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Veiled Princess

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Posts posted by Veiled Princess

  1. This was on page 2 when I left for work this morning.

    What happened???


    I posted a cartoon and all hell broke loose. :o

    This is actually an inaccurate statement... your little cartoon did not cause any incident here :no: it was reported and removed without comment.

    It was the lack of respect for fellow members and the admins here that caused "all hell to break lose".

    VP- Sweetie, I think you need to stop arguing with JP and listen to what she has to teach you about racism, ignorance, and tolerance. (L)

    MBP, while I admit I have much to learn in life (as does everyone), learning to tolerate racism is not a lesson I want. (F)

  2. My husband doesn't tell me when or what to cover so he also doesn't tell me when/what to uncover :star:

    ..... but Yousuf doesn't really care for them so I didn't wear it.......

    This is contradictory.... :star:

    No it's not.

    There is a difference between someone allowing you or telling you what to do and you respecting their opinion. He also doesn't care much for when I wear all black so, purely out of respect for his opinion, I choose to wear something colorful when I'm with him and I don't send him pics or videos in which I'm wearing all black.

    I hope you don't wear things that your husband hates if you know he doesn't like it and I hope he would respect your opinion in that way as well :star:

  3. Who is an idiot? Phill Kline or Bill O'Reilly?

    Honestly, I agree with a number of things O'Reilly says, but...I don't -- and can't -- agree on this. I think abortion should be up to the parents*, not the government. If Republicans really stand by their motto of "limited government intervention" then they wouldn't be trying to use government to interfere with the rights of individuals.

    * Notice I said "parents." That's because I believe an abortion is something that should be decided on by both the mother and the father. If the father is unavailable for whatever reason (like a number are today), then the decision should come down to the mother; otherwise, it should be a decision rendered by both partners.

    Just curious.... at what point does a parent's right to kill their child end and a government can step in to stop it? When they're 21, 18, 16, 12?

  4. I didn't make the comment about this being America and to speak english, YOU DID. If you are so stuck on that idea then take your own advice and dress, act, speak like an Ameican.

    I only made that comment as toungue in cheek because you were being so pleasant to me.

    and just incase anyone was wondering, disagreeing with VP is a violation of TOS. :lol:

    those words you're putting in my mouth taste rank.

  5. If all Arabs were like JP, the world would be a much better place.

    As for all racism being unacceptable -- there was a discussion a while back about

    "reverse racism" and someone argued quite convincingly that black on white racism

    was acceptable because blacks aren't in the positions of power where their racism

    can actually have as strong an impact (if any) on that group as a whole, even if it

    was anywhere near as widespread a problem.

    Racist is racist..... doesn't matter who's doing what to whom. It's wrong. EOS

  6. Why are you calling yourself Leila and wear traditional arab clothing? Your in America hun ;):star:

    First of all I don't spell my name that way it's Layla and I like it. I used to have a doll named Layla long before I even knew what an Arab was.... got it from a song :P

    I wear "arab clothes" because it's hard to find clothes that cover anything in America.

  7. No you only asked if "her" religion teaches it is wrong and put the unsure smiley after (way to respect the People of the Book BTW)
    I don't have to be Arab to know that racism is wrong.. no matter who it's directed at... my religion teaches me that.... does yours? unsure.gif

    I asked her that because she was defending it... I wasn't implying in any way that she was racist herself.

    Also, are you now schooling me on how to be a muslim?

  8. Did you actually read what I said??????? I said the actual schools are what is offensive. But you complained more about the cartoon than the problem until I spoke up. In fact, I don't think you actually mentioned a single concern about the real problem.

    My concern is that Rahma makes a thread to advertise this class dealing with the real issue and some racist tromps in here and posts a racist pic.... it's reported and removed without incident....

    Then another donkey has to come in and re-post the same thing.... just to make sure it stays in the thread :huh:

    Then when a comment is made about it being reposted AFTER the admin had removed it I get schooled on how it's OK for them to be racist because of the media and how I shouldn't say anything about it anyway because I'm not Arab I'm "just a wannabe" :huh:

    I find that pic offensive and racist because 1. it's absolutely not funny at all that young people are being taught to blow themselves up or that innocent people get caught in their BS!

    2. It implies that Arabs are terrorists or that Islamic schools teach terrorism.

    3. It was posted in a thread about a course to defeat terrorism.

  9. I'm sure everyone here sees you as a victim now. :lol: What you wrote was pretty darn clear. I am not the only one who saw it or comprehended it that way. :no:

    I only implied you are a wannabe, I never said it. Isn't that the defense you are using by implying I'm a racist? If I only implied you are a wannabe and you actually called yourself one, then by your standards I have not done anything wrong!

