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Posts posted by nalacandi

  1. It is my understanding that once a K1 petition is filed you cannot reply to that denial. You will have to file a new petition. There is nothing wrong with being honest but to a CO Officer your intent appears that you only wish to immigrate to the US and that the mother of your unborn child is your true relationship. In addition, when filing a K1 petition they look for multiple visits from the petitioner and it's very hard to get an approval with just one visit. My suggestion is to have your fiance return and you get married and then refile with the assistance of an attorney given your sticky situation. However, this is only my opinion. I filed a spousal visa with only one visit for 8 days, but we received AP and we're stuck in that stage for 6 months. We will probably never know why we were placed on AP, but by God's grace my hustand did finally receive his visa and arrived home to me 3 weeks ago. This process is grueling, but if your intentions are true and genuine with your fiance you can overcome this challenge. Now that you have filed a petition keep in mind that all you had in that 1st petition will be under scrutiny and your case will be flagged on your next petition. But, you will definitely want to put the unborn child in your new petition so as to not appear you're trying to hide this issue.

  2. Let me find you the document I have with an explanation of the different colored forms. I will send to you tomorrow. Let me know if you need any assistance and I will help you in any way I am able if you desire. We got through everything and my husband is nkw here. I am available to answer any questions you might have, just let me know.


  3. My husband flew in by Emirates and his POE was DFW on April 3, 2015. His flight was scheduled to arrive at 9:57 am. He did arrive at about 10 am. As he walked out of the plane he was told which section he was to check in. He checked in at the immigrant visa section. He waited in a line for about 5 to 10 min. When he got to the first immigration officer he was questioned for approximately 20 min. The officer then gave his documents to another officer and he was asked to wait in a separate room. He waited approximately 15 min and a 2nd officer brought his documenta with his stamp and then showed him where to exit for his luggage. He then picked up his luggage and then came his way to me.

    In my timeframe I arrived at the airport at approximately 10 am and I waited for about 1 1/2 hours to see him.

    Although, others may experience less or longer time frames this was our experience. My husband reported the immigration officers were very friendly, polite, kind, and welcoming. He was treated very well and the questions were based from his first interview in Lagos and documents provided.

    I hope this helps...

    Ola and Chelle

  4. Hi everyone, this is my very first post. Trust me, I have been reading many rants, comments, advice by all. But today, I feel like sending this message. I am getting more and more discouraged by the day. Vermont Centre, I don't wish for anyone under the F2A category to fall under. PD is Oct. 7, 2013. Till date, no single update since NOA1. At least CSC filers have their cases approved at their Centre and transferred the case to NVC since Jan 2014 for some with the same PD as ours. I am getting so tired of this separation from my husband. :ranting::protest: I know there's always a word of encouragement here from people. I really appreciate the closely-knitted way of people on this forum. Thanks

    I don't know if this will help offer encouragement, but there is an end in sight. My husband and I married on December 28, 2012 and I was not able to file our I-130 Petition until May 3, 2013. We did not make it to NVC until August of 2014, but that is because we experienced many challenges that not all experience. My husband had his 1st interview finally on 11/05/2014, but to our astonishment we were placed on what they said was necessary :dead: Administrative Processing :help: . On March 10, 2015 my husband had his second interview by phone and was approved :dancing: . Fast forward March 23, 2015 and we are so close we can taste his flight coming and reuniting again. My husband and I have been together 3 years on April 19, 2015, but it was worth every tear, fight, discouragement, and fear.

    I guess my point is don't give up. This process is grueling :bonk: and there will be days that you feel you can no longer continue, but I am here to tell you that the best things in life are worth waiting for. This has been the longest 3 years of my life, but so worth it.

    Have faith :innocent: and keep true to the end result and goal. This too shall pass :energy: and your relationship will only get stronger. You will go through a lot of emotions, but it's so worth the fight :clock: .

    Chelle and Ola (L)

  5. I would like to be a part of this too. I need assistance on how to upload a YouTube video but I plan to add to this. 3 yrs apart and in AP is torture and we are still enduring. My biggest fear is that we have made it to 4 months AP today and we don't know how much longer this will continue. Horror stories of a year in AP scares me to death. Janelle I am so sorry abt your parents passing so closely and so unexpectedly and while you are gone to help your own husband grieve.

  6. I cannot for the life of me find information on regulations for my country. My husband is from Namibia, but South Africa will be processing the immigrant visa. We just submitted the I-130 and have plane tickets to the States for the holiday (I live with him in Namibia, I will be traveling to the States for holiday a week before him because of different leave dates). Can't find ANY information on whether or not there are regulations from Namibia or South Africa - where did you find your information on Nigeria? Thanks in advance.

    I found this information:

    Entry to the U.S. while Petition is Pending

    All persons traveling to the U.S. as visitors or students, Canadian or other nationality, under U.S. law are deemed to be intending immigrants and thus inadmissible for temporary purposes until they have an immigrant visa in hand. The burden of qualifying for any visa for entry to the U.S. rests solely with the applicant. Entry to the U.S. is solely up to a Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection (DHS/CBP) officer at the Port of Entry. While intending immigrants may have and lawfully seek to exercise a dual intent to be a visitor or student now and an immigrant later, it is against U.S. law to enter the U.S. as a visitor or student with the intent to wait for or seek immigrant status while in the U.S. Anyone who attempts to enter the U.S. by misrepresentation, or unlawfully, may face severe sanctions up to and including permanent ineligibility to enter the U.S.


    The US Citizen is always free to travel to foreign country to visit.

