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Posts posted by FlyingFish

  1. 20 hours ago, hanamericana said:

    Hi everyone, sorry for not updating right away, but I received the GC on February 16th.


    And then I got the acceptance letter yesterday (22nd). It's weird that the order is backwards but I am glad it wasn't any bad information (I got scared a bit that they might be saying my GC was invalid or something).


    I hope this helps a bit to calculate the days for everyone. Hang in there!

    I guess that explains it. I got notification that my card was mailed out but no approval notice. 

  2. 10 hours ago, dudeinTriBeCa said:

    Reporting a change of address with USCIS as far as I know is a ghost policy that exist but is NEVER enforced so it’s not that serious like some y’all are making it out to be. I’ve switched residences a countless times and never for once updated with USCIS and no one ever questioned me about it. And in my past applications from I-485 to I-751 I’ve listed all my address history and no one ever said, “hey how come you’ve lived in all these places and didn’t report them to us” It’s really not that serious and while it’s required, it’s not mandatory.

    That may have been true in the past but under this new administration where immigration has become such a strong topic it's better to be safe than sorry. Issues they didn't enforce in the past, they now are and are being very vague about the specifics about it. 

  3. 6 minutes ago, BFP XX said:

    Sorry if I'm being stupid, or missing something. We have moved once since I arrived in the US. It was before we filed the ROC. I did a change of address (as the immigrant) but my husband (my sole sponsor) didn't complete anything for USCIS with regards to this. 


    Am I correct in assuming that he didn't need to, as it's clear that we're living together as we're husband and wife? Or did we mess up, and he should have also completed a form to indicate a change of address? 

    Yes if your husband is your sponsor he is required to file form I-865 within 30 days of moving.

  4. 4 minutes ago, 4444510 said:

    Only an immigrant has to report change of address. You can do it on-line here https://egov.uscis.gov/coa/displayCOAForm.do However, I first recommend reading some simple details here https://www.uscis.gov/addresschange

    Both the immigrant and the sponsor have to report change of address. I think it's form AR-11 for the immigrant and I-865 for the sponsor. The immigrant one I was able to do online but the I-865 had to be mailed. From what I remember the AR-11 has to be filed within 10 days and the I-865 has to be filed within 30 days of your move.

  5. So guess who already lost their GC. Yes you guessed it!! :cry: I now have to fork over $450 to have it replaced! Everything fell out of my wallet in my car one night and I thought I picked everything up. Hubby took my car to get washed the next day because I was starting a new job that Monday. Later that afternoon is when I realized I didn't remember putting it back in my wallet, sure enough, I looked and it wasn't there. Hubby went back to the car wash after I told him and of course nobody remembers seeing it *rolls eyes*. Hubby wants me to put the replacement in our security deposit box and not keep it in my wallet anymore.

  6. The interview is over! It went very well, both my husband and I were relaxed so it was like a getting to know you conversation. IO even offered tidbits about her child and stories. We all were laughing together at some things.

    We went in about 50min late and were in the appointment for maybe 30min. By the time we got to the car I had notice that my case was in "card production".

    One tip: the IO suggested that we continue to save documents like the ones we provided (we have pretty solid evidence) so that when we send in our conditions removal package they can see our relationship is ongoing over the whole time.


  7. Congratulations!!

    Approved! And we got the card in production email 20 minutes later!

    We arrived at Federal Plaza around 12:30 for our 1pm appointment. The place was dead. No line at security and maybe 8 people in the enormous waiting room. We were called in ahead of most of them around 1:15 by Officer Williams who did not crack a single smile until the very end. She also sat at a desk 3 feet away from us while asking us questions.

