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little white guy

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Posts posted by little white guy

  1. I'm sorry this is happening to you. The reason the FBI maybe be involved is because it's something much bigger. The other person involved may be in a marriage scam ring or something like that. For the FBI to be involved it has to be something that big or they're looking to catch someone with ties to your information. It's not the first I've heard this happening and I'm sure it's not the last. I pray that this is resolved soon.

    I agree. Make calls. Track down that lawyer of yours.

    I hope it all works out for you in the end. I'm so sorry.


    Nothing quiet about you, your a tornado!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Any man with a real woman like you fighting for

    her family is a gift sent from heaven itself!!!!!!!!

    Kick some FED butt. What a woman I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good day everybody..ive been always repeating my question about this whole process for getting a visa..A stressful stuff to do...my husband just send the I 864 package yesterday and i am getting nervous of the outcome because my husband dont have enough income and dont have 3 years tax because he was in the philippines at 2005 and 2006 and just went home 2007...my mother in law is my co sponsor but most of her income is not taxable like ss retirement and she has premanent money from the veterans as a wife...she make plenty enough from the ss and the veterans to be my co sponsor BUT I AM STILL WORRIED ABOUT IT..she had proof of all the money she got every month...anybody think we have problem for this? please i need an advice.........God bless you


    Wish could help with that. The Subforums

    might be good place to post that.

    Look for Philippines in that forum.

    Sorry cant help you, am sure some can.

  3. We are K3 wifes I129F expires first of Oct this year.

    Still have no P2 for I130 just found out I130 got

    transfered to CA. USCIS on the phone now 2 times

    says so, go ahead and file AOS and I539.

    Without P2 for I130 we keep asking? Yes

    they say. They say wife will still be legal

    by doing this. OK so we file these spend

    $1010 for aos and another $300 for I539

    you people wont come back with a RFE

    for P2? And give us 30 days or be denied?

    And my wife will then be illegal since within

    30 days it cant be done due to you?

    Sorry but we can only give general data.

    OK so thats not in the general data catalog?

    No sir it's not. What a bunch of #######!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She has sat here almost two years now, cant

    work, cant drive cant do nothing and now this.

    Anyone in the same pit? What did you do?

  4. yay, I will be getting a lawyer (or a team) to work on my case.. doing a "Writ of Mandamus".. they said they can send it in within 3-4 months and have an answer 45 days after that.. so hopefully around 6 months time I would receive an answer.. :thumbs: The fee is pretty expensive though ($5500), but it is worth it if I get to be with her everyday...

    the lawyer website (open for 25+ years, and a team of lawyers so hopefully it would be better and more trustworthy than just one) :


    Gogo did you read this post good?

    Maybe i'm wrong but seems would have

    helped you more than "writ", saved some

    money to. Read this part

    Citizenship cases if you are applying for citizenship

    (peitition for declatory judgement)

    QUOTE(YuAndDan @ Mar 21 2008, 03:35 PM)

    What is your status? Your timeline shows I-129F NOA1 last June. Are you still waiting for USCIS to approve the I-130/I-129F?

    Typically people file Writ of Mandamus when FBI is taking an unresonably long time on Adjustment of Status name check for the green-card.

    Don't know if helps but found this on the Writ subject.

    View Full Version : Writ of Mandamus Options for FBI namecheck

    Note this part

    Citizenship cases


    logiclife06-08-2006, 11:10 AM

    Here is a brief description of Lawyer's opinion that we heard on a conference call arranged by IV and Randall Emery of American Families United on June 7th.

    These notes below were prepared by Randall after the conference call.


    To join a group of individuals and co ordinate efforts, go to this thread and signup :FBI name check delays signup (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=898)

    Also, there is a Yahoogroups group called namechecktracker created for communicating and co-ordinating. There are nearly 100 members stuck in name check delays of 485 filing.

    Notes based on yesterday's conference call:

    This is only notes prepared based on legal opinion of a lawyer who specializes in Writ of Mandamus cases against the USCIS for citizenship cases as well as family based and employment based greencards. This most not be construed as any kind of attorney client relationship.

