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no one

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Posts posted by no one

  1. hi, :wacko:

    just curious, for those who already got their jobs, how long did it take from the time you arrived in the US until the time you were able to find a job? (assuming all processes of aos and ead went through at a normal pace).

    I arrived here in the U.S. in September 2006

    Filed for AOS/EAD in November 2006

    :: waiting period ::

    Got Green Card & EAD in February 2007

    Found job and started working March 2007

    Soooo... six months for me, even though I didn't file for AOS right away. While waiting for my GC/EAD, I did volunteer work!

  2. hello everyone!

    I got married to my fiance on Valentines day and got our marriage certificate. I know the next step is to send of papers to the immigration. Can anyone help me with the papers needed to send off to the immigration after getting married (is it called the adjustment of status?) thanks!! :help:

    The AOS Guide will be of a great help to you: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.ph...mp;page=k1k3aos

  3. My husband is doing the same as most. Getting lots of house repairs done. We are snagged with the driver's liscense now as he was turned away. His temporary work permit wasn't enough and they siad he needs a letter showing his status is pending so I guess we wait for this mystery letter or the EAD which should come this summer. Hes' working part time doing labor jobs and driving as you have to in California. SO no insurance/ driver's liscence - lovely how screwed up the whole process is.

    Just replied to your PM...

    Your husband's lucky to have a temp work permit. I was going nuts not being able to make money!

    Does your husband have a driver's licence from the UK? He's allowed to use that until he has his EAD/Green Card.

  4. I got hired yesterday, the job is a MRI Tech Aid position, I got it with my husbands help though, as he is in that line of work, I start on April 9th, so excited! will be totally different from the work I've been doing, which was nanny work, back in England. :dance:

    Anyone else recently got their first job in the USA? :)

    Congrats! "MRI Tech Aid' sounds techy :) How are you enjoying your new job??

    I just started my first job here in CA 1.5 wk ago. I'm working as a Special Education teaching assistant at a junior high. Love the kids!!! It's a lot less stressful than being a "real" teacher (which I was back in Canada), but of course the paycheques reflect that too, haha...

  5. For us:

    - honest communication

    - sense of humour

    - never going to sleep angry... don't let problems build up!!! (So many of my friends have ended romantic relationships on bad terms because of this)

    - compromise on different issues such as housekeeping, budgeting, etc.

    - physical touch... a healthy dose of hugs and kisses each day works for us

    - doing activities together, and trying new things together

    - sharing core values/beliefs

  6. I went for a job interview at a local bank this morning that went well although I left thinking hmmmm, they think Im over experienced for this role. :whistle: Its difficult to put across that you are happy to do even the basics to be back in the work place again without employees feeling you will want their job. I dont.... I just want A job!!! :)) Im looking for balance not status.

    Two hours after the interview I get a call requesting I complete an on-line assessment. Does anyone have any experience of doing one of these? What is web profiling all about and where does this assessment figure in the process? Are they behavioural or skill based? The home page tells me nothing. In the UK Ive always been lucky enough to just talk my way into jobs on the back of my resume.

    I tried looking for some sample assessments but couldnt find any. :blink:

    If anyone can give me any info or point me in the right direction I would be so grateful.

    many thanks, daisy :help:

    When I signed up with a temp agency a couple of months ago, they had me do several online assessment tests. They were skills based AND behavioural based. The tests included typing speed, MS Office knowledge (Word & Excel), word and math problems, and personality questionnaires.

    As for not appearing over-qualified... I had that problem too when I interviewed for teaching assistant positions (I was a fully qualified high school teacher back in Canada, but not certified in California).

    In my interviews, I stressed that I'd enjoy the change of pace (which I do!!), that I'd love working with smaller groups of students which I don't get to do as often as a regular classroom teacher, and that it'd be at least a few years before I can return to school to get recertified (so... I left them with the impression that I *do* want to develop professionally, but that right now's not the time to do it... which is true because I'd like to have a "settling down" period).

  7. From what i've been reading it can take several months to get a work permit after you're married. So you can't work. No work permit means no driving licence. So you can't drive.

    So my question is - what do you do?

    Can you take internships or voluntary positions without breaching visa conditions? Or are you able to do adult evening classes or similar? Or do you just use the free time to write that one great novel that everyone has inside them?

