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Posts posted by artattack

  1. Husband's visa was approved in Dublin today! He said the interview was very straightforward - They asked how did we meet, how long have we known each other, did we have any kids and who was the sponsor. He said they spoke to him for about 5 min. They didn't ask for the revised I864(petitioner) the NVC checklisted us for or any secondary documentation. Such a relief to know that this process is finished and he can now join us in California where we have been living for the last 6 months. My kids were jumping around the house this morning with joy! Yippee!!!!

  2. Guys great news just got case complete!! Last scan date was for AOS checklist 8 Sept (IV was Aug 26). I am so excited and hopeful that my husband will be reunited with our children (and me!) before Christmas! Fingers cross!


    Now I need the tears of happiness to stop. I have no idea how this transpired. Perhaps it was due to mine and my husband's phone calls to NVC and the Supervisor's this week. I guess it shows that it can pay off to persevere.

    Our only hope now is that all of our VJ friends also get a CC soon and can be back with their loved ones as soon as possible.

    Really happy for you and your family!

  3. Sounds like we are about the same. My husband went back to US last September while I stayed here with our two children, ages 13 and 15 to apply for Visa. Kids both US citizens. Had no idea it would be this long. We have all been together twice in a year. Hopefully we will get a CC this week and a December interview and be back in US by Christmas. I had a Green Card before but it expired whilst we were all living down here in Australia.

    How far are you off from the end?

    Stay strong.

    I am sorry to hear you are in the same position! Our last scan date (for AOS checklist) was Sept 8. If the 60days is accurate we will get CC sometime in the next two weeks. We are also hoping for interview before Xmas and one way plane ticket shortly after! I had to move to re establish domicile and I wanted my eldest to start school with her peers. I find myself constantly questioning the logic of this when I see the strain on them. But it had to be done. Thank you for responding- I feel really alone right now. It is hard to be positive for them all the time.

  4. Just needed a place to post this. This process sucks. My three kids are separated from their dad while we wait. My OH was visiting last week and I saw such a huge improvement in one of the kids. My eldest has really been struggling without her dad, we are in a new country, at a new school, trying to make new friends and this process seems to be taking its toll on her. I just can't understand how we can be married for 10 years and this process still takes us nearly a year (and counting). I just want this to be over, if not for me, for my kids.

  5. IV package scanned 8/26 AOS checklist response scanned 9/8.

    I just called NVC and they told me IV package was reviewed yesterday (58 calendar days) and that an email was generated that they had not received my checklist response. The operator told me to ignore the email as I had responded but that they hadn't reviewed it yet. I keep checking CEAC hoping for that CC but I guess I still have a while to wait. I just really need my husband to be here with us by Xmas. I also read that our embassy (Dublin) is going to be operating limited