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Posts posted by numptynyc

  1. Hello.


    My civics test is coming up(applied December 2023) and in the letter it says to present "If applying for naturalization as the spouse of a United States Citizen: Your spouse's birth or naturalization certificate or certificate of citizenship."


    Does this apply if we've been divorced since I've been divorced since January 2017? Looking at my green card it says I've been a resident August 2013(and card due to expire May 2026).


    I believe this falls under the 5-year rule where my marriage is irrelevant to my naturalization, is that correct? Meaning I don't need to present my marriage certificate, divorce, or her naturalization certificate.




  2. It was disclosed in the green card application as well, heres a pic of the I-485  https://imgur.com/a/gV3dTF5


     Looking at it now, I'm annoyed the lawyer(?) wrote out "insurance fraud and conspiracy". Though those are charges(scary felonies) brought at arraignment according to the disposition she was not found guilty of those, why write them out in the application, dude? not a good look.


  3. Hi, 


     My mother had her interview and though she passed the tests her form says that a decision cannot be made at this time. In 2006 my mother plead guilty to misdemeanor fraud(poor English  and no money for a decent lawyer). Afterwards she received her green card in December 2008. This is the only blemish on her record and application. Thoughts? She is going to her lawyer tomorrow.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Ontarkie said:

    It sounds like the father wants to allow the mother to take the child with her and have visitations. If that is what the parents wants the courts will be happy to put their seal on it. They can do this through lawyers and not even need to fight it out. 


    I would encourage you to tell them to be detail as possible. That mom has physical custody and child will live in X country with Mother. Father gets the child for X amount in summer and X days if there are other breaks though the year. Since this will be international traveling you want to come up with everything they can think of for splitting up breaks. Also add skype times to the order. Even if the child is just a baby now at some point later these times will be handy. Even if they only get a few minutes at first. List it as something such as 20-30 mins. If the child needs less that is fine to cut short but it should show a time for them. That can be used as the child gets older. 


    He's willing to give her custody as long as she is in the United States, he DOES NOT want the mother to have custody if she were to get deported. 



  5. Thanks for the replies.


    I understand that the daughter cannot be deported, my question is what would happen to her custody if the mother where to be deported.



    On 1/30/2017 at 10:44 PM, Ontarkie said:

    You don't say if the father is listed on her birth certificate or if he has anything for visitations a custody agreement. if the father wants to keep her here against the mothers wishes then he needs to battle it out in court. If he hasn't been in the child's life actively that will hurt his chances of getting custody. 


    The father is on the birth certificate. They're working out custody but my brother will hand over custody to the mother and just have visitation. He has been paying child support for several months now. The father is very much involved in his daughter's life. 



  6. Hello. Not sure if this is the appropriate forum for this question. 


    My brother's ex girfriend has no papers. I believe she was trying attain legal status through her father but somehow that fell through, i dont know the details but i think she may have lied somewhere in her application. Her relationship with my brother was over by time this happened. she may or may not have a deportation deadline. Plus Trump.


    My brother is now citizen and their daughter is a born US citizen. The mother holds custody.



    What would happen to the daughter if the mother was deported? Would she go with her mother or stay in the US? Would it have to be settled in court?




  7. Filled for ROC late July and waiting to hear back. My wife has no family in the US other than her cousin so she travels back to Ecuador a few times a year family and childhood friends without me. Does uscis see this movement? I imagine it would not look good. But then again if people provide travel info as proof maybe they're not able to track our travels?

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