    While waiting for my work permit, I volunteered at the local hospice, read a lot (I love public libraries!), self-studied Chinese, took over many of the house chores, watched movies, played with our pets, and played on our Wii & Xbox 360 :P

    Not sure about your state, but here in California, we can get our driver's licence without the EAD, with the condition that once you have your EAD/Green Card, you'll have to renew your licence.

  8. I just started my first job here three days ago and so far, I'm loving it in terms of personal experiences... BUT, I'm making 1/4 of what I used to make because my teaching credentials from Ontario (Canada) are useless here in California. So yeah, I took a drastic pay cut and a demotion in status :)

    When I was looking around for jobs, my mentality was to get my foot into the doors of the field I'd like to work in (education), and then go from there.

    Took me one month from the time of getting my GC/EAD to landing the job... but I'd been picky about my job search (the job had to be in my town and education-related). If after a couple of months and I still couldn't land any jobs, I would've expanded my search to the surrounding towns/cities and looked for other types of work.

    Best of luck on your hubby's job search! Some people are lucky and land their dream jobs right away, but for me, I'll have to start at rock bottom and work my way up again. So just remember that your hubby might not land the perfect job on the first try (or he might!), but a job's a job, and all experiences are useful in the long run.

  9. My family was understanding, but my co-workers didn't understand and kept asking me if I'd "failed" the visa interview since it was taking so long.

    That didn't irk me as much as my friends thinking I was a lazy bum because I couldn't work for months after moving here. They constantly asked me, "So when are you finally going to work?" "Uhh... I still don't have my EAD or Green Card!" In the meantime, I did volunteer work and self-studied, but to them, those were as good as sitting on my butt all day long.

  10. My 22 y.o. wife wants to get a credit card now that she’s been working for a whole three weeks. Since she has no credit history what so ever, what’s the best route to take in her situation? Should she/we have her open a line of credit in her name (with me as her sponsor/ co-applicant), should I just ask my C.C. company for another card for her (I have forgotten to add her to my C.C. accounts – pure over sight)?? Or some other option??


    Others have already mentioned getitng her a secured credit card... another option would be to get a "student credit card" if she's enrolled in any courses, because those are easier to get.

    As for me... I'm living in the SF Bay Area and have a joint bank account with my husband at HSBC. I asked the guy who'd opened my bank account for me about getting a credit card... he punched in some data into the bank's system, and voila! a credit card with $7000 limit. I was shocked, as I was unemployed at the time, and didn't even have my green card yet. I had, however, savings at their bank... so I'm not sure if they looked at my savings or at my husband's financial situation.

  11. Hmm, I can't remember at the moment if they x-ray the laptop, but whatever they use to scan it... it's safe. You're supposed to have it in plain view, outside of its case, and be prepared to turn it on for the customs people (so that they know it's really a laptop and not a bomb or something). In any case, I think you're actually not supposed to put it through the checked luggage.

    Nope, no receipts needed. It's kind of like the clothes on your body... they won't ask to see the receipts for those.

    I read your email, but I've just started my new job today, so it's going to take me a few days to reply (your email's long!! :P )

  12. Hi Everyone,

    Good luck on your immigration journeys. Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any experiences and/or problems bringing over their laptop computers from Canada to the USA? If I do bring mine over (yes, I left my laptop computer in Canada, not my fault though, as I wanted to bring it over but couldn't at the time), is this something that I or someone else needs to declare or fill out paperwork at Canada/US Customs, or does it fall under the "under $10,000 personal property" limits? Is there anything else that needs to be done?

    Also, what would be the best option for me?:

    a) For me to take a short trip to Canada and pick it up and bring it back here to the USA

    b ) For the other person in Canada who has my computer to bring it over here to the USA

    c) For the other person in Canada to send/ship it over here to the USA via courier

    Any thoughts, suggestions, comments, or ideas appreciated. Thank you.


    I brought my laptop over in my hand-carried luggage with no problems at all. Did not declare it as it's mine, it's old, and I'm still using it for my own use.

    I'd pick option A because my laptop's my precious, personal property (not so much now, but it was my main computer). Option B is fine too. Option C is just silly if you or someone you know is able to pick it up en route wherever... The fees simply are not worth it.

  13. Agreed with the above reply.

    Also... below's the poverty guidelines for each state:


    If direct link does not work, try:

    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis and in the Search box on the top right, type in "poverty"

    If you have enough assets, then you can send in proofs of those. If not, grab yourself a sponsor who's able and willing to send in his/her financial proofs.

