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Posts posted by pharmacist

  1. hey everyone, thanks for all the wishes..

    funny- my husband said they will send this for review..at least for themselves to find out what went on even if they dont let us know.

    either way WE HAVE FILED A i-290 WITH THE BOARD OF IMMIGRATION APPEALS ON DECEMBER 19. 2005. right after he left.

    i mean he lived and breathed immigration for the whole while that he was here- i guess he figured something like this would happen. before we even filed the i-130, we filed that appeal which btw takes a year for before we can ask them the status.

    as far as evidence goes, he said the consular officer never even asked for any proof of our relationship.

    we had 3 bank accounts, their respective voided checks, 6 credit cards, cable, utility, electricty, land line, cell phone, home mortgage stmts, our closing stmts, his florida driv. lic, vehicle registration, vehicle insurance, another i-864 package, 19 paystubs i collected, our health insurance card, our son's birth cert listing him as the father, family pics, wedding pics, egngmt pics, pics of us in our house, our house after hurricane wilma, a plaque given in both our names for a large donation..

    but obviously none of this mattered..

    anywho lets see.. he said he will compose some letters to send off to some congressmen or whatnot. not that its going to make adifference-

    thanks to all who PM ed me ..

    i will reply...

    with great heaviness of heart,


  2. hey guys , thanks for all the info.

    and all the well wishes.

    heres the issue they kept harping on- at his first interview when he came on his K-1, they never put a stamp in his passport. my husband is beginning to that this was done intentionally.

    somehow his I-751 got approved. BEFORE HIS AOS WAS DENIED or APPROVED. they gave him a copy of his denied I-485 in november 2005. (could this be fabricated with a fake date on it?)

    moreover he traveld twice..and was inspected upon return. before he was given a 2nd interview in november 2005. AND NO ONE KNEW HIS AOS WAS DENIED? dont tell me they didnt update the system. he was held up in a room while they verified his info...for 2 hours each time. we sat with him once.

    i mean once ur I-485 is denied, dont they have to take measures to make u leave the country voluntarily or involuntarily? or at least NOT LET HIM GO BACK AND FORTH OUT OF THE US?

    so I guess its no wonder why.....you guys can assume the rest

    Hes beginning to think that there was a sincere effort by the USCIS to cover up something.....

    Feel free to comment, question, suggest....

    Lots of love to all


  3. my dear baby bunny... and kapathak and sudhir,

    im sure u guys read my various posts on my husbands Immigration woes..

    well he should be in the embassy right now.. i will know in about 6 hours... what our fate is..If God is smiling on us....

    i even had him print out INA 212 also..

    technically my husband has no wrong on his side.

    just the fact that the USCIS messed up on his case while he was here.

    so he went back to show his honesty instead of staying here, saying he was married to a USC and refiling a I-485. he waited it out in his home country leaving his wife and child in the US alone.

    Please pray for us, we need all the help we can get

  4. heheheheheh

    heres the story again!

    actually i should go cut and paste from my previous post, but ill just type it again :D

    myhusband came here in march 2000 on a k1 visa (arranged marriage)

    got married in april 2000 to his exwife

    he applied for his aos.

    he had his interview 1. they took his i-94 card and didnt stamp his passport. they said the unconditional greencard would come in the mail.

    he got separated in jan 2001.

    got his EAD in july 2001

    started divorce proceedings, FINALIzED on april 15, 2002

    he filed i-751 thru lawyer shortly after

    it was granted on june 23, 2002. on one of those official notice of action papers.

    for the next 3 years, they keep renewing his I-751. hes got multiple stamps in his passport saying "I-551 processing and I-751 pending, permission to work and travel abroad"

    numerous infopass appts- asking what is the status of the I-551= PENDING. one officer even gave it to him in writing in 2004

    hes traveld out of the country twice with those stamps.

    both times upon return, he was held back in a separate room and they verified info before letting him out of the arpt.( i am assuming the is "inspection upon return". ) there are arpt stamps, a weird kind which he got from this special room...

    fast fwd....

    nov 18, 2005

    they give him the 2nd interview based on that k1 visa.

    they say his aos (i-485) was denied on sept 16, 2002

    and show him the certfied mail with a post mark on saying "undeliverable".

    they even gave him a copy of it.

    the interviewing officer CROSSED OUT ALL I-551 stamps in his passport, and toldhim to go home and file an appeal. and that was it.

    my husband left to india the following day. on nov. 19th. he said as of right now he had no status. they could either deport him or he could leave. he didnt want to take the chance of getting another AOS denial if he stayed here.

    we started the whole process all over again. and i explicitly explained all this in my cover letters for both petitions. he was told that since he was here on a k-1 visa he could notapply through me until a decision was made on the aos from his original marriage. well he wasnt made aware till that 2nd interview that they gave him...

    i filed an I-130, then i filed an I-129F

    both got approved.. and the rest is in the timeline.

    i havent slept for the past few days.. i just cant - im waiting for him to come home.

    Please pray for us.