    She asked for the marriage certificate and my (USC) citizenship proof first. Then she asked for all our marriage proof. I had separated my documents into financial, non-financial and travel docs so I handed over the financial stuff in a pile. I never got to give her the other docs. She asked for pictures and I gave her our album from which she took 3-4 photos. She also asked for my husband's birth certificate, EAD card and social security card. She questioned us for a while back and forth as she did this (and while she flipped through our file and checked things on her computer). The questions I remembered:

    To me:
    - when's his bday?
    - how did you meet?
    - where did you meet the first time?
    - where did he work when you met him?
    - what does he do?
    - where did he live when you met him?
    - when did your relationship start getting serious? wasn't that a bit soon? (he moved in with me after 1.5 months)
    - what do you two have in common?
    - what are his parents names?
    - where is he from?
    - when did you meet?
    - when did you first travel together? Where did you go?
    - where else have you traveled?

    To him:
    - when is her bday?
    - what was the date of your marriage?
    - who attended your wedding?
    - what are her parents names?
    - where do they live?
    - what is her brother's name?
    - where does he live?
    - how many brothers does she have?
    - what do you do for work?
    - what does your wife do?
    - where does she work?

    I recently quit my job, so we handed her a new i-864 and about 30 pages of supporting docs showing my assets, which she flipped through briefly. Then after about 30 minutes she said "Congratulations, you're approved". We mentioned to her that we were leaving the country today and she put an enormous stamp in my husband's passport. That was the only point she started smiling because the stamp was kept in a cute little makeup bag that I commented on. After that, she was a bit warmer.

    Also, she took ALL the financial docs, but I had to ask for the original copies of our lease and a few other documents back, so she made copies - something you might want to be prepared for.

    In the end, it was definitely stressful and not as relaxed as other interviews I've read about, mostly because the officer was so stern and serious, but I can't complain since we got approved on the spot! We were having lunch across the street when we got the email that his card was in production.

    I'm super thrilled it's over! Now off to Canada!

  8. Thanks everyone! I do believe that they already know whether they're going to approve or deny you ahead of time. I only submitted our joint bank statements and cell phone bills with the application because the attorney that looked over our paperwork told me to take the bonafides to the interview as to not make the file too bulky. It was the way his demeanor changed when I started showing him the stuff I brought and that was when he started making small talk.

    Another theory is that he is automatically jaded because he said that he worked for CPB and he was also the one that went after people that were selling their documents. He seemed so proud to share that so my husband said maybe he's just anxious to shoot something. LOL Or maybe it was just that IO's style who knows.

    All in all we were happy to be approved.

    By the way while we were waiting to be seen some people were coming out with their attorneys 15 minutes later and when we came out an hour later the whole waiting room was empty O_O. LOL

  9. Hi everyone!! We were approved!!! I'm so happy!

    So here goes...

    Our appt was at 12:30pm and we got there about 12:10pm and the lady at the desk said they weren't going to start checking in people for that appt time until 12:30pm so we sat down and then lined up to check in at that time. We weren't called until 1:20 and our IO looked like he was in his early 30s. He wasn't mean but he wasn't super nice either if that makes sense.

    We got to his office and he swore us in and then asked to see our ID's. He insisted I sit in the chair on the end which I don't understand. Let me just say that he is one of those IOs that are very thorough.

    He then asked for my EAD's which I gave to him. He checked the date on my current one and my previous one which expired in 2006 then he asked me if I worked in between that time period to which I replied yes. He then told me that I have engaged in unauthorized employment but he'll get to that when we go over the green card application.