    - Priority Dates and Writ of Mandamus:

    In employment based immigration cases, if your priority date is not current then the chances of success by filing writ of mandamus are negligible. To have a successful Writ of Mandamus, you need to have your priority date current. Otherwise the USCIS will respond to WoM by saying that the case is not actionable and a decision cannot be made until the case becomes current per visa bulletin.

    - Your Case:

    A writ of mandamus is best for clean cases (where there are no

    criminal arrests, or more importantly, convictions) because a writ of

    mandamus only compels the government to make a decision; it does not

    say what the decision should be

    - How long have you been waiting whether to pursue a writ of mandamus depends on how long you have

    been waiting on your case (and for employment based cases, if your

    priority date is current). Rule of thumb: waiting less than 1 year -

    not advised unless continued wait would cause harm; 1 - 2 years -

    should consider WOM; 2+ years - it's time to file

    -Possibility of Class action because of the individual nature of a writ of mandamus (as noted in

    the above 2 points), and because of the difficulty in getting a

    national jurisdiction, WOM does not easily lend itself to a class

    action; Joe Hohenstein(Orlow and Orlow) will follow up on this in more detail at the American

    Immigration Lawyer's Association (AILA) convention later this month

    and get back in touch with Jay or myself

    - Citizenship cases if you are applying for citizenship, you have a stronger option than

    writ of mandamus, called a peitition for declatory judgement, where

    you can argue not just for a judgement but for an approval of your

    case as well; in addition, when applying for citizenship, there is a

    hard and fast rule vs. the rule of thumb for WOM -- with citizenship,

    you should definately file after 120 days

    - why WoM works when you file a WOM, it is embarassing for the government, and they

    do not want have the courts examine their decision making process; in

    many cases, if they get a letter from a law firm that they know will

    file in federal court one month later, they will often process the

    case; a successful WOM is settled before going to court

    - Court appearances you do not have to appear personally in court when you file a writ

    of mandamus 99.9% of the time. Joe said he is yet to see a case where the client had to go to court with lawyer and argue WoM case.

    - typical cost: between $1,500 to $2,000, plus filing fees of about $400

    - Joe Hohenstein's Law Firm Orlow & Orlow is in Philadelphia, and typically represents clients

    in the Northeast. Joe can take individual emails at joe@orlow.com;

    because there may be a lot of emails, please allow for a delay in the

    response. If the questions are get to be more detailed, he would talk

    about treating them as an initial consultation, which is $100.

  5. This is ridiculous! The OP suggested that he didn't have the money right now. He isn't shirking his repsonsibility. Give him some slack, people!

    And if it is true that this woman deceived him into a relationship for immigrant benefit alone, she is breaking immigration law. Does she deserve more consideration that the "host" or "victim" she preyed upon?

    I'm sorry mermaid my friend, but in my world people are NOT disposable. If the OP thinks they are, well, certainly I'll agree to disagree.

    I have no pity for her either but I don't know her side of the story and am not about to take the OP's word for gospel when it's filled with bad vibes and thinking that his former fiance (or now spouse or whatever) is like a broken DVD player. If that's the way he thinks.... well...

    I am not passing judgment on the alien or the OP, but I am interested in the visceral responses. What I am interested in is knowing where the threshhold lies? If a DVD player is "broken" we have no issue with returning it to the store. We have come to "expect" it to perform. If someone preys upon another, are they not a "broken" person?

    Mermaid, if you're looking for an argument you chose the wrong person. I gave -and sustain- my opinion on the matter; and if you or anyone else does not like it, that is not my problem. I don't have to explain my responses to you or anyone else.

    Peace out, L.

    Brush it off mermaid. If all you have is one eye ya sure can't see out of the other.

    End it with a childess statement such as "peace out" well then thats a whole "nother"

    story. Many times people jump, claw, condem and just plan run thier mouth based

    on something posted without even trying to be a "human being". They enjoy being

    some kinda animal. People DO post things when upset and NO many times you will

    not know the real reason why. So off we go in a rush to judge someone over upset

    posted words you or me don't realy know the truth about. Would you jump and judge

    him or her to thier face over this?. No don't think so. Can you do it on a web page,

    heck ya, thats easy. Wonder sometimes if posts people sink thier claws into with so

    much passion with no understanding at all maybe see something about

    thierself. One eye blind and can't see out the other. You can't wait for the punch line

    to be posted as to why they said what they did thats your problem. Yours alone.

