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Posts posted by rosy2509

  1. Hi all!

    I just wanted to share great news with you all. My mother's interview went great and she was approved on January 27th in Havana, Cuba. Her visa is to be picked up on 2/3/16- absolutely amazing-- I have been checking the CEAC portal and it's been saying ISSUED since January 28th. I will be reviewing her experience at the embassy and posting later on today.

    Best of luck to you all! I know the process and the wait are not the easiest, but it's all worth it. 335 days to be exact from start to finish! But I'm glad I went through it so I can help anyone in my family or circle of friends with the same process. On a side note, my father just became a US citizen on the 20th of last month! Yoohoo! I'm so proud of him

  2. One of the requirements of the Child Citizenship Act is that the LPR child must live with the USC parent; ergo "reside in the physical custody of the USC parent." Has nothing to do with shard custody. Where is the child's residence? Look at school records.

    The child has to live with you to get derivative citizenship.

    When I read the policy that's what i told my father. But I talked to an attorney today and he said joint custody means "joint custody" so even though my brother can't live with my father due to living in FL he still has joint physical and legal custody of my brother. We are going to apply for the passport and let the Department of State do their job.

  3. cvs and walgreens.

    when you say 'sent' - do you mean you emailed something? if yes, have your petitioner use a computer, get online with cvs or walgreens photo section, and do it again. it's easy, really !

    same amount of money? no way !

    example - at walgreens:

    1. get passport photo made and printed there - 13 bucks for 2 photos.

    2. use digital services online, print at local store, 59 cents per print.

    Yeah! They charged me 12 bucks for two of them! The guys specifically told me I cannot charge you like if you were printing 5x7 prints. So i said okay. it was that or my mom paying $25 through DHL to send me the pictures.

  4. I have no idea how long the wait is! But google the consulate your case is at and find the info about immigrant visas. US consulate in Cuba for example specifies visas would be issued one week after the interview. However the case can go on administrative review for 60-90 days after interview; sometimes it can take up to a year. So really no rights when it comes to immigration.

    My uncle's wife had her interview in June, they told her to come back three times because the visa wasn't ready. Finally, the fourth time she came back and they told her the AOS did not meet the income requisites. Long story short, they resubmitted the AOS last month, and now her medical exam is expired. SO it's just a mess.

    Good luck with everything, and I'm so sorry you are going through this.

    My mom has her interview next month and we are praying for no administrative review.

  5. Unsure whether the Child Citizenship Act applies here due to your mother having primary custody of your brother.

    You should consult with an experienced immigration attorney and ask this question of them.

    If the CCA does apply then your brother will become a US citizen on the same day your father does (i.e. the oath ceremony).

    (Edit) Found this: http://www.uscis.gov/policymanual/Print/PolicyManual-Volume12-PartH.html

    USCIS considers a ​U.S.​ citizen parent who has been awarded “joint custody” to have legal custody of a child. There may be other factual circumstances under which USCIS may find the U.S. citizen parent to have legal custody to be determined on a case-by-case basis.​

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes, it sure looks like we need to consult an attorney.

  6. The child was under 18 or not yet born on February 27, 2001 At least one parent is a U.S. citizen, the child is currently under 18 and residing in the U.S. in the legal and physical custody of the U.S. citizen parent pursuant to lawful admission for permanent residence.


    It seems like he needs to be in the physical custody of the US citizen parent -- so I'm not too sure if your situation applies

    My cousin recently obtain US citizenship through my aunt who naturalized. She's 10 years old and was a GC holder. All they did was go to the post office, and apply for a US passport for her by providing the naturalization certificate and my cousins birth certificate.

    Thank you for your reply! That's indeed the big mystery for us! My dad does not have the full custody, but it's shared between the two parents. So I guess we will need to consult an attorney.

  7. Hi everyone!

    We need an urgent answer here. My dad just successfully passed his naturalization interview yesterday. Now he's wondering if my 15 year old brother can acquire his status.

