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Posts posted by ftr_mrs_f

  1. Hola. Recien ahora encontre esta pagina y estoy muy feliz de ver hermanos hispanos en ella. Yo soy de El Salvador y mi prometido es Haitiano viviendo en Miami. En Junio empezaremos el proceso para mi visa K1 y desde ya me estoy sintiendo nerviosa. Tal vez alguien puede compartir qué tipo de preguntas le hicieron en su entrevista, y si creen que por ser hispanos es un poco mas dificil que nos concedan este tipo de visa. Todavia no he encontrado a alguien de mi pais que haya pasado por esta experiencia y eso me hace sentir un poco mas preocupada.

    Que Dios les bendiga a todos/as

  2. yeah, i guess i shouldnt worry that much; i had tourist visa for 20 years and when it expired in 2004 and i went to renew it, they didnt grant it because they said i was young, single with no kids and i was likely to stay in the States, but i did have a good record all those years. In the old days, you would renew your visa automatically, but unfortunaly, everything changed after 911. Anyways, i'll keep being positive! ;) thanks for your replies

  3. Hi, there. My fiance will file K1 visa for me in june, and i've started getting all worried and nervous about it. We've met twice in 18 months and have lots of proof of our relationship but i still feel worried.

    I guess main concern is that I had 3 denials of visas from Nov/04 to June 05, one was tourist visa and the other two were medical. There is the fact that i come from a Latin American country (El Salvador), and i've heard that your chances of getting K1 visa depends on the country you come from. There's a third concern, should my income here in my country be an issue? I don't know, i'm just worried already. If there's anyone who can help me clear my doubts, please do, i will greatly appreciate it.

    God bless you.

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