  6. I understand that you guys are frustrated regarding your problems with another website however this is not really the place to vent them continuously. It is certainly a fine line to walk in moderating these posts however I would ask that you consider contacting the other websites admin regarding your problems. Typically a website admin will listen to issues that are of concern to it's members. Thank you.

    In my other posts I mentioned how I tried to contact the mods, but since I'm banned I have no access to PM's, the members area, or other ways to contact the mods there. I even tried to activate a second account, but used a jaseball@ address, so they knew it was me and never activated the account.

    That's about as far as I am willing to go.

    The China sub section on VJ is very inactive and it is actually nice to see informed people view and participate here.

    Unlike my first post, this post is very dry with first person perspectives and no bashing of CFL.

    Once I ran across a saying in chinese looking for a way to tell my wife how much she means to me so I posted one I found asking just what did it mean?. I got a pm from "D" asking me if I was going to cause trouble on CFL. Your reason for asking me that is what I said. The reply was well maybe I didn't understand why you asked a translation of those words. So yes I said no you did not understand at all and futhermore your "jump" says you either have no common sense, which means you can't think and reason. Or the saying is true you can't teach a old dog a new trick.

  7. You're right about calling someone a sucker is pretty mean. Most folks just say sorry it happened and wish you the best. I actually felt bad about that because the guy was really cool, but far too trusting.

    Here are some ironic things though:

    1) My fiancee got packet 3 last night while I was asleep. I had a feeling she would get it before my ban was up, but I can't update my status on CFL and probably won't bother now.

    2) Being banned means I can't use the PM system there and there are actually quite a few folks who agree with me and I want to stay in touch with them.

    3) Contacting a mod or the site owner is a pain when banned. I even tried to start a new account to send some PM's, read the members section, and contact the mod who banned me, but I used an email with my username, so they never activated it.

    I doubt they do IP tracking or range banning, so I could create another email, pull a new IP just in case, and then register for CFL again, but that is more trouble than it is worth. Of course this new account could be a 'female,' and I'd be treated like royalty, but that is just too sick and twisted.

    Just make sure the woman spells her name right. Few weeks ago a poster named "peary" something like that got called pretty much a gay boy. Yes think it was a good old boy jumped the gun because of a miss spell. Don't know if she understood what she got called not seen anything else posted by her but will check again. I left that place never to post again and truth is when pushbrk was there his advice was the best in my view. Don't need good old boys opinions in maters such as this. Only facts.

  8. What is your status? Your timeline shows I-129F NOA1 last June. Are you still waiting for USCIS to approve the I-130/I-129F?

    Typically people file Writ of Mandamus when FBI is taking an unresonably long time on Adjustment of Status name check for the green-card.

    Don't know if helps but found this on the Writ subject.

    View Full Version : Writ of Mandamus Options for FBI namecheck

    Note this part

    Citizenship cases


    logiclife06-08-2006, 11:10 AM

    Here is a brief description of Lawyer's opinion that we heard on a conference call arranged by IV and Randall Emery of American Families United on June 7th.

    These notes below were prepared by Randall after the conference call.


    To join a group of individuals and co ordinate efforts, go to this thread and signup :FBI name check delays signup (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/showthread.php?t=898)

    Also, there is a Yahoogroups group called namechecktracker created for communicating and co-ordinating. There are nearly 100 members stuck in name check delays of 485 filing.

    Notes based on yesterday's conference call:

    This is only notes prepared based on legal opinion of a lawyer who specializes in Writ of Mandamus cases against the USCIS for citizenship cases as well as family based and employment based greencards. This most not be construed as any kind of attorney client relationship.

    - Priority Dates and Writ of Mandamus:

    In employment based immigration cases, if your priority date is not current then the chances of success by filing writ of mandamus are negligible. To have a successful Writ of Mandamus, you need to have your priority date current. Otherwise the USCIS will respond to WoM by saying that the case is not actionable and a decision cannot be made until the case becomes current per visa bulletin.