    Here is the situation: My father and his now ex-wife share 50/50 legal custody of my brother. However, the mother has 55% physical custody and my dad has 45%. My brother resides with his mother in FL, and just comes to visit my dad three times a year.

    What do we need to get done so my brother can become a citizen?

    Thanks a lot!

    I should also add that both my brother and his mother are green card holders and have been in the states for six years.

  8. Hi everyone! I finally called yesterday and now my mother has an interview date for January 27th in Havana, Cuba?

    dwheels would you please update the spreadsheet with our info? Thanks!

    Am I the only one who cried with joy? right after I hung up the phone with NVC I just couldn't sop crying. called my mother and we cried on the phone for about 5mins! God only knows how much my mother and I have wanted to be reunited.

    Good luck to all of you guys waiting still for an interview date.

  9. Congratulations on the Case Complete. I have added you to the spreadsheet. Is your case an expedite?

    Come on over to the interview thread now.


    dwheels76 you would think I would know what you mean by my case being expedited since I have done this whole process on my own....but could you please elaborate?

    Thank you for adding me to the spreadsheet I will go in there and add as much detail as I can. I'm amazed by the fact not a lot of petitioners for Cuba are adding their info to the spreadsheet.

    Thanks again!

  10. Ha!! I think so!! Congrats!!

    Try to have a little more patience!

    Also, keep calling NVC!

    You will have your mom home by Christmas.

    Good luck!!

    Thank you for your encouragement! I called them last night and my case was completed October 28th. They are just working with the embassy now for an interview date! My heart is filled with joy and happiness! I left my mother when I was 15, seven years ago, can't wait to see her and have her with me again. :)

  11. I'm so desperate! I filled for my mom and paid all my fees to NVC. They received my supporting(civil and financial) documents on Sept 29th. They emailed me and said it would take 30 days to review paperwork. Here I am today with no correspondence from the NVC. I'm so frustrated! I just want my mother to be here and enjoy her grandson. I was hoping she would be here for Christmas as my present, but the days are just going by with no progress.

  12. Being Cuban myself, I understand what he's going through. I came to the US when i was 15 with my father. But my mentality was to come here and work hard and go to school so i could later petition for my mother, when the time was right. I'm not bashing my own people, but a lot of us come here with the mentality of a tourist. "I'm here to travel, dress well and get everything handed to me."

    It sounds like once he gets a job and is able to obtain his own money things will get better?

    Also, he's very fortunate to be able to video chat with his friends 5-4 hours a day. I'm petitioning for my mother, and we only communicate through email do to the lack of funds because of her petition.

    It's a culture shock. There is no such thing as sitting in a park for 4-5 hours a day chatting with your neighbors and friends. Or knocking on your neighbors door to talk, hang out and party every day.

    I don't know him as a person so you could think I'm coming across as a judgmental person. But it's a shame that you have put so much into the relationship and he's being ungrateful about it. The least thing he could is thank you every day for giving him freedom. I have an uncle who just got here two months ago and I hear the same story every day, everything in the US is worse than in Cuba. i had a better life back there. Well... then just got back...

    I'm sorry you are going through this and kudos to you for loving him so much to be able to put up with it.,

  13. Hey fellow members,

    I'm inquiring about the interview process for an immigrant visa for immediate family member.

    I have mailed all financial and civil documents to the NVC. They received all these documents Sep 29, 2015. I have also paid for all the fees and submitted DS 260 form online. I called NVC and 14 business days after receiving the package they still haven't even opened it. No big deal, it'll get opened eventually. I have sent everything pertaining to my mother's case. So hopefully I won't receive a check list.

    Here is my question:

    What should my mother be prepared to answer to the interviewer? Also, how quick are they issuing visas?

    My mother is from the eastern part of the country, so multiple trips to Havana can be extremely pricey?

    Last question, if and once the visa is approved how can my mother get her plane ticket? cost of it?

    I'm sorry about all my questions, but she lives in a very small town where not a lot of people get to immigrate to the US.

    Thank you in advance.

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