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Posts posted by DIANE2013

  1. Thank you for your email.

    According to our records, he needs to return with the following - October XX, 2015 by 9am

    New medical report

    New police certificate

    International passport

    Resubmit DS-260 application

    There is no other document other than these; indicated in his case notes.

    Correspondence Unit (MAM)



  2. Hello all pls can u help me after long year in AP Lagos I was call to submit my new DS260! My passport medical n police certicate n return to embassy next month! It's a new AP or another interview? What likely to happen Again cos I hav already have field investigations in my house! Some months ago! Best regards

  3. NOO DNA REQUUESTED AT MOMENTS BECAUSE MY BABY HE IS NOT TRAVEL WITH ME YET BUT IN FUTURE TIME! Yes dey want knw if d. Mother is with Me Yet! Becouse there focus is on D mother of d baby! Just want knw hw long to get back to me cos all interview goes well only contact sheet responce I want to knw hw to get back to me ! Thx n wit God all possible

  4. @DWHEEL the CO ask for my baby boy born june 2013 cos I marriied my petioner Jan 2013 after we start relationship in same 2012 july so she ask where d mother n d baby. ! Baby is under care with my family. N the mother is not wit me even b4 d birth of D baby ! Now she givee me contact sheet of my present address n phone!my work address n phone,my neigbor address n phone, my relative address n. Phone n D mother of baby adress n phone ! Dat d contact sheet details n Dhl submit adreess n on. Paper write 5workings days review

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