    - Your Case:

    A writ of mandamus is best for clean cases (where there are no

    criminal arrests, or more importantly, convictions) because a writ of

    mandamus only compels the government to make a decision; it does not

    say what the decision should be

    - How long have you been waiting whether to pursue a writ of mandamus depends on how long you have

    been waiting on your case (and for employment based cases, if your

    priority date is current). Rule of thumb: waiting less than 1 year -

    not advised unless continued wait would cause harm; 1 - 2 years -

    should consider WOM; 2+ years - it's time to file

    -Possibility of Class action because of the individual nature of a writ of mandamus (as noted in

    the above 2 points), and because of the difficulty in getting a

    national jurisdiction, WOM does not easily lend itself to a class

    action; Joe Hohenstein(Orlow and Orlow) will follow up on this in more detail at the American

    Immigration Lawyer's Association (AILA) convention later this month

    and get back in touch with Jay or myself

    - Citizenship cases if you are applying for citizenship, you have a stronger option than

    writ of mandamus, called a peitition for declatory judgement, where

    you can argue not just for a judgement but for an approval of your

    case as well; in addition, when applying for citizenship, there is a

    hard and fast rule vs. the rule of thumb for WOM -- with citizenship,

    you should definately file after 120 days

    - why WoM works when you file a WOM, it is embarassing for the government, and they

    do not want have the courts examine their decision making process; in

    many cases, if they get a letter from a law firm that they know will

    file in federal court one month later, they will often process the

    case; a successful WOM is settled before going to court

    - Court appearances you do not have to appear personally in court when you file a writ

    of mandamus 99.9% of the time. Joe said he is yet to see a case where the client had to go to court with lawyer and argue WoM case.

    - typical cost: between $1,500 to $2,000, plus filing fees of about $400

    - Joe Hohenstein's Law Firm Orlow & Orlow is in Philadelphia, and typically represents clients

    in the Northeast. Joe can take individual emails at joe@orlow.com;

    because there may be a lot of emails, please allow for a delay in the

    response. If the questions are get to be more detailed, he would talk

    about treating them as an initial consultation, which is $100.

    What can be done collectively:

    The issue with

    name checks is not funding, but an institutional culture that believes

    that our issues are unimportant and that should not be addressed

    because it might impact the ability to find the "needle in the

    haystack" threat to security. What is needed to combat this is to

    debunk this argument, so our collective efforts might focus on working

    with non-profits to study this issue in more detail, as well as

    identify members of Congress who might help.

  9. By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press Writer

    Democratic Sen. Barack Obama said Thursday that Sen. John McCain reversed his position on President Bush's deep tax cuts in order to win the Republican presidential nomination, one of his sharpest criticisms yet of the Arizona senator he hopes to face this fall.

    Criticizing GOP efforts to extend major tax cuts from Bush's first term and to eliminate the estate tax, Obama said: "These are all steps that John McCain rightly said were irresponsible when they first came up."

    "He made a decision to reverse himself on that," Obama told reporters as he flew from Chicago to Washington for a series of Senate votes on budget issues.

    "That was how, I guess, you got your ticket punched to be the Republican nominee," he said of McCain. "But he was right then, and he's wrong now."

    McCain has said he supports extending the tax cuts, which he initially voted against, because the economy is struggling and tax reductions offer some stimulus.

    McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said in a statement that if Obama is nominated, "the American people will have a clear choice: John McCain will cut taxes while Senator Obama will raise them, hurting our economy and costing jobs for hardworking Americans."

    Obama has proposed an array of subsidies for higher education, health care and other costs hitting middle-class families. He said he believes he can pay for such plans by closing tax loopholes, placing a new tax on carbon emissions, phasing out the Iraq war and ending the Bush tax cuts for the nation's highest earners.

    "We have identified the cuts that we think are available, or the changes in our tax code that are available to pay for our middle-class tax cut as well as our proposals to fund higher education and so on," the Illinois senator said.

    He said, however, "There will be a lot of special interests and lobbyists that will resist the kinds of changes that I've proposed."

