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Status Updates posted by leopheard

  1. "What people really care about here is the process of immigrating to the USA, not about guns.  I am not a foreigner.  Have been a US citizen all my life and many years a US military veteran.  I could care less if you get a gun or not.  As you stated "This forum is for people wanting to find out more about legalities relating to VISAs in the US".   A gun is not a visa."


    Getting a gun permit DOES relate to a VISA, because things are different for pretty much every aspect of your life when you're not a citizen.


    Also, if you're a US citizen, why are you even here? You've not been through the VISA process and are probably of no help to anyone? Your profile pic shows a Ukraine flag? Are you anti non US citizens getting guns? Or just anti non-US citizens? If you don't care if I get a gun or not, why are you on here bitching? There's more to what you're saying...

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