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Posts posted by tige321

  1. Yeah also on the 221g letter they said I should also bring more proofs of our relationship,in which I took much of that to my first interview but she(consular) only asked for a few like email chats,call logs,and I also showed the consular our bbm chats.......like what other proofs again can I get along... Then also the consular questioned our call logs saying her number isn't highlighted that she's been calling me rather the call card numbers were showing but few showing her number. Everyone please share with me what's your thoughts on this.

    ;___; You're living my worst nightmare. Maybe you'd have more benefit making a thread of your own about proof ideas. I don't know what else you can do besides say it's a call card number. I mean,the number wouldn't trace to someone's personal number,you'd think. If my husband and I do this,we're banking on pictures of us together,affidavits,gift receipts to each other,cards we've received,skype,facebook,viber logs. We didn't leave as much paper trail as they probably want because we decided early on we'd live in Germany,so we didn't worry about any of that.

    Or maybe you can find an immigration lawyer to consult with,usually just a consultation is free.

  2. dwheels76,thanks a lot for your response and i want to confirm here that your very much on point which is my wife has only been here in Lagos nigeria on one trip and it was for our marriage of which we met in 2oo5 but she was still in a marriage then but later separated......she is American though,and like you said what do you think has made them question her. By God's grace she will be coming for this second interview for sure so how do you view it as in our chances?......Thanks.

    I've been reading on what are 'red flags',and the fact that she was married at the time you met is one,Nigeria is a high fraud place,I don't know how much face to face time you've had together,but that is another red flag if it's not very much. They might want to observe you together,so much of this is based on their intuition,sadly.

  3. This is not correct.

    AOS does mean Adjustment of Status

    However, AOS happens with the immigrant spouse is already in the USA on a valid visa. My husband was in the US on an F1 Student Visa. He adjusted his status from an F1 visa holder to a LPR (legal permanent resident). It has nothing to do with the length of your marriage.

    ROC is Removal of Conditions.

    This happens after you have been a LPR for 2 years on a conditional 2 year green card. After 2 years, you remove the conditions and receive a permanent, 10 year green card.

    Oooh,yeah,okay,you're right! Thank you.Bleh,my mind is so boggled,it's so much to try to remember,especially when just starting out trying to see which visa you need. My mind is this ineffective sponge of terminology and definition.

  4. What's a AOS interview, I've never heard of it?

    Adjustment of Status. When you're married less than two years you have a conditional visa and you have like 90 days before your 2 year anniversary of the assigned visa to apply for adjustment of status.

    O_o I thought there was an interview at the time,but I could be wrong. I have no idea. I think it's just more common for a fraud interview to be conducted then.

  5. May be what you read was the interview for CR-1 ( conditional visa for couple married less than 2 years ). After two years they both are interviewed in their local USCIS office to confirm the green card. If your marriage is genuine and you are living together then it should not be difficult to answer those questions and provide proofs like joint bank accounts,name on insurance polices ets.

    That's what I'm thinking is MOSTLY the case,I guess some people get a really bad ride though before they are even together. I was more afraid of that because I'd have to travel very far to be there for him,not that I wouldn't. I just want to do everything right by them,and hopefully be showed the same consideration. ;_;

  6. This is reckless advice. In the face of a Stokes interview, there is everything to worry about. "Real" couples have no immunity against the CO's absolute power.

    To the OP: Germany is not known as a high-fraud consulate. However, if a Stokes interview is demanded, the beneficiary might be given a 221g at her interview, and your presence can be demanded at a second one (the Stokes).

    There are no drawbacks whatsoever to the petitioner's being on the consular premises (or within physical shouting distance of them) when the beneficiary is being interviewed.

    If I had any luck that would be mine. :mellow:

  7. Thank you all,that answers my question. I was more concerned about doing all this BEFORE I even got him to the US,because I don't readily live very close to any immigration office or anything,or God forbid they want me at his embassy in Germany. Then all the sample questions were related to living together and aside from a couple long vacations we never have officially lived together yet. But,if it's after the fact at like an AOS interview,that will be cake.

  8. I was doing some research about the immigration process,and I never saw this on the official USCIS website,but I found all these sample questions for a 'fraud interview'. Like they would ask you both the same questions,personal things like your spouse's favorite food,and whatnot,and try to catch you guys in a lie. Is this real? I thought the interview,just the immigrant spouse had to go to at the embassy,and I didn't think it was exactly about that. I thought the validity of your relationship depended on the physical proofs you send?

  9. Answers:

    • Changing jobs is not a big deal.
    • Your household size would be viewed as you and your husband (2).
    • If your father agrees to act as a joint sponsor, they will look at his income. His household size would be as follows, him, your mother, your husband (3).
    • Your father can combine income with anyone living in the house. I don't know if Social Security disability is allowable or not. If your father chooses to combine income with your brother, his household count goes up to 4.
    • Up to you if you want to see if another family member who does not live in the same house is willing to act as a joint sponsor.

    I really appreciate your response. It's been so awful trying to figure this stuff out and how important it is to do correctly. I feel so much pressure because I just want my husband back. ;__; So just to confirm,if I send in the visa application,and change jobs before it's approved,that's not a big deal?

  10. Let me explain my situation,I am a US citizen who married a German man. We have no children,and I have yet to begin the immigration process. I'm in the researching stage and I have many questions.

    My first question is,I would like to change jobs for finanical reasons. Would it be best to do this before starting the visa application,or after everything is done and my husband is here? OR is it not really a big deal to update the job information in between?

    Okay,now onto affidavit.

    1.I live with my parents and brother,I don't make enough money right now to prove the income requirements, but I do provide for myself. So,what would my income requirements be,as in,what would they see my household size as?

    2.I will need a joint supporter on the affidavit of support. If my father is the joint supporter,do they look at just his income,or everyone living in the house? And what are his income requirements? My husband and I will be living at the same address as my family,but they won't be providing for us,except the room in the house.

    FYI -

    My father works and my mother is on social security disability. My brother also works but provides for himself,except living in the house.

    2A. If my Father can use the whole household's information,can he use my mother's income information because her income is social security disability?

    3. Or would I be way better off using a different family member for joint support who doesn't live in the household??

    Thank you.

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