    Asked if he would scale back his agenda if some of his proposed tax increases fail, Obama said, "I am a strong believer in pay-go," a term for avoiding new deficits by paying as you go. "So adhering to pay-go means that if I couldn't find the revenues or reduce spending in other areas, then I couldn't pay for my proposals."


    Trust in me says one, We alone can fix all your problems, you can't do it.

    Nono says the other just put your trust in us, they can't fix your problems,

    you don't know how, only we do. Ok mom & dad you keep wanting more

    and more of my money so what butt wipes is best?.Charmin or Scotts?

    Oh ok got ya, its Scotts for me we like to spread.

  10. Ok, I'm in a discussion on another board (not immigration) about the k3 (I was a cr-1)

    What Iam saying (could be wrong) is that with a k3 it is a multiple entry visa, THUS no AP!!

    What the other person is saying that yes when the person is on a k3 it is multiple entry,BUT once they file the AOS paperwork, THEN if they want to travel out of the USA they need AP.

    Who is correct,lol

    :no: NO, The other person needs to read the I-131 directions, If you read carefully Post #2 above, the I-131 directions clearly indicate that K-3s do not need AP to travel even when an I-485 is pending.

    "You do not need to apply for advance parole if both conditions described below in A and B are met"

    "A" the person has a valid K-3 or K-4 visa, AND "B" there has been an I-485 filed on the K-3/4 holder's behalf.

    Not trying to hijack post but got me thinking about the I-94.

    Sorry have no time line, wouldn't know where to begin thanks to .gov.

    We are k3, wifes I-94 runs out November this year. Still waiting for

    P2. i-130 to file AOS, I guess thats our route. Anyway if I-94 runs out

    before AOS is approved what do you do?.Stay so confused on this mess.

    Not even sure anymore if we need a diferent route, wife explains to me

    but can't seem to get it in my head.

    The validity of the K3 visa can be extended.

    Correct, you file I-539 and pay $300 to extend the K-3 validity.


    Thanks Dan & Push..

    Understand..Even more greenbacks..Never ending spending cabbage.

    Thanks you guys!!!!!!!!..Do understand now (as wife puts the chinglish on me).

    Short for i will kick ur butt now.

  11. I can sympathize with that guy! I wish missionaries would just #### off with all that proselytizing. It's good to give people a taste of their own medicine. In Thailand I'd see missionaries bugging schoolkids! I wonder how Americans would like it if Muslim or Buddhist missionaries were here trying to convert OUR children and telling them that their parents are going to hell for believing the wrong thing. I don't think most people would appreciate that.

    Sorry, but I f*cking hate missionaries (even when they are being "polite"). If there were for real atheist missionaries, I'd f*cking hate them too. End of rant.


    F**k us all if humons such as you are allowed to have f**cking kids.

    They be targeting the mail(person) from behind the door. Of course

    in a friendly f**king way.Later thier lifes goal will be a f**king camera

    (person) on Girls Gone Wild. You can be proud in your later years.

    Well f**k me, I f**king Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Ok, I'm in a discussion on another board (not immigration) about the k3 (I was a cr-1)

    What Iam saying (could be wrong) is that with a k3 it is a multiple entry visa, THUS no AP!!

    What the other person is saying that yes when the person is on a k3 it is multiple entry,BUT once they file the AOS paperwork, THEN if they want to travel out of the USA they need AP.

    Who is correct,lol

    :no: NO, The other person needs to read the I-131 directions, If you read carefully Post #2 above, the I-131 directions clearly indicate that K-3s do not need AP to travel even when an I-485 is pending.

    "You do not need to apply for advance parole if both conditions described below in A and B are met"

    "A" the person has a valid K-3 or K-4 visa, AND "B" there has been an I-485 filed on the K-3/4 holder's behalf.

    Not trying to hijack post but got me thinking about the I-94.

    Sorry have no time line, wouldn't know where to begin thanks to .gov.

    We are k3, wifes I-94 runs out November this year. Still waiting for

    P2. i-130 to file AOS, I guess thats our route. Anyway if I-94 runs out

    before AOS is approved what do you do?.Stay so confused on this mess.

    Not even sure anymore if we need a diferent route, wife explains to me

    but can't seem to get it in my head.

