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Posts posted by Sarak_7272

  1. Thank you and your husband so much Sarak_7272 I rally appreciate your sympathy. Im doing my best here to be with my fiance, no matter where at! but since we have done so many paperworks and paid for all the fees, flight tickets and stuff we dont wanna just leave it like this and give up! plus if we do they might think that they were right! we are gonna show them what a true love can do, I will fight for until I everything is fixed! And I will do anything I mean ANYTHING to make this right..The only thing that makes me sad is seeing that my love lives far away from me..I dont wanna be so dramatic but we are honestly in love with each other, and thats all matters.

    You're welcome Sirwan. :) I think you have the right idea to show them what true love can do. I completely understand it makes you so sad that your love lives so far away. My husband and I were in the same situation and know very well. You have every right to be dramatic. I know I was very dramatic too when we had this long wait. I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes: When the going gets tough, the tough gets going ;)

    Best wishes and the best of luck. Remember, to keep your fiance hopeful and happy too during this tough time. Tell her not to dwell on negative thoughts as this has no means to an end.

  2. I am sooo sorry this happened to you!!!! My fiancé (at the time) was interviewed by the same CO (there is only one in Yerevan to interview Iranians for K1). He gave my fiancé really hard time. I am not Iranian and he spoke broken English, so CO told him I don't believe you can be in relationship if you speak bad English. (No issues for us, I speak several languages and can communicate with anyone that speaks poorly). Also we have age difference, but that was never mentioned. (We both were never married and no kids.) He probably would of been denied, but we provided really good evidence. I met him 5 times and I traveled for the interview (I was not let in, but CO knew I was outside). I provided almost 15 lbs of evidence (tons of pictures from vacations together, FB posts, chats, my conversations with his family and his with mine, whatever I could find I printed). I thought better more then less. CO rolled his eyes after seeing pile of papers and folders, but kept everything and put us in AP for 4.5 mos. We thought the worse, but he got approved and is here with me now. Please don't give up! Try to figure out possible reason for denial and overcome it for the next time. I don't know how to guide you and which direction to go at this time, but just wanted to wish you lots of luck in this difficult battle!


    Your story is almost the exact same as me and my (at the time) fiance! I was reading your story and was thinking I wrote it. lol :D My fiance (at the time) and I met in Yerevan 3 times, no kids, but I have been married once before, a slight age difference and I came to the interview & waited outside. I didn't realize there was only one interviewer for Iranians for K1 in Yerevan so he must have had the same CO. He started to speak Persian to my (then fiance) then switched to English and was speaking very fast and my fiance (at the time) was already nervous! They had to bring in a translator and the two of them would whisper things together, look at him and laugh. <_< The CO would ask him many times how we could be in love if he couldn't speak English and I was just learning Persian??? (I too have a knack for communicating with people that speak poor or even no English and know 2 other foreign languages). He explained and explained and explained...finally he let up and became a bit more calm with the questions. My fiance and I know that this is his job, though. He told him to come back two days that he got his visa but when we came the visa was not ready and the website said our case was in A.P.! I was furious as they had his passport still and couldn't afford to stay in Yerevan for how many weeks. He was told to come back in 4 days and it should be ready, but we were so nervous as the website said our case was in A.P. I had to fly home and he had to stay 3 days alone in Yerevan to get his passport with Visa (we were praying). The last day together in Yerevan we made the most of it and put everything in God's hands. We let go of our negative emotions and enjoyed each other's company at Sevan Lake and knew that no matter what, no man could come between us and our Love. :)

    The common theme here is Love and Hope. Never give up and remember to think logically too. The C.O. is only doing his job and it is common treatment so it's nothing personal. It's only his job. Love will find its way. Good Luck and best wishes to you Pishi_Pishi and Sirwan. You have gone this far so don't give up. :)

  3. Reading your post has made both me and my husband very sad. We are sorry you and your fiance are having such a difficult time right now with the K1 process. My husband tells me to say to you and your fiance to be patient and don't give up. It's just a process...a very long process and do NOT give up hope. I advise you keep on it and reapply and don't give up hope. As for the interview,...my husband (fiance at the time) had a difficult time too but not as difficult as your fiance from what I read. Don't let these negative thoughts and emotions overwhelm you and keep a positive mind. That was one thing my husband has taught me and it really does help your well being. Don't dwell on the negative as it will eat you alive. Best wishes and I wish the best for you and your fiance.

  4. It doesn't need to be notarized. Just as long as it's the long form that's official.

    Make sure you order the long form one, as they won't take the short form/wallet sized card that most Canadians have.

    My fiance ordered his and received it in about a week. Ontario requires a guarantor, if they actually contact the guarantor to confirm you are who you are is a hit or miss, but that is usually the one step that messes with people.

    As for it in the packets, if you're just looking at the 129F, then it only needs the petitioners BC. Once you get packet 3 and 4, both of them list the Canadian citizen's birth certificate as a required item.

    My intention is if your birth certificate isn't in English. When you get a translation of your B C or vaccination records or a diploma it must be stamped with notary that is all. Sorry for confusion

  5. The G-325A form my fiance wrote his name in Persian where it says to write in his native alphabet. Then below that in the bold outlined heavy border box his name is in English (Roman characters). The letter of intent he wrote in both English and Persian. (signing both English and Persian). I haven't received the NOA2 so I hope I did this right. ;)

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