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Posts posted by MSCastillo

  1. If your social security took that long out of my experience go back

    I waited five weeks to find out about mine and had to go back into the office to find out the woman did it all wrong

    Take all your documents again and basically reapply

    If they say 'they're waiting on the dhs' that means it's lost basically the manager told me

    Your best bet is to ask for your manager at your local social security office

    I hope this helps, don't waste anytime waiting because I did the same thing and it was all for nothing!

  2. Thank you for the response!

    I know it wouldn't take 6 weeks but that's the amount of time they have before my ssc office can follow up which is ridiculous ):

    Nothing I can do apparently either which sucks

    And I'll definitely try that the office I went to didn't have a clue about how to do it so thank you for that! :)

    Feel like there's always something going against us

    The support here tho really helps :)

  3. Congrats to the recent approvals!!!

    I have a question for anyone that's done this already, how long did it take for your social security card to have a name change?

    I keep getting the most ridiculous responses of oh six weeks when on my letter it said four and no matter who ispeak to I get no straight answer!

    Just wanted to see if anyone is in the same boat

    I'm screwed waiting for it coz the driving test center won't let me take the test without the actual card :( one wait after another !

  4. Congratulation to all the approvals! I swear there is no logic in how it works

    It's like did you land on a fast desk or a slow desk

    Out of the blue today we just got our green card approved.

    No rfe no interview and straight into production

    Maybe a little bit of good karma from how long we had to wait with the k1 visa ?

    So excited though and hope it's one of many to come from today! Good luck to everyone waiting

    It'll happen when you least expect it! So don't give up hope

  5. If anyone has any Advice on name change for a uk citizen passport to married name. Any help would be amazing I'm getting so confused !

    I've been trying to look into it and can't find much information and what I do find I get a little confused

    Is it best to wait until green card is approved or to do while awaiting?

  6. Hey guys wishing everyone the best with the progress!

    And good luck for any interviews :)

    I was just wandering if anyone who has already filed paperwork for aos has looking into changing their passport due to name change once here?

    I'm not sure when the best time is to do it so any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

  7. hey i went to change my name with social security today and got a direct no! apparently because my visa is now out of date i can't change it, i didn't know if any of you guys needed to change this but if you do try and do it before your visa is out of date or you have to wait for your ead to be in hand for it to be changed to married name which obviously effects applying for jobs and working because it all needs to match up!

  8. I moved to san antonio and i really can't get my head around how rude and obnoxious people will be right to you.

    My fiance and his family are hispanic and i get dirty looks when i go to the shop with his mum and dad.

    They make snide comments and i constantly get asked " are you sure you're ok"

    like I'm being kidnapped or something! it literally drives me wild.

    Or when you go in a shop and you get hounded by about 10 different people continuously.

    you never realise how laid back and polite the uk is until here.

    i hope you find more comfort in austin, if it wasn't for the fact my fiance had a giant family I'm not sure how i would be coping because they're the only people who seem to not be judgemental like that.

    i know this might sound stupid but have you tried to join any clubs?

    I'm looking into joining a few to try and find people with a similar mind set then hopefully that will show there are some other good ones out here!

  9. My poe was austin and to anyone thats flying there its hilarious they've clearly never done that kind of visa much before

    i got taken into a back room which was clearly there break room/office/old stuff room and got told to sit with all the officers on break

    i could then hear them all talking amongst themselves trying to figure out what to do with the paper work and they said they'd only recently had training on it

    all in all took about 30 minutes from the front desk to done so would recommend if anyones thinking to fly there as poe! :)

  10. So i applied for my ssn last friday and after reading up and thankfully to all the information on here i managed to breeze through it

    The guy who i had to speak to had no idea what a k1 was he went "i think I've heard of one of these before but ill just look it up online"

    after i explained it to him he just looked it up and bam all done not much hassle at all really thankfully! :)

    hopefully the rest of the processes are just as easy

  11. Feb 11--9 days (The Andies)

    Feb 12--8 days (Gina&Pete14)
    Feb 14--7 days (Pheebs1201) depot
    Feb 17--7 days (kristenxo) depot
    Feb 19--7 days (DaveNot) delivery
    Feb 23--4 days (Kimberley95)
    Mar 03--7 days (Vicks5721) depot
    Mar 05--8 days (Shana) delivery
    Mar 10--2 days (E-N) timeline mistake?
    Mar 27--8 days (Talking Head) depot
    Mar 19--11 days (Gary & Aubrey) delivery
    Apr 07--7 days (PiLoT) delivery
    Apr 07--7 days (TeamJS) delivery
    Apr 09--7 days (chrismorrison) delivery
    Apr 13--11 days (Allison_Simon2014) delivery
    Apr 14--11 days (FewerHatsPlz)
    May 18--12 days (wbeem)
    May 18--15 days (bonzaigirl) depot
    May 26--13 days (wanderlust_16) delivery
    May 27--9 days (E + S) depot
    May 29--6 days (scottandvicki)CR1 delivery
    Jun 02--10 days (xbritto)
    Jun 03--6 days (mellylamelle)CR1 delivery
    Jun 04--11 days (rpb13) depot
    Jun 05--10 days (Yanirose) depot
    Jun 10-- 30 days (MichaelBenjamin) delivery
    Jun 12--19 days (immiuser) IR5 depot

    Jun 15 - 17 days (luckyanna) Central London depot
    Jun 16--16 days (Howeetest D) Depot
    Jun 16--14 days (Elle&Kev)CR1 depot
    Jun 16--24 days (Dizzdemey) delivery
    Jun 18--14 days (rlt8990) depot
    Jun 22--8 days (Ashanu)CR1 depot
    Jun 22--9 days (BryterMoon) Delivery
    Jun 23--17 days (Newtothelift) Delivery
    Jul 01 --9 days (Babushka545) depot
    Jul 01 - 9 days (mlh) CR1 delivery
    Jul 01 - 9 days (ToriaM) delivery

    Jul 14 - 8 days (MSCastillo) Depot

    Jul 16 - ?? days (SteveHaze) Delivery

    Jul 16 - ?? days (gjrhopkins) Depot

    Jul 20 - ?? days (ChasUno) - Delivery
    Jul 24 --?? days (Tabitha and James)

  12. hey i was just wandering if anyone had any good recommendations for insurance providers?

    i can't get put on my fiances insurance until we're married so its about two months i need to find cover for

    i can't find for the life of me who i used last time its driving me mad!

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