  13. haha this stuff about god makes me LOL

    do you seriously think your petition would not have been aproved had you not prayed?

    Real nice of you to stick your 1cent in.

    Belive in a god or not you have no right to take a #######

    on two peoples life, no right at all do you have. Shame on

    you bubba. Dumb your loads in the bathroom, have no

    right to say to them what you did.

  14. hello everybody ill try to get a state ID not a drivers license tomorrow but i dont have my SSNye ... im in north carolina..is it possible to get a state ID without SSN?

    thanks! have a nice evening everyone!


    Use this link for nc state id card, not the other.

    This link is for id not to drive.

    Click the blue link on that page.

    Chapter 1 - Requirements

  15. More on Candle from Mar 1, that community seems to know it before Chicago Trib posted it.

    SEE: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29913

    Hey Dan........

    Looks like no more news for now, wife on chinese sites and friends and me

    on US news channels and stuff..Don't know why but something don't feel

    right about this you know?..Wife and girls on 001 plus a couple of US chinese

    sites say the same thing..Did you see the phone interview on FOX news?

    This is really sad, she has a lot of people out here hopping she didn't meet up

    with well, how to say, foul play?..Makes one want to help in some way but

    how to do don't know..

  16. www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/chi-sheboygan-missingmar03,0,4395872.story


    Cops, family search for woman who disappeared at O'Hare

    By Robert Mitchum

    Tribune reporter

    March 3, 2008

    Sumei Hu flew into O'Hare International Airport on Feb. 26, returning to her American husband from a long visit with her family in China.

    But somewhere between customs and the terminal waiting area, Hu disappeared, and now her family and Chicago police are trying to determine what happened to the 38-year-old Chinese woman.

    "It's just incredible. How can somebody disappear out of the airport?" Hu's husband, Steven Frasch of Sheboygan, Wis., said Sunday.

    Video footage shows Hu arriving at O'Hare Tuesday afternoon on an American Airlines flight from Tokyo -- the last leg of travel from her hometown of Guangzhou, China -- and checking in at customs, police Sgt. Jeffrey Peraino said. Investigators are sifting through more airport footage, he said.

    Frasch waited for his wife in the international terminal for more than an hour after her plane landed, only leaving to ask an airline employee whether she had missed her flight.

    "But I never did meet up with her. She got through, and she's gone," Frasch said. "None of her family has heard from her. She's just a beautiful person inside and out. Our last conversations were just so happy."

    Frasch and Hu were married in November 2005, he said, after meeting on an Internet dating service. She had traveled back to China in September to visit her 15-year-old daughter from a previous marriage, as well as other family in Guangzhou.

    Though Hu did not have a credit card, Frasch said, police could not rule out whether she may have left on another flight.

    "Could she have turned around and walked up to the counter and purchased another ticket?" Peraino said. "It's possible."

    Police were also trying to determine who paid for Hu's ticket to China. Frasch said a female friend in Sheboygan had paid for the ticket with her credit card, but he could not recall the friend's name.

    Hu's family said she was wearing a brown hat, black jacket with fur trim, pink sweater, green gloves and jeans. They said that she also answers to the name Chung, and that she has only a basic understanding of English.

    Anyone with information is encouraged to call detectives at 312-746-8365.



    Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

    Saw this posted on CFL, thought maybe in some way could help posting here.

    Something don't sound right but still would like to help if can.

  17. they are hornswaggle.. the USCIS... :lol: for those we don't know the meaning...

    hornswaggle - Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 :

    36 Moby Thesaurus words for "hornswaggle":

    bamboozle, beguile, betray, bluff, cajole, cheat on, circumvent,

    conjure, deceive, delude, diddle, double-cross, dupe, forestall,

    gammon, get around, gull, hoax, hocus-pocus, humbug, juggle,

    let down, mock, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach,

    pigeon, play one false, put something over, snow, string along,

    take in, trick, two-time

    you can choose one (or all) and just apply it to them.. :jest: :jest:

    Ballad Of Jed Clampett

    Come and listen to a story 'bout a man named Jed

    Poor mountaineer barely kept his family fed

    Then one day he was shooting for some food,

    And up through the ground come a bubbling crude

    (Oil that is, black gold, Texas tea)

    Well the first thing you know old Jed's a millionaire

    Kin folk said Jed move away from there

    Said California is the place you oughta be

    So they loaded up the truck and they moved to Beverly

    (Hills that is, swimming pools, movie stars)

    Well now it's time to say goodbye to Jed and all his kin

    They would like to thank you folks for kindly dropping in

    You're all invited back again to this locality

    To have a heaping helping of their hospitality

    (Beverly Hillbillies, that's what they call 'em now,

    Nice folks Y'all come back now, ya hear?)