    I am trying to find additional information for you, at this time. But, typically if you are in process of an I-130 petition travel into the US by the intending immigrant is not possible and could affect your case at the time of interview, as they consider this fraud. I would be very careful before allowing him to enter the US.

    DISCLAIMER: Please note that all information provided is conditional and varies based on individual circumstances. I am not an attorney or an official representative and all information I provide is based solely on either my experience, or research I have done to assist myself and others. Always do your own individual research and make sure that read and verify any documents that you receive regarding your case, to ensure that you are doing exactly what is being requested of you in your personal case.

  7. i got a NOID for the I130 for permanet residence for my husband ?

    please tell me what should i do ,

    i applied for my I130 April 2013 and we didnt get any RFE , i just got an interview in my local field office June 2014

    and all of the sudden i Got the NOID

    im sooooooooooooo scared ,

    help me pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

    If you have received a NOID this is different than and RFE. Sometimes, you can get a NOID without ever getting an RFE. A NOID means they have questions about the evidence you have submitted and they might be requested additional evidence to justify their questions. You need to first verify that this NOID is in fact valid. You need to collect the necessary evidences that are being requested and review it all before you submit it. You need to submit these documents, ASAP! Make sure that you submit the original NOID along with the evidences. It is suggested that you update your case to premium processing at this point.

    Link about premium processing: http://h1bwiki.com/h-1b-premium-processing/

    Typically you should submit this requested evidence within 30 days, if possible.

    Additionally, what is there reason given for issuing this NOID to you? I hope this helps, contact me if you have additional questions. There is a strong possibility to obtaining an attorney could benefit you in this situation.

    DISCLAIMER: Please note that all information provided is conditional and varies based on individual circumstances. I am not an attorney or an official representative and all information I provide is based solely on either my experience, or research I have done to assist anyone. Always do your own individual research and make sure that read and verify any documents that you receive regarding your case, to ensure that you are doing exactly what is being requested of you in your personal case.

  8. Just FYI, it's so important to check the regulations of the country you are filing from when attempting to enter the US during any filing process. There are actually some counties that will allow entry during the process, but there are many conditions and regulations. Last thing anyone wants to do is halt your process, get a denial, and then extend the process dealing with the situation.

    I advise all to treat cautiously when dealing with US Immigration. They make the decisions on your future and what happens on your case. My country doesn't allow my husband to visit during the I-130 Filing Process. Just research as much as you can.


  9. This is by far the hardest thing I have had to do, as well. If you love him you can get through this. I have my days where I don't want to get out of bed, then I have other days where the time goes. Just keep doing all you can to communicate because that's the most element in a marriage. This experience will teach you that you can get through anything. I just wish that the Skype thing would work for us and it would be so much easier for me. We did skype and that never worked. We tried messenger cam and that didn't work. Now we us oovoo and that works okay, but not hardly at all most times. We are guessing it's his country because we try different times of the day and night. We just tried earlier but it was a no go yet again. If I was able to see him and talk to him on cam every day I would he the happiest girl in the world. So instead we spend most of our time talking through rebtel for cheap calls. We talk several times every day. Since the day we met in April 2012 we have never missed one day talking on the phone. I have to send him money for Internet usage just to try cam so that gets very frustrating when it doesn't work. If cam was free for him and it worked I could save so much money on phone calls and then I would be able to take that trip to see him. With lower incomes immigration processes are even harder. But, keep going because the end result is what your waiting for and I know that day will be the best day in the world for me. We tried so hard to get pregnant when I was there and that didn't work, but seeing how long this process has been I'm glad about that because he would have missed the birth of his first child. There will be ups and downs but your love, strength, and faith will carry you till the end. And most importantly you both need to lean on each other when it's the most difficult because after all that's what a true partnership is about. When I'm struggling my husband carries me through and when he struggles I am there for him. I know all this pain will end and on that day I will just be thankful that I pushed through and never gave up. You can do this! If I can, we all can. Finding this site had been the best thing for me emotionally already just knowing I am not alone and others can relate to my pain makes it just a little easier. Before all I had was my husband, but now I have him and an outlet.

  10. That's very disappointing because we have had many problems with the atty, but I guess u get what u pay for; we certainly have. The constant miscommunication, stating one thing and then denying it was said to fit the changing situation. We r stuck with the atty unfortunately and don't really know what do I'd we walked away now. I think we are the 1st Nigerian case she has worked in because I have done most of the research and caught her having no idea. She cost us extra money due to a major mostake, also

  11. My husband looked at it earlier ND I read it wrong. Apparently it is those that are here in the US already I guess. I feel bad I'm making my husband a wreck. I've been so emotional today. It has helped being able to chat with u. I would like it very much if we could chat more. I just need someone to talk to that understands what I'm going through. I guess I should have known that was too good to be true anyway.

  12. I have been waiting for 15 months. We do talk every day and we try to oovoo (similar to skype) but connection issues are a constant battle and most times we are not able to communicate that way. Some days, I think I won't make it, but I love him and our marriage grows stronger everyday, so I can't give up. We have come too far to give up now, but this is by far the most difficult thing I have ever experienced in my life.

    I want to add that it's been longer than that essentially because we had to wait several months before we could file because of money in the beginning. Now I am working almost 2 months so that part is getting easier but this is all so expensive.

  13. I spoke with my attorney about this very subject just a few weeks ago and she told me that my husband cannot visit me here in the states while our application is in process. Maybe it's because he is in Nigeria, I am not sure, but everything I have researched says no, as well. This process is so difficult that it would be terrific if he could visit me, because I have a new job and I can't take time off since I am so new.

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