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Posts posted by glamgirl88

  1. Hi All,

    We married February 14th, 2013 and my husbands interview was on March 31st, 2015 that's 1 month and 15 days AFTER out 2nd Anniversary. The Embassy approved his application after 1 month and 6 days in AP on May 7th.

    The point is that they issued a CR-1 Visa instead of IR-1 even though interview past 2nd Anniversary and approval was even later.

    I know POE can fix that if pointed out marriage certificate is shown but I have heard through most people that it still comes as CR-1 even if POE fixes it. I emailed Embassy but no reply.

    What's the best course of action here!?

  2. Just get him ready, I am sure it wasn't so bad because he was put in only AP for a name check. I did everything for our case because my hubby just didn't care for this process. My hubby was very heartbroken when I had to leave, we had waited for 15 years for each other already so I just think he got annoyed with the process and wanted me to come instead lol. Just make sure you go over all the details, he still knew everything else like my job details that were asked. Good luck.

  3. Thank you. The sad part is the counselor did not even check a single thing in the binder lol, I workd so hard to make sure he had everything just in case they ask but they did not even bother. Oh well, it's all worth it if he got it.

    I will write all our experience and update timeline too and will review ISB embassy as well. When did you interview?

  4. Not that's not the case, he is actually super confident but I sent him a freaking 500 page binder that got to him literally 1 day before the interview so he didn't even sleep and I know the traveling to "Iran" question is what made him nervous because we knew that would prolong the process. He is super confident otherwise he wouldn't have gone through it like a champ.

  5. @Amkhan and everyone else. Thank you so much for your support especially Amkhan. After 1 month and 6 days of Administrative Processing my husbands visa was finally Issued. I always ha a feeling that the conselor would have approved him right away bcuz he was asked for no documents or evidence nothing and he was in AP only due to his visit to another MENA country 8 years ago. Anyway, I can finally breath, scream and go crazy.

  6. My heart and everything stopped for a minute this morning. I have mistyped our caee # many times and been disappointed. I work overnight and until 5 am our status was still Administrative Processing. However, 8 am it changed to ISSUED after 1 month and 6 days. It is really ours!!!! I wish and pray that all of you get out of this really fast, I know everyday in here feels like forever!!!! I love you all for your love and support. Thank you!!!!

  7. @rmg-fg

    I am sorry to hear about what happened to you, your hubby and kids. I can only imagine what they went through after living with your hubby for such a long time. I don't even know how I will go any longer than a couple months max, I will just have to leave.

    At one point, I understood the immigration process and understood the security checks but I don't understand why this was not done while it was at the USCIS level. Our circumstances are completely odd and we cannot go on like this anymore. I don't even know how you waited that long for the process, Kudos to you.

    My hubby and I have known each other since childhood and grew up together. We've been in a long distance relationship since 2002 when I was 15 and he was completing his studies. However, ever since we have been married it's just driving us crazy being far away from each other. We are also a lot older now and need each other.

  8. I kept sending them expedite letter even at NVC and even though they didn't approve even though I had a legit strong reason, but I think it got them to keep looking at my application. I literally cried on the phone with a manager because the system showed my IV application was not complete even though I had completed it 4 months prior and 2-3 days after that converstion my interview was scheduled. I don't know if it was just time or that manager actually looked into it, she actually called me back after I hung up and she said to submit it again and she will look at it.

  9. @Maharosa

    I bet it is. NVC was not too long for but even I was going crazy, 6.5 months at NVC is just retarted and way too excessive. It's 60 days for them to review so what's taking them so long? Try to speak to a manager, did you get an RFE that delayed the process? I would be depressed too if I was in your situation so I completely understand. We have our life on hold and these people just don't understand.

  10. @Maharosa

    I hope and pray that a day comes so fast where you never have to come back to one of these threads. I am with you, I have a total meltdown, do all the screaming, punching, crying, acting crazy singing weird stuff and then I am okay for couple of weeks.

    However, now I want it done just to have my husband feeling better. I appreciate him so much and cannot bear see him go through this. He has waited 15 years for me and I wished I would've started this earlier and I wish I had known it would take so long. I just want to make him feel better and be with him, he had his career on hold and I just wish I could control this.

    I wish that the govt realizes what we are going through, my hubby has no bad record of any kind but has a common last name. I just hope and pray that soon enough you don't have to come back here and pray that your case is resolved soon. Love and Hugs for you!!!!

  11. @JennyLu

    I feel you I can understand what it must feel like to wait so long for an interview. I hope you spouse gets an interview super fast. All the staying positive and everything, only we know how frustrating it sounds when we hear it. I feel like I always hold everything together too and I am going crazy now that it's not in my hands. I just hope all goes through well for you, I will keep you in my prayers. All we can do is scream, cry, act crazy and stay positive. I visualize the "Issued" screen everyday in CEAC.

  12. I feel really down today and have been crying all week. I can't concentrate on work and feel extremely stressed, I am getting restless legs syndrome because of this. I know most people here have been waiting way longer but I just don't know how to feel any bettr. My hubby is stuck, if he accepts a job he will need to sign a contract and if he starts school he would be wasting the semester if he has to immigrate in between. We are not sure how long this would take and can't make any plans. Hubby is extremely depressed him due to being far from me and not getting anywhere. I am currently working for home but I cannot relocate to Pakistan with my current employer. I have found jobs that are purely remote and can be done anywhere in the world in my field but I haven't been considered for them yet.

    I am thinking about asking for my hubbys passport back from the Embassy and try to have him apply for a visit visa. It wouldn't hurt to try even if he has 1% chance. It's only been a month but it seems like a year already, I don't know how not to be glued to the CEAC website. I am hoping for the best but seeing my hubby in stress and depression is making it all worse for me. I wish I could hug him and be with him at least during this time.

  13. I have had only 10 male relatives come here without AP so that's not always the norm. I don't want to be insensitive here but a lot of males on these forums get AP because the couples have ethnicity, age and a lot of other differences and the guys appear more of security concerns. It boils me because 3 of my cousins hubbys just came without any such issue in the recent 4 months when their profession is actually more of a security concern than my husbands. A lot of male from Pakistan have given reviews in Embassy section too say they got it without any AP. This blows!!!!

  14. No one here knows what I am going through being far from my hubby and I was freaking out when I started this topic because I didn't even consider that he will get on AP. I know he got nervous which is normal I guess, I was just freaking out because it's easy to confuse between visa classifications but not normal to confuse on what he was asked. I was not expecting that so I freaked out. We have waited for each other 15 years and I just wanted him to be here because I know there's no way for me to visit him unless I quit my job which is not an option at all for me.

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