    To bad we got no Jeds up thar

    Even Granny would fix ya some chitlins

    No lies, no bull know thats hospitality.

  18. Could anyone tell me? I got married last May in Bosnia. I lived over there a few months and came back. My husband worked on a US based cruise ship Jan-June then returned to Bosnia. He has never lived in the States. He has no income in Bosnia for 2007. How do I file my taxes? Can I file married filing jointly if he has never lived here?

    Might be best to go here.

    As with DHS what was today

    might not be 2morrow.

    Live Telephone Assistance

    When calling, you may ask questions to help you prepare your tax return, or ask about a notice you have received.

    Telephone Assistance for Individuals:

    Toll-Free, 1-800-829-1040

    Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

    Telephone Assistance for Businesses:

    Toll-Free, 1-800-829-4933

    Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

    Telephone Assistance for Exempt Organizations, Retirement Plan Administrators, and Government Entities:

    Toll-Free, 1-877-829-5500

    Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time. Some specific services are not available during the full hours of operation. Exceptions are as follows:

    Complex tax law calls are answered Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Central Time.

    Basic Employer Plans (EP) tax law calls are answered 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Central Time.

    Telephone Assistance for people with hearing impairments:

    Toll-Free 1-800-829-4059 (TDD)

    Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time).

    For further information, see Tax Topic 102.

    Telephone Assistance for people who live outside the United States

    Hours of availability vary by location. Please see our International Services page.

    Face-to-Face Assistance

    In certain areas, IRS also has local offices you may visit to receive assistance.

  19. Where to post this have no idea, have never seen this subject on any website

    dealing in K visa's or any site that tells you exactly how and what agencys check

    you out in this process theres more of them than we know about.If anyone has

    this problem DHS has this problem.States we are told don't care to much about

    divorce/marriage issues.What you do state to state in this, county to county might

    not ever be known anywhere else.We have been denied I-130 twice and its took

    me two years to know why.All I (we) ever got told was your marriage isn't legal.

    Long story short say your ex left you many years ago for someone in another state.

    And filed for a divorce in that state.Even (we got told) by DHS it would not matter

    to them because the address you filed on your K visa (the state) you live in is all

    that matters.Your marriage certificates or divorce certifiactes. Our .gov in our case

    anyway best we can find out went state to state looking for my name even though

    i'm a nobody and found a divorce cert done by them in a state after 20 years I don't

    remember where. It has been a war with them since. They will not tell me what state

    this was done in and yes I guess its my fault not having something was done 20 years

    ago. But that aside the reason I was checked out in this way I don't know, DHS has

    no explanation, my officails in this state don't give a ratsbutt. All I keep getting from

    DHS is we don't care what your ex did, all we care about is what did you fix it in the state

    you live in?. So I guess another leason can be added to your K as well as your life as

    a whole. Don't do something in another state or even a county within that state you don't

    want to come back and bite you in the butt. Above all if you marry and fail make dang

    sure you (fix) it in the state you live in.The other state you belived your ex fixed it.

    Paperwork or not might not be. So says DHS.

  20. Here's something to help you guys =)

    :thumbs: (list updated as of 5/31/07) so it's pretty new..

    Let me know who we have to contact.. someone can be the guinea pig =) I tried calling direct to Gonzalez (number is correct), but the secretary forwarded me back =( that was a couple of weeks ago.. so I'll try again soon if nothing else happens on my case.. this time I'm getting my expedite request :devil:

    Am waiting on a call back from that office will post what find out..

    Not sure if will help, two times got a newbie didnt know what a

    I-94 for approved I-129f is.

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