    So then he says let's talk about the I-130 and I asked to see my husband's proof of citizenship and I handed him the birth certificate and passport. Then he asked for my husband's divorce decree from his prior marriage and our marriage certificate. He asked me when I last entered which I told him and he asked if I left the United States anytime between that date and now and I replied no. Then he says you have to prove to me that you have a real relationship and that you didn't enter into marriage for immigration benefits. He said show me all your proof but I like to leave the pictures for last. He asked how we met and we both said at work and then the IO asked what year and we both said 2005. Then he asked when did we started dating and I told him 2007. He asked who proposed and my husband answered he did and the IO asked him how did it happened. My husband then went into the story. I pulled all my bonafide evidence out and started to show him. Then he asked if we had a house so I said no we are renting. He asked if I was on the lease and I said no. He said why didn't your husband add you to the lease and I told him that we've just been renewing the original lease every year and didn't think it was necessary to add my name as i'm in the total household count anyway. I then showed him the Gate Access Form on file with our association which lists me as a resident as we live in a gated community and he smiled when he saw that. He told me that a lease is strong evidence and he would have liked to see that. He asked if we purchased a car together and I said no we still have our original cars from when we met. lol I showed him our ADT contract listing me and car insurance adding me to the policy and he asked why am I just being added to the insurance and I told him that I was just able to renew my DL a few weeks ago using my EAD and the next day I was added to the policy. I gave him recent copies of our joint bank statements and the confirmation email to show we opened the account in 2012 and have been using it since then and a copy of our joint cell phone bills. He was not really impressed until I started showing him proof of our vacations together from 2008 through an upcoming trip to my brother in law this Thanksgiving(hotel, plane tickets, and pictures) and also concerts we attended then his whole demeanor changed. He looked through everything one by one. Then he said this is looking really strong because nobody would date and travel and do all those things that long just to gain immigration benefits. Lastly, I showed him my picture book (Thanks to whoever gave me that idea) and then he asked to keep some pictures for his file. Then he said he was convinced of our relationship and that he was approving the petition. He then went over all the information on the I-130 checking off the info and confirming address and SS numbers and date of birth.

    Next he said let's talk about the I-485 and he said since my I-130 was approved my unlawful presence was definitely forgiven but he wasn't sure about the unauthorized employment and he would check later. He also said that he has been reviewing Citizenships since the beginning of the month and he couldn't remember because they just switched him to AOS this morning (lucky me...insert sarcasm lol). He went through the last time I entered the US again and asked if and where I finished school since I entered on F1 and I told him yes and the name of the school and he asked my parents name and my occupation. He then went over every single yes/no question on the I-485. When he got to the part about prostitution and I answered no my husband breathed a sigh of relief and the IO laughed. After that he said that he was going to approve my greencard but he had to go check and see if my unauthorized employment would be waived but he was 99% sure it would be because it was considered minor and they still give approval based on worse things. LOL He then went into removal of conditions and asked us to sign the form. He left to make a copy of it and also check the rule at the same time. He came back about 5 minutes later and said I was fine and congratulations and that I should get my greencard in 30 days. He also asked if I needed to travel within the next 30 days so he could stamp a temporary card in my passport and I said no. So he then advised that I wait for the greencard or I can use the advance parole or I can come in and request the stamp. He shook our hands and then walked us out. Our interview lasted an hour but whew! i'm happy it's over!

    My husband and I went to lunch after and while we were there I got notification that my case status updated to card production!! Such a relief and a weight off my shoulders!

    Also my tickets got dismissed in traffic court this morning and I made it to my interview on time so it's been a good day all around.

    Good luck to everyone else in your journey and thank you for all the wonderful info!

  10. Thanks wavj!! I have traffic court before my interview in the morning as well which is adding to my anxiety. I have one of those folders lying around here. I will use that as it does look easier to access the info!

    Here is how I brought all my documents to the interview. I used tabs with names to easily identify the document in order of importance. The night before I reviewed everything with my husband and made sure he knew where to find everything in case they separated us. On the side, my husband carried the photo albums. I found this file organizer at Walmart.


  11. Being a nervous wreck is not helping anyone. Relax. Gather everything you are bringing into a folder and then leave it be. It will be fine, it's not like you're one of the bad ones, is it? :goofy:

    No but sometimes i'm a scatterbrain. I have one manila envelope with my bonafide evidence and one with my originals and photocopies of identity documents for me and my husband (passport, birth cert., EAD, etc.)

  12. APPROVED!! Thanks everyone!!

    So we just got back home, interview was so easy and fun and lasted about 10min. We were lucky to have super friendly and competent IO.

    Swore us in, checked our birth certs and passports and asked a few I-485 questions (like if you belong to organization). He then looked at a few photos. Basically seemed to be going through the formalities. Everything was relaxed and smooth.

    Then said we'd been approved and should get notice and GC shortly :)

    Yay!! Congrats!! I'm nervous about mine on Tuesday :unsure:

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