  14. from kenwood, will be moving back to santa rosa if and when the embassy approves the visa.



    in chile

    Cool! I've just poked around your site and it sounds like you two are having a great adventure travelling all over the world. Do you teach in Spanish? I've just started a short course on Spanish... mucho gusto! Hopefully I can use some of the phrases when working with my students who are from Mexico.

  15. You know...some women let this kind of ####### defeat them. I was determined to be survivor. My life was not easy when I left but the alternative just wasn't acceptable to me anymore. I have found happiness...unbelievable happiness with my husband now. He helped me believe again. His love is helping to heal my scars and finally, I believe love exists. :)

    I agree... good for you, Karen! I know a few friends who are now afraid to invest too much emotionally in anyone because they've been dumped/abused/cheated on before. They've lost faith in people, and in the fact that there are good people out there.

    Oh, and the things I can say about religion and hypocrisy... I used to have ONE friend whom I believed to be the rare Christian who truly lived his life with Christian love, but even he's lost my respect recently. He cheats on his girlfriend by being emotionally involved with many other girls, yet because he "hasn't done anything physically / hasn't acted on his feelings... that is not cheating". Bleh.

  16. Yup! My checklist from Vancouver specifically states in regards to countries other than Canada:

    ALL OTHER COUNTRIES: You should inquire to the appropriate Consulate General for police certificate information. It is NOT necessary to obtain police certificates from the United States.

    Maybe someone can look at their Montreal checklist in case that part differs from Vancouver?

    That description rings a bell (I'd gone through Montreal)... it's been almost a year since I last saw the checklist :)

  17. My fiancé, Kristy, lives 15 minutes away from me, as I live right on the border. My conundrum is this: I don't think we have time to file for a K-1 as the wedding is scheduled for September 1st, 2007. I'd like her and her daughter to live with me after some point this summer, before we get married. The honeymoon is booked for the US, too.

    What exactly would you guys think my options are? Being a visa waiver country are there things I'm overlooking? Am I fretting too much? Should I just file for the K-1 ASAP and cross my fingers that it will be done in time?


    I agree with misa: file for K1 asap and continue with the wedding plans. If the visa doesn't arrive by Sept 1st (reality is that you're cutting it extremely close and have left no room for errors or wait time), have your wedding ceremony, just not a legal one.

    Alternatively, you could just get married, then file for the spousal visa... but then you'd be lying to the USCIS because Kristy would be crossing the border with the intent of getting married, which is illegal without the K1 visa. I'd not recommend this route at all because it's morally wrong, and because of the possible repercussions from this action... so DON'T DO THIS even though some people take this chance!!

  18. When I get married, does it simplify the process if I change my name right away ? (Im old fashionned and want to take his name :P)

    Or would it be best if I waited until all the immigration process is over and Im living in the US ?

    I've heard that some places charge you a fee if you wait a certain amount of time after marriage to change your name (whereas if you change your name at the time of marriage, they don't charge you anything).

    I've kept my maiden name, thinking the paperwork would be simpler... but now I kind of regret it, because a hyphenated last name would be interesting to have. As well, some authorities here in the U.S. were confused about the order of my given names (I have an English name and a Chinese name, but when combined together into one legal name, some people get confused about the order of the names)... so if I had all my paperwork changed, it would be easier on some people :P

  19. the best free therapy is actually talking about it and setting up some ultimatums.

    I also had some sort of anger problems (not really anger but I am an emotional guy and would not look at the consequences of my action) . What made me change are the following :

    + I went through disciplinary action at work ( due to a lack of communication= basically I told to a colleague he did not deserve his promotion)

    + Having more mature friends ( most of friends are older than me ) - so I am constantly learning ways to deal with different stuff = lot of talking

    + reading Dan carnegie book " how to make friends and influence people " a life changing book

    + moving to a quieter place , i used to live in London now I am in sheffield ( north of england) were people around are a lot more relaxed and friendly => your environment influence your state of mind

    Talking talking and talking solve this problem for me.

    Have you tried to talk about this burst of anger with him ? use the sandwich method for it : good ( you love him ) - bad ( you are scared about his anger bursts ) - good ( you will never leave him)

    That's some very good points you have there. Thanks for writing about your own experiences -- it takes a lot of courage to tell others that you had problems. I'm glad things worked out for you.

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