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Posts posted by Jdtravails

  1. hi Jdtravails, i'm curious to know what was your next actions as I'm finding myself in the same situation as yours (but different baby due date - May 2016). Thanks!

    Call/do an online chat with the Embassy department in the country you are located, if possible. But they weren't terribly useful to me. E-mailing directly with that department, or doing a Skype audio call is an option. E-mail tends to work best here as the staff is typically not all that... let's say, patient.

    They told me I could postpone the interview for up to a year after the last action, which means I have until around mid/early next year.

    I likely will be going through the process sometime between Jan and March.

    Best of luck. As with anything from a random stranger on the Internet, YMMV and you should definitely talk directly with someone at the Embassy that handles these issues.

  2. I'm a bit confused with what you want to happen. Kindly give specific dates like:

    When is the original interview date?

    When is your wife due to give birth?

    When do you want to fly to the US?

    Lots of factors to consider. Don't equate an interview with visa approval because a lot can happen during the interview and you might end up with a 221g/AP.

    Remember too that you will apply for CRBA for the baby so he/she can travel using a US passport (given that you qualify to transmit citizenship). Depending on how fast the CRBA process is in Japan, this could add to the delay in your travel plans.

    Thanks for the fantastic response!

    I'll start with your questions

    • The interview date is June 15 and the Embassy e-mailed me saying they don't expect to have all the paperwork until the end of May/beginning of June.

    • My wife is due in early December.

    • We wish to fly to the US in late March/early April as that is the end of the business year here and will allow us to tie up loose ends after the baby is born/old enough to fly safely.

    > As for citizenship, I believe I am qualified as I lived in the US from birth until my mid-20's which is more than enough to fulfill the basic requirement of, I believe, 5 years from the age of 16.

    The approval/interview -- I know I'm being more than optimistic there, but I don't see any reason as to why we'd have a problem. While there are no joint bank assets (they don't do that here, everything is typically in one person's name as the wife is usually expected to manage money -- we don't, but that doesn't matter as it can't be helped), there is plenty of other evidence -- including a joint residence -- and we've been married for over 2 years already with plenty of photos/trips/etc documented and included in the app. Again, I'm being overly optimistic, I know.

    As that was a bit longer than I'd prefer, the bullets are direct question responses and the > is in response to the citizenship transfer.

  3. So,

    In the last couple months while working through my wife's visa application we got two bits of great news, that together aren't so great.

    1) she's pregnant with our first! Woohoo!

    2) she just got her interview date!

    However, if we go through with it right away, we would have until about 2 weeks after her ETD to move to the US. That, combined with the wonderful healthcare system in the US vs the one we have here in Japan, with a doctor she's already comfortable, added onto my need to hunt down employment once I move with them puts us in a bit of a quandary.

    Is it possible to postpone an interview a few months so that we can still meet the 6-month deadline to move to the US after her visa is approved? We would rather leave early next year, after the baby has reached a few months old (it's a loooong flight, and it'll be a newborn, after all). The consulate says they will usually allow for an interview to be rescheduled, but not that far in advance.

    Does anybody have any experience here in delaying the interview/visa approval?

    Thanks ahead.

  4. If they file taxes jointly, he should complete an I-864a. She is the only joint sponsor and he is her household member.

    Does that help?

    I believe so. I have no idea why I never saw your reply until now.

    So a follow up:

    If I'm using one person's income for lines 5 and 10, then what do I enter on lines 13a to c? Full income tax, or the individual's divided income (I'm assuming with W2's/whatever other income they individually had) only?

    I would harass the uscis about this if I could get the antshats to connect me to a person instead of an automated machine.

    Perhaps I will do that as well.

    Thank you and I hope all is well your neck o the woods!

  5. 2) No. I864 for whomever makes more, and I-864A for whomever makes less.

    3) yes only 1 tax return transcript for their joint sponsor paperwork. Also need to include proof of citizenship or LPR status.

    Also currently the NVC wants you to wait and send the AOS and the IV package at the same time.

    Okay, so hopefully a quick clarification as reading the instructions has me concerned with this part, but hopefully it's a quick check.

    The individual income for the joint sponsor is more than enough, but because she files with her husband jointly, do I still use his as well as her income on the form? Or would that be unnecessary?

    Also... It's amazing how I run into new little confusions, but on page 1 where it says "only joint sponsor" or "first of two"... etc, since they are spouses, are they counted as two or only one? I'm assuming it's just the one. And I'm done, the rest is easy enough.

    I think I need less coffee and ####### attention to detail everywhere.

  6. Lol I misunderstood your question. The Canadian and US systems are vastly different but I immigrated to the USA.

    The NVC, according to their website, wants everything, the AOS and the IV all in one package. That doesn't mean I suggest that you do it. I don't understand why the NVC wants that. How you choose to send at this moment is up to you. Either wait for the IV to be invoiced and paid, then send both at the same time OR send the AOS first. Up to you.

    Ah, ok, then that makes more sense. Seems odd they haven't even mentioned it in their emails to me. *sigh* I guess it is waiting time now. Any idea on a good link/resource/google terminology for gauging processing time for when the IV invoice/request be sent?

  7. If your income will not be continuing after you move to the USA then you NEED a joint sponsor.

    Ok, I think we're communicating across one another here, then.

    I've already established that that is what I'm doing.

    You said earlier I should wait for an IV package, which has not been charged for or sent to me yet, but the AoS has been requested. Hence, I am currently putting together and preparing to submit it. I have my joint sponsors gathering paperwork to mail me so I can then submit them all together.

    Is this a difference in procedure between the American and Canadian immigration system, perhaps?

  8. Uhm yes. Immigrant visa package, the beneficiary's original documents, police reports, 2 us passport sized photos, etc... After the IV bill is paid they can be sent. They supplement the DS-260.

    Ah! But that comes after I submit my AoS according to the instructions sent. Am I jumping the gun in regards to the joint sponsors and mine should be sufficient for now? (Even though I've no income myself as I'm living overseas with my wife).

  9. the I-864 uses joint sponsors not co-sponsors.

    Hah! Yes, I know. Thanks. I should proofread before posting on none internet late at night.

    1) you should submit everything to do with the AOS. It's not recommended to have them send anything but instead send it all to you and the whole AOS package goes at the same time.

    Thanks. That was my thinking/understanding as well. Just saw different in a few places and was getting concerned.

    2) No. I864 for whomever makes more, and I-864A for whomever makes less.

    3) yes only 1 tax return transcript for their joint sponsor paperwork. Also need to include proof of citizenship or LPR status.

    Thanks! That was my biggest current confusion as I had to recently ask a completely different person as the previous one decided to be incredibly unreliable, and now this one is married. Another wrinkle.

    Oh, and thanks for the heads up, but I've got a relatively exhaustive checklist I've made/edited/re-edited I'm using as modified from another Visa forum and those documents are at the top of my list. Great head's up, though!

    Also currently the NVC wants you to wait and send the AOS and the IV package at the same time.

    Thanks, but IV package? Is that something else? I've already filed and had the I-130 accepted and the NVC has requested/processed the filing fee for the AoS, so as far as I know that is what is the next step (the flow chart type website they have has this as the current necessary step). Is there another form/package request I should be expecting from them?
  10. Good evening.

    I am currently wading through the process of getting my wife's visa processed and have what I assume is a misunderstanding on my part due to my own paranoia over ###### something up.

    My two issues are as follows

    1) We currently reside overseas and are thus using a Co sponsor to meet the income requirements. As such, is it best to submit my i864 AND the cosponsor's paperwork in one package? As in, should they ship the documentation to us to submit?

    2 - Probably should have been 1, but that's okay) The cosponsor is currently married and filling jointly. From my understanding this means that she has to submit paperwork for her and her husband (as that is how their taxes appear) . Does that mean two whole i864s for them? Or do they file only one with her husband listed as a household member whose income is included?

    Related : only one set of tax returns/transcripts should be necessary for them since they're filed jointly, correct?

    Thank you ahead of time for ALL of your help and assistance!

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