    I never once implied that you're a racist JP :no: You should know me well enough to know that if I were going to call you a racist I would just say it. :huh:

  10. I am so lost jumping in here. I think JP's words have been totally misconstrued.

    I think the reactions to the cartoon are overreactions. The whole reason for the seminar is THERE IS A PROBLEM!!!!!! So it is OK to talk about the problem when it is neatly packaged in a seminar but a cartoon that depicts a sad reality offends. Go figure! I myself find the actual terrorist schools WAY more offensive than a flippin cartoon.

    Personally I don't find it at all amusing that young men and women are being brainwashed to blow themselves up for some freakshows political gain. :huh: Perhaps I need to readjust my sense of humor? :huh:

  11. Did I twist your words? You have been twisting mine all along! You don't accept anything except your own ideas and explanations. I have further explained what my comments to Mawilson meant and you simply dont want to accept that and choose to go with your own theories.

    You've been twisting my words this whole time.

    I'm not twisting your words when you come here and defend a racist. Racism is not excusable and it's not tolerable. Ever. :no: It doesn't matter if it's towards arabs, whites, blacks, indians, asians, or little green martians :P

    You just found this as your excuse to call me a wannabe. Good job. :thumbs:

  12. you're just wandering all over the map on this. have you been taking lessons from erekose on how to avoid being nailed down?

    and yes, you did insinuate that westerners watching western news channels turn into racists. :yes:

    I most certainly did not. I merely replied to another poster who claimed that it's ok for people to be racist because of the news here.... which BTW I disagree with.

  13. firstly, it's charles. got it?

    next, you're really missing the boat here regarding western news sources. it is asinine for you to infer that people who watch western news sources become racist from watching such. we on the same page finally or do i need to use single syllable words?

    I didn't say that anyone who watches the news here becomes racitst... I think ya need to go back to JP for that one since she's the one who used that for mawilson's defense. ;)

    Oh so I should worry now that I have insulted you after listening to your insults for 7 pages? :lol:

    You don't even know what it means to be an Arab :no: nor will you ever. The funny thing is that Arabs don't even concern themselves with the battles you fight. I never said Mawilson had the right to be racist. You are taking what I said out of context. The vast majority of Ameica feels the way Mawilson does and if we had you to represnt and defend us "arabs" well it would be a really sad day for us because you are only creating more hatred towards a race that is not yours.

    I didnt start a fight with you. I simply made a comment and about what Mawilson said. Disagreeing with what you say is not a crime. :no: I never attacked you or insulted you, you started that mess on your own.

    Where did I insult you other than calling you on twisting my words????

  14. VP I do think that some of Mawlisons views are ignorant and have spent alot of time explaining my views. It not something I hide. You are obviously just trying to start sh!t. When someone makes a remark about arabs that can be taken as racist, I think I would be one of the first to feel the effect of that. There are many racist comments made in MENA about arab women by our own MENA members (not Michael) and I have never said a word about it.

    You obviously have no idea what tolerence is. Racism isn't a fight you can win overnight and its defintly not one that will ever go away. If people of other races were not tolerent about some of the racism that goes on in the world, there would be wars in every street in American. When someone makes a racist comment, you can either ignore them or fight back. Fighting back is not going to change their views but it will most likely confirm it.

    I'm sorry you keep saying that I am accusing you of trying to be an Arab, so why do you call yourself Leila again and wear Arab style clothing? I call it as I see it. If you are offended that I called you a Non-Arab then you are going to have very difficult time accepting your reality.

    So you're offended that a non-Arab is offended about racism because if you're not Arab then you're not entitled to be offended by racism? #######?

    I wear Indian/paki clothes more than Arab clothes... maybe I'm trying to be Indian too? Do clothes define our races now? Basically you just called me a wannabe. Nice. :thumbs:

    When someone posted something I considered racist in this thread I did my part and reported it without incident... it wasn't until after it was removed and someone else came along to replace it that I spoke up about it. Then along comes you to tell me how mawilson has a right to be racist because of the news media or whatever else bull and started this fight with me so you can come 7 pages later and cry that I've insulted you? :bonk:

  15. It's also funny that you just said that mawilson is ignorant :lol:

    Well, I don't know any Arabs except you guys, and so far I'm not impressed

    (not you, JP, you're great)

    I'm not Arab :lol::whistle::lol:

    I am not impressed by you at all either.... this was not your first racist remark/action on this board :no:

    ETA: why is JP so great? Who was the "ignorant person" I was arguing with? :whistle::lol:

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