deveria receber uma carta de confirmação da entrevista do próprio consulado, mas ainda não recebi nada :(
    recebi uma ligação de lá apenas pra confirmar
    será que tem algum problema não levar essa carta?

  6. Primeiramente olá a todos :D

    Gente, alguém que marcou entrevista recentemente pode me dizer como que estão os agendamentos? Nosso NOA2 deve chegar entre essa semana ou a próxima(oremos) e gostaria de saber como está a situação :)

    Ah! Outra coisinha, alguém que fez exame em SP pode me dizer como que foi? Desde já agradeço :)

    acabei de consultar aqui e entrevistas agora pra novembro! :)

    hoje tive minha consulta com o Dr. Paulo! Ele examina tuuudo e é bem simpático, aí fui fazer os exames de sangue e raio x, o total de tudo ficou 850, achei bem caro! mas o processo é bem organizadinho

  7. gente, alguém sabe se tem problema se eu mudar de endereço antes da entrevista?

    já preenchi o DS160 com meu endereço atual porém essa semana to me mudando de casa (mesma cidade e tal, moro com meus pais e eles que estão mudando), porque sei que no dia da entrevista eu preciso preencher um formulário com as info básicas, qual o problema do endereço não bater com o DS?

    sei que o endereço pra envio do pacote eu posso mudar

    agora to preocupada :(

  8. Meu noivo está esperando o passaporte chegar, para comprar a passagem. Minha entrevista foi dia 23 de Agosto e pelo site do CEAC, foi de AP para Issued dentro de três dias. Então esperamos que chegue essa semana ou começo da outra. Só para conferir se tudo está certo no passaporte.

    legal!! que bom que é rápido pra ficar pronto o visto

    você poderia avisar aqui quando chegar na casa dele, please? :)

    eu moro em SP e pela média do sedex do rio pra cá levaria uns 3 dias pra chegar depois de issued, acredito eu

  9. hi

    you can file for your mom once you become a USC in over 3 years

    nothing for the stepdad, as he isn't legally your stepdad, they would have to been married before you were 18

    then can marry at any time, once you file for your mom, and she comes here, she can file for her husband,

    the wait would be around 2 years

    k1 isn't ideal because only USC can file for K1, and it would take 5 years for your mom to be a USC, so they would be separated all that time, as she has to live here and her boyfriend in Brazil

    thanks for your answer!

    she can file for the IR1, right? or only when she becomes a citizen?

  10. hello!

    well, my question for now is just out of curiosity, since I'm still under the K1 visa process :)

    Well, my mother and my stepdad have been together for +10 years, but they are not legally married, they're under something called "stable union" in brazil, which designates a relationship where people are living as if married. I know that after I become a citizen I can apply for my mom but how would that work for my stepdad? Should they get married asap? Should they apply for K1 in the future? How would that work?

    thanks! :)

  11. Hello everyone!

    I sent our I-129f on May 13th and our NOA1 notice date is May 18th. And just a few minutes ago, I received an email from USCIS asking for RFE ? I just hope the mail will come soonest so I could work on it asap.??

    ooh noo! good luck!

    I'm fearing an RFE because I couldn't sign anything and instead wrote "will sign at consulate" :(

    at least after you respond it, the approval will come fast!! best of luck!

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