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Posts posted by Ontariowan

  1. Okay, here's what we have managed to collect throughout the day

    • letter from his employer (he forgot to mention he had that)
    • pay stubs for a year
    • W-2 and wage summery
    • 1040A Form
    • I-134 form completed

    I have mentioned to him that he should log on to the IRS website to get copies of previous years tax transcripts. Waiting on him to do that. So it seems the only thing that is missing is an actual letter from the bank.

    Has anyone from Canada been asked to show account info? Could he access his account online and print off a yearly summery?

    I appreciate everyone's help with this. This whole paperwork process has caused more arguments between us than anything else! I guess if we can survive this process, we can get through anything together :)

  2. Okay, some clarity for my clearly challenged fiance.

    He makes more than 125% of the poverty line but he wasn't sure what the poverty line was so that's why he got his parents lined up as a co-sponsor.

    He doesn't need his mom's info but he provided it to me anyway.

    I am very cross right now - my interview is on Wednesday and I have to leave Tuesday to get to Montreal for the interview.

    Can he scan his W2 and send it to me? Will that, his pay stubs and 1040A form be enough?

  3. Hello all! My interview is this coming week (eek!) and I am trying to make sure I have everything sorted out.

    I have never received anything additional regarding Loomis confirmation since my appointment was booked.

    I am attaching the appointment confirmation. Is this all I need to show them? I haven't received anything in the mail or in email.

    Please advise! I am in the pre-interview freak out stage! :)


  4. Hello. I am in the process of sending a copy of everything I've sent to USCIS to my fiance so she can give it in the review at her consulate in Canada. The problem is I was stupid and didn't make a copy of them physically. I had digital copies of them all.

    Long story short, I accidentally deleted them about 2 weeks ago without realizing they were in the folder I was scrubbing for space. I've gone through everything to try to retrieve them. They are gone.

    How important is it that I have the exact originals I sent?

    I don't even remember the date I put on the originals.

    Should I just start the forms over and put in a date I think I signed them as?

    I told you to make copies! I told you to! Lol - I will tease you about this one for a while, my dear :)

    Thankfully it looks like you're off the hook for this one. But send the rest of the stuff to me ASAP! :)

  5. I love hearing stories how people meet! :)

    I met my fiance, M, playing World of Warcraft. He was forming up a raiding group and needed a few more members. A friend from a previous guild was going and he messaged me to see if I wanted to come too.

    I have to admit, I thought my fiance was a very capable raid leader and seemed like a decent guy but it wasn't love a first sight (or sound, I guess, as we only had voice chat). I was in a long term relationship at the time so I wasn't looking around. However, I broke up with my ex a few months later. I was talking to a few people but I found myself always wanting to talk to M. We spoke more and more over the next few months and decided we wanted to try the long distance relationship thing.

    Over the next few months, I got to know him and his whole family through Skype. At Christmas, M had his ipad at a family gathering and he tried to make it like I was there with him. They were all very warm and welcoming. It does help that his mother is German so they are very familiar with a foreign fiance and the challenges of immigration! When I got some time off in February 2013, I decided to go to the US to meet him in person. It was the most comfortable feeling in the world, hugging him for the first time. My next visit in April, he proposed.

    Now, a little more than a year later, we are waiting for my interview and I can't wait to be by his side. We spend hours each day communicating through messaging, skype, emails but I can't wait to be with him.


  6. You are waiting for packet 3 and 4. You can actually start working on the stuff now. Every thing you need (instructions for compiling packet 3 and 4 etc) can be found on the Montreal consulate's website. You can download the instructions and get everything together and send it away even before you actually receive the mail notification. This guide is really helpful, although some of the forms have changed slightly. :D

    I just went through the whole process as a Canadian, so if you have an specific questions, feel free to PM me. :D

    I am in the same boat - already submitted the DS-160 and am waiting.....but I have read conflicting information. I am under the impression that I can just go ahead and sent in Packet 3 as soon as I have the info (waiting on fiance to finish the I-134 and gathering supporting evidence..grrr). Is it necessary to wait for Montreal to send packet 3?

  7. Thank you all for your feedback!

    I don't have a license or a car so I can't drive down, and my fiance doesn't have any vacation time to come get me (and my cat), so flying is our only option at the moment. Anything I want to have in the US has to be sent down beforehand or taken with me when I move down. Right now it looks like UPS will give me the cheapest rate but I can't seem to get a quote without duty. More investigation needed, it seems!

  8. I am considering sending some personal items to my fiance even though my k-1 visa hasn't been issued. Has anyone done this before? I am planning on getting rid of 99% of my stuff, but I do have some small items (a vase, some yarn, a book or two) and a computer that I want to have in the US but I don't want to carry through an airport.

    My idea is to send the small items first via regular mail in a few weeks. A few days before I enter the US, I will box up and ship my computer (it's a gaming rig, shipping is cheaper than replacing) via registered post.

    I would love to hear your experiences doing this sort of thing and any advice you have would be greatly appreciated.

  9. My fiancé and I are applying for a k-1 visa and I have some questions about the process for Canadians.

    So I put in my DS-160 and now I am not sure what the next step is! First of all, they didn't ask me to pay a fee. Is that normal for Canada?

    We only got the letter from the NVC last Friday so I am not sure if my case has even gotten to Montreal yet. Do I have to wait for an email or something to be sent to me? I have read lots of posts regarding a packet 3 but I have seen some conflicting accounts. Can I just go download it or do I have to wait for them to send it to me?

    I know I seem a bit frazzled but I am hoping to get my interview booked before the end of July. I have to give two months notice on my apartment so I am hoping I can give it by August 1st. Any assistance anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.


  10. Hello all!

    I am in the process of filling out my DS-160 and it's asking my mother's address....and I don't know it. Long story short, my mother and I have been estranged for many years and I think I know the street number but not her apartment #....or even if this information is current. How important is this address? Why do they want it? I have asked other family members but I want to get the form done ASAP and I might not hear back from family for days.

    Any info you guys can give would help de-stress me considerably! :)


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