    ** becoz technically hes never overstayed.. all of those stamps are dated. so is the interview letter. and he attended it. theyve got it recorded, im sure.

    Now u see why the Pharmacist needs pills...

  5. You know something, I never pray out loud.. Im always saying it in my mind...

    I believe there is the God that sees everything, and he's reading my post right now.

    Please God, help us be with the ones we love. Your grace has brought all of us this far, and your grace will lead us home.

    So that all immigration officers are blessed with grace, I pray to the Lord.

    So that every single human going through immigration speedily reaches into the arms of the one they love, I pray to the Lord.

    So that I will see my husband soon, I pray to the Lord.

    We are all in God's hands now.

    One night a man had a dream. He dreamed

    he was walking along the beach with the LORD.

    Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.

    For each scene he noticed two sets of

    footprints in the sand: one belonging

    to him, and the other to the LORD.

    When the last scene of his life flashed before him,

    he looked back at the footprints in the sand.

    He noticed that many times along the path of

    his life there was only one set of footprints.

    He also noticed that it happened at the very

    lowest and saddest times in his life.

    This really bothered him and he

    questioned the LORD about it:

    "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow

    you, you'd walk with me all the way.

    But I have noticed that during the most

    troublesome times in my life,

    there is only one set of footprints.

    I don't understand why when

    I needed you most you would leave me."

    The LORD replied:

    "My son, my precious child,

    I love you and I would never leave you.

    During your times of trial and suffering,

    when you see only one set of footprints,

    it was then that I carried you."

  6. ok,

    we have an IR-1 case where I've already paid for the I-864 and the DS-230

    $70 and $380

    Now the chennai consulate website says to bring an I-864 with you.

    even though I had sent it already to the NVC, i did it again and got it notarized and sent it to my husband.

    he is writing out the ds - 230 again even though the NVC asked for it already (at no cost to us again)

    The BIGquestion is,

    how much more money does he need to bring on day the of the interview? and for what?

    an anxious Pharmacist :unsure:

    will be married for 3 years on august 23, 2006

  7. Fellow VJ travelers,

    Many many thanks to all who have wished us luck and are contacting their spiritual head for us.

    I guess its like that Footprints poem.. I must be in God's hands now because.......

    Let me tell the story of my husband Immigration woes again...

    He came here on a K1 visa in march 2000

    he got married to his exwife in april 2000

    he got a social security card

    he filed for i 485 sometime thereafter

    they attended their first interview in december 2000

    they separated in january 2001 and he moved out

    he applied for his EAD in July 2001 and got it

    his divorce was finalized on april 2002

    he filed an "i-751" waiver in april 2002 thru a lawyer("ur alien card has been extended for 1 year; permission to travel abroad and work)

    he got his NOA on the "i-751" in june 2002

    he applied/ got another NOA on the I-751 in june 2003

    got an I-551 stamp in his passport on feb 2004, feb 2005

    we met in nov 2002 he had his files transferred to miami

    SEVERAL info pass appts.. all say his case is pending and "i-551 has been extended" heck he got it in writing also from miami office ,

    he traved to india twice.. once by himself and once with us as a family...and "was inspected" upon return. (we waited in a room where they verified his status) and got a stamp in his passport "ARC" MIA Airport

    FINALLY they give him an interview based on that original K1--- on nov 18, 2005

    he goes, they say his I-485 was denied - in sept 2002--- he never received it and they have proof becoz he got a copy of what they sent him ( a registered letter saying not deliviered) said he was denied becoz he got divorced and he didnt apply for any waiver (EVEN THOUGH THEY GAVE IT TO HIM FOR 4 years in a row)

    he left to india the next day because as of then he had no status in the United States.

    I believe he did the right thing by leaving and starting the whole process over again via me as the applicant.

    He didnt no anythign wrong, nor did he overstay his K-1. hes got the I-751's and the stamps in his passport to prove it. Moreover, he did travel to India twice and was inspected before we were allowed to leave the airport.

    In both our names we got a LARGE home loan, 2 car loans, vehicle registration, vehicle insurace, health insurance out of my paycheck, and a USC child.

    In individual names, cable, electricity, utility, land line, 2 cell lines, credit cards all coming to the same address.

    He has a valid florida drivers license from 2004-2014.

    By the way, the approved his home loan and his license with the stamps in his passport. he also signed a Patriiot act thing which allowd our lending bank to check his background..

    again what more do they want.. i hope they wont screw us.

  8. Fellow VJ Friends,

    My husband has got his interview on Tuesday, August 8, 2006 at 8 am. It has been 8 months since me or the baby have seen him. I hope we wont make it to 9 months.

    To everyone who helped along the way, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This site and its members got our family this far in our pursuit of reunification.

    Whatever happens, we both made a public commitment to be together on August 23, 2003. If for any reason they screw us, Im leaving. I dont see the difference of him moving here as opposed to me moving there.

    For all those who believe in any supernatural being, please pray to them regarding the Pharmacist and the Doctor's Immigration issue.

    Our family wishes everyone the very best.

    The Pharmacist, the Doctor, and the baby

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