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Posts posted by 000OOO000

  1. Asheville is nice. Its a modern city with a lot to offer. Very beautiful and serene. Being from NC everyone assumes we are toothless and live under a rock. Which isn't so. Im not a redneck, have all my teeth and I don't carry a shotgun in my vehicle. Yes, rednecks do exist here but they are found in many states through out the US. Im not debating what happened in this article just explaining my life here in NC as I live it.

    Miss Liss my husband is as brown as they come and not once experienced discrimination here from the big city to the small towns. Yes, racism is everywhere.

  2. Ok so he knew you were pregnant again and left. The writing is on the wall as plain as day. He is stringing you along and doesnt care about you Shannon...pls see it for what it is!!!! You've wasted too much time & energy on him and you place yourself in a position to get pregnant twice when you know deep down inside you really know what is going on here. Dont sugar coat him and say "but I love him ..." hes killing your soul and your allowing it. Love doesn't suppose to hurt and what is he doing hurting YOU time and time again. I remember your earlier posts from last year. He's a jerk and he is using you and now probably laughing at you. I wouldnt tolerate such behaviour I would've got rid of him long time back.

  3. Its best to not even start a debate about politics nor religion. All it does it start a fight and these are two topics where no one is gonna win. It's personal choice anyhow. Everyone has their beliefs and you can argue til the cows come on supporting your views and it won't get you anywhere. It's fine to have convictions over your beliefs but starting threads on here just brings turmoil and a locked thread. Best advice avoid these 2 topics in the future.

  4. I just came through CDG in December 2005 and it was terrible. There is NO signs to assist you where to go and very few ppl who are willing to help you. The airport itself is neat especially the cieling but the long corridors are isolated and your kinda on your own. I hated Air France the air quality was terrible and my lips became so chapped as well as my husbands. If she can fly Lufthansa and go the Frankfurt route I would suggest that. I personally would never fly them again and I have flewn others so I can compare.

  5. Well, Karo I bet he's a lot better quality than the guys you could've chose from in HS. I knew I wouldn't settle for a local boy when I growing up they simply didn't match my taste. Well, they were all idiots! :P

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