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Posts posted by Squamish

  1. UPDATE: We met with the tax preparer today and the best way for our situation was for me to file MARRIED FILE SINGLE and claim my husband as a dependent. But the next year we will file MFJ. I still had to pay some taxes but it was on my income. But be forewarned because there is a marriage penalty for some people. His income in the Netherlands was of course not included. Now here is something interesting we did learn. When my husband does get his pension from Holland he will have to report it here and be taxed on it here. The U.S. and Holland have some type of tax treaty when pensions are involved that his country cannot tax it if it is taxed here but we would have to do some investigation on this to find out how to take care of this and of course it probably will be complicated. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Maybe someone will be helped through what we just went through. There is so many laws and rules and situations regarding tax laws it is incredible. Anyhow, we are both happy and blessed we did find each other after all we went through during the lengthy immigration process.

  2. I don't believe Obamacare is the issue as we do have health coverage under something else. Supposedly the taxes were done both ways MFJ and MFS. My husband had no US income but if we file MFJ his worldwide income must be reported (which we did). We are meeting Thursday with the tax preparer to go over all this. This really is horrible considering our income level and how wasteful our government is with our tax dollars. I wonder if anyone else has run into this problem.

  3. My husband is from the Netherlands and we married November 2016. I got an extension on my U.S. income taxes and paid around $925.00 thinking that would take care of everything. Today I learned after hearing from my tax preparer I will have to pay an additional $3,000.00!!!!! My husband did not have a large income and he paid his taxes also in Holland. My income is not large either as I am retired. There is something definitely wrong here. I did so much research on this topic and learned that Marriage filing jointly was the best option. There is still a Marriage Penalty here in the U.S. I wish we would have waited till January 1, 2016 to marry. We are meeting with the tax preparer this week so they can explain how they came up with this figure. It seems he is knowledgeable in these type of things but who knows. So if anyone thinks they might have this type of problem please wait till the first of next year to marry if you can.


  4. Eric, the two Senators that I contacted from Georgia first sent me privacy releases to sign. I then with great detail outlined my case to them regarding the processing time differences between the CSC and the TSC. I also reminded them about the Senate hearing in March 2015 to try to fix the backlog at the TSC and how their answer was to route new filers to the CSC where they are approved in a matter of weeks. I knew the Senators had a direct line to Immigration that we don't have (I found this by researching on line).

    My petition was approved July 27 and left for the DOS on July 29. I have no idea if my Senators helped or not but for anyone that is tired of the long wait at the TSC I would still write your Senators. Hoping for everyone to receive their approvals soon. I truly understand the horrible wait.

  5. Thank you to everyone for all the congrats! To Eric: I did contact both my Senators and after signing a privacy release form they sent inquiries. This was less than a month ago so I don't know if that is what helped or not. It would not hurt to do this and you never know until you do it. After all they do work for us (or are supposed to). Hope your approval goes through SOON!

  6. I am still waiting and it is now 185 days and no action from TSC. I have two Georgia senators sending inquiries but have heard nothing yet. I can't look at the approvals from the CSC because it is like an arrow piercing my heart. I am also frustrated and my fiancé is even more frustrated. I sure have learned a lot about government ineptness (if that is even a correct word). Would even subscribing to Immifairy even give me any comfort?

  7. Brian: There is another same sex couple on here that filed after me and got approved already so trust me there is no discrimination on anyone's part there. I see unfairness

    all around here but there is nothing else to do other than contact your congressman which I recently have done. I am now at the six month mark and have heard nothing. My fiancé from Holland came to spend a month here with me in May and we even thought we would hear something during the time he was here. Nada. So hang around the Visa Journey forum and meet some of us but I will warn you try not to get too upset when you see those that have filed after us already approved. Hey, you may even get approved before me! I'll try not to be upset with you though. :)

  8. I totally understand your frustration and all I can say is to hang in there because you are in the same place as many of us. USICS is totally not fair and I also have seen cases that have filed ahead of me already approved. Don't get me started about the CSC where those that have recently filed have already been approved. It is 179 days and we are still waiting and growing older by the minute. You are not alone.

  9. Is anyone else noticing that Igor's List seems to be sporadically updating the dates at the TSC? Yesterday it showed the TSC working on December 27 and today it is December 23. My estimated Timeline dates are fluctuating almost daily as well and I don't seem to be moving up in the slots at the TSC.

  10. Isakson is the one that I heard back from as well. It will soon be six months here and if I don't hear soon regarding this I will again pursue it. How can so many new filers that were routed to the CSC be already approved and on with their life while we still sit and wait? I need to quit looking at what is going on because when I do it upsets me. My fiancé is from the Netherlands and he was here again for a month but now is back home and we still are waiting. We both keep on praying together hoping something will happen.

  11. I also downloaded the APP to my i-phone. I have also contacted my two Senators and Congressman from Georgia. One of my Senators has just assigned someone to look into my case. I wrote them about the unfairness of the new filers being sent to the CSC and approved in a matter of weeks while the majority of us that have filed months ago still sit at the TSC. I will keep everyone informed if anything transpires.

  12. We are late January filers and stuck at TSC with you February filers. I am grateful to meet so many on here that are walking through this same frustrating process. All I can say is keep hanging in there. I will shout it all over VJ once we get our NOA2! My fiancé from Holland was here for a month in May so that did help. We have everything ready for our wedding except the visa in hand.

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