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Posts posted by Sinergy

  1. IDT is an wonderful phone service. No need for your computer for it, its a phone company. Its $35 flat rate a month, with unlimited calls anywhere in the US and i believe Canada. And when i call my fiance in Romania it only costs me $.80 a minute, where when i had bellsouth it cost me $2.45 a minute.

    Ive been using IDT now for 3 years and I highly recommend it.

  2. Dunno, It pissed me off at first but now that I look back on it its pretty funny.

    I bought my car back in April of 2005, and its used a 2002. Anyway when I bought it the dealer told me that the gas gage is broken (which was the ONLY problem thank goodness), and that they filled the gas tank up for me.

    Well i got home so everything was fine. I decided not to drive the car until I got the gage fixed so I let it alone for awhile.

    Well when my son was 2 months old in July, he had a doctors appointment and i couldnt call and ask to borrow my moms car because she was at work, so I drove mine.

    It drove wonderful until we got to about 5 miles down the road. At the RED LIGHT it died. I was freaking out. Had both my kids with me. The crappy part was i was in the middle lane at the busiest intersection in my town. So people were honking and being all rude (yes had emergancy flashers on), EVEN when i got out of the car and was waving people to the other lane to let them know my car wont move, people were still trying to move me out of the way. I was waiting for my dad at this point, had called him and he lives across town so i knew hed be a few minutes. After about 100 cars passing and NO ONE offering to help move my car (im sorry i just cant move a car by myself even in neutral) i got mad and sat in the car and decided to let people find out on their own i cant move.

    Finally a nice guy pulls up beside me (did i mention i live in a college town where everyone is RUDE and could care less about a woman and 2 kids broke down in the middle of the road?) and offers to help me push the car off to the side of the road. By that time my dad pulled up.

    The next day I was pissed and took it to the KIA dealer to have them look at the problem. THE PROBLEM WAS IT HAD NO GAS!!!!!!!! those darn f***erbutts lied to me when I bought the car! I was not only mad but soo soo soo embarassed. The gas gage was NOT and is NOT broken, they just didnt want to put the gas in so made up that story. Needless to say the dealer DID that day i brought the car in apologize for my problems, filled up my gas tank (i watched) and then gave me $20 as in "we are sorry heres the gas money we should have used to fill your car when you bought it, please dont tell your friends we SUCK"

    My dad still wont let me live this ####### down :lol:

  3. "to whom it may concern covers it all"

    Glad to hear that, because thats all I or my fiance put on our letters. I didnt know about this site yet and didnt know what to put on the letter heading, so no RFE's on THAT part of the petition so i guess we are ok. I will however remember to do it correctly when i send him the second intent to marry letter after approval.

  4. Me and my fiance do the webcam thing alot too. The hard part is its not as often as Id like it to be. He doesnt have a computer at home so he has to go to internet cafes. Its always so exciting when we first turn them on, but when its time to go my heart drops when i see the cam box on his end go black. :( Our biggest thing is text messeging, we do it about 50 times a day, and its frustrating because you just cant say everything you want in 160 characters and constantly abbreviating everything.

    Nights are always the hardest, i even let my 10 year old sleep in the bed with me sometimes just so i can feel someone next to me, i got so used to shareing a bed with my fiance, that when it was empty i slept on the couch for 2 months just to avoid the emptiness of the bed.

    Its hard for all of us, but it will get better. Just hope it is soon.



  5. 1 year, 1 month and 1 day since i have seen edi :( !!! i sometimes think i cant take the wait anymore, ready to sell everything i have , pack up the kids and go to him, but then i use my brain a lil and realise i cant do that. :crying:

    I know this wait causes alot of emotional pain, but its also catching up physically. the stress has given me chest pain alot, alot is missing edi and all that, the other part is not knowing when he will be here, and the last is, it was hard being a single mom with my 10 yr old for 10 yrs, now i have 2, and its HARD, we didnt think he would still be in romania at this time. But you never can predict the USCIS!

  6. Ok first the divorse/marriage bulls**t!

    I filed for divorse from my ex husband 10 YEARS ago through one of those quicky divorse lawyers. It cost me $250 and i did NOT have to appear in court. I was later sent a divorse notice (which God forbid me after all of the moving I have done and one fire in my apartment, not sure where that thing is). Anyway i went back to romania in January of 05 for the intent of getting married to Ed. We did so, I signed something stating i was eligible to marry in romania bla bla. Well when I came back to Florida I tried to change my name, they let me change my name on my DL, but not on my ss card, i had to go to the court house to have it legally changed. So when i did so they told me I was not able to use my current romanian marriage cert because it was invalid due to i was still OMG STILL married to my ex husband!! So I had to hire another lawyer, and i did, one of the best here in my city, to make sure it was done RIGHT. It was, and i am not married to my ex FINALLY! imagine his surprise too when 10 yrs later hes being asked to sign another divorse paper. Anyway so our romanian marriage is NOT valid. But I did send it in as proof of relationship AND stated in my intent to marry letter all the info i just gave to all of you.

    So now they send me an RFE asking me for a marriage certificate for me and Ed and well its above. :)

    I finally contacted my lawyer, and he said to just write a letter explaining AGAIN all of this, that there is NO valid marriage cert for us, therefore me filing for the FIANCE VISA! And he said to go ahead and attach the romanian marriage certificate anyway with the explanation.

    phew, i believe thats it :)

    And theres an A# on the RFE, i thought those were given AFTER an approval.

  7. I received the RFE today, it has me a bit confused.

    Here is what it reads:

    Submit photocopies of the documents requested.

    MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE: Submit a marriage certificate issued by the civil authorities for Tara Beth Miller and Eduard Ionescu. The certificate must indicate that after the marriage ceremony, it was registered or recorded by the county,state, or province.

    OK, the only marriage certificate I have is the one we got in romania, and its not legal due to some problems my ex husband placed upon me 10 years ago and i wasnt even aware until i tried to have my name changed. Therefore our romanian marriage certificate isnt worth much. I did however send it though as a proof of relationship, and it is translated on the actual document from Romanian into English and French.


    FOREIGN LANGUAGE DOCUMENTS: Any document containing a language other than english must be submitted with a full english translation. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate and that he or she is competent to translate. NOTE: the requested foreign language document must be submitted with the english translation.

    I sent no document in with romanian. Everything i sent in was in english already. I think i sent in a photocopy of his passport and ID and birth certificate, but i dunno, im really stressing over this.

    Tara :(

  8. ICE HOCKEY!!! played in high school, and come on, what girl wouldnt want to hold on to some HOT goodlooking SWEATY guy while fighting over a puck,:yes: giving you a reason at some point to hit someone!! i need anger management :) (and my fiance :blink: )

  9. birthday song - Theme from S.W.A.T - Rhythm Heritage

    life song - The Power Of Love - Celine Dion (was afraid it wouldnt register since my birthday is leap year and NOTHING registers my birthday)

    hubby (or soon to be teehee) - Total Eclipse Of The Heart - Bonnie Tyler (LOVE THIS SONG AND THE TRANCE REMIX)

    life song - Fallin - Alicia Keys

    MarilynP: ok, my life song is....

    Jump - Kris Kross (never even heard of the song )

    I USED TO LOVE THIS SONG!!!! it was one of my favs :lol:

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