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Posts posted by Sammy0207

  1. 2 hours ago, Sammy0207 said:

    Oh, ok thank you very much. We will read more and try to figure things out we hope. 

    Now we understand thank you very much. I hope my uncle sponsoring me and joining with my fiancee is going to end in our favour. Thanks everyone and God bless y'all. If we have more questions this is a good place to come and ask. Thanks again!

  2. 4 minutes ago, Shiran said:

    No, I am saying you do not need a cosponsor to file I-129F and for it to get approved. Which is about 3-4 months process at the current USCIS processing speed - no promises it will stay as speedy. You will need I-134 once you have to attend the interview, assuming your local embassy requires is (Most do)

    Oh, ok thank you very much. We will read more and try to figure things out we hope. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Shiran said:

    Any US Citizen or LPR can be a cosponsor. But first your fiancee who must be US Citizen needs to kick off the process by filing I-129F. You do not need a cosponsor for that step, that won't come into picture until months later after her I-129F petition is hopefully approved. Then her, and co-sponsor will need to file form I-134 and you will take form and supporting evidence with you to the interview at US Embassy. 

    So you're telling us if our relationship is true and I-129F passes we don't have a single reason to be worried ?  We just needed someone to confirm us that. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, Pitaya (火龙果) said:

    During the interview phase of this process, the US petitioner (primary sponsor) must complete/submit necessary paperwork the I-134 to meet the financial requirements of the K1 visa  The US petitioner is always the primary sponsor and must complete a I-134. If a co-sponsor (secondary sponsor) is necessary, they will also need to complete and submit a I-134 with accompanying documentation. Refer to the I-134 for details: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/files/form/i-134instr.pdf


    Good luck on your immigration journey.

    I'm sorry for asking but let's juay say it like this. She makes like 16k a year, lives with her parents right now and goes to college. If my uncle sponsors too and give us a house to stay in. Should we be worried about that or should we be fine? That is the only doubt we have and don't understand.

  5. 7 minutes ago, Roel said:

    As long as he is green card holder or US citizen he can be joint sponsor.  He won't "sponsor" your Visa. Your US fiancee is the main sponsor no matter what. 

    He is an US citizen. I'm asking because my girlfriend is not working for any company. She is going in to the college and working as a singer for couple of churches and doesn't get paid much. We asked her dad and he said he will only do it if everything else fails.  My uncle would love to help me and has the means to do it. 

  6. Hello, how's everyone? 


    So, I have one question for now. 

    I'm madly in love, stressed and so is my future wife. We've been together for 5 years, saw each other couple of times. How time was passing by we made a choice to get married. We want to start our process to get K1 visa. There is only one thing I have to ask people on this forum. 


    I'm a foreigner who has an uncle in the USA. Is he going to be able to sponsor our visa?


    Thank you for reading and hopefully giving an answer.   


  7. I mean i would really try on all ways but as i said i want to prove myself to her parents. I don't know if they might help me with other types of visas,like H2B or something similar. I also spoke with my girlfriends and i first planned to get baptized here with her so we could get married in church and my question is could i obtain religious visa because i plan to do it with her?? I don't have intentions to lie on interview !

  8. Hello wonderful people,how is everyone ?

    I'm kinda destroying myself inside out,stressing, losing hair and so on ...

    Here is my problem,I am a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina,I was 5 years single,I was discovering myself in that period,fixing my problem's, Finding God and so on...

    Than out of the blue, I met love of my life... Everything happend so fast and unexpected in my life I still think it is a dream. Right now it is a dream, since visas are nightmares. I was reading so many thing's

    and still haven't figured out what is the best option to visit her (she would visit me but I want to please her parent's and prove myself to them). I have a job but most of people in my state work illegaly so i can't prove

    that i have a job. I have lot of land on my name, with my brother (it's 50/50) but still that is not enough for tourist visa.

    I really don't know what should i do. I wanted to apply for H2B visa but i only have electro-mechanical high school so i guess that is out.

    since i'm really in love,I want to be with her, i'm really good with my life in my state, i don't need nothing more. But i was really unhappy man, since i survived a lot of bad thing in my life with girl's (i was in celibate and didnt cared about girl0s at all),losing everything,war,hunger to so many other's..-

    Now she fixed me and i fixed her,I could write a novel about her but i'm sure no one here cares about that. Everyone is trying to get help and advices how to be with someone they love and i'm same.

    She really want's and need's me as much as I need and love her !

    So please help me out, or I might sit on a 16 foot boat and sail to ST. Lucia,possibly risking my life.That's the closest place where we can met!

    I also have one more question it goes like this: Is it easier to get touristic visa and visit Puerto Rico because? She has a family there.

    Or can i get sponsored by a family and get to school,since i never had a chance for college or something else in my state...

    Btw im extremely smart and gifted kid and i know i could achieve a lot in US with her and i never had a chance to do anything in my state even tho i won many reward's.

    I also never commited a crime in my life,don't drink and I don't smoke and never used drug's.

    Please accept my apology if my english is bad!

    Thank's everyone! Wish you really nice and blessed day!

    PS: I almost forgot but i never planned to leave my state ever in my life and i had many chances to live in other states of Europe but now... Love is crazy! That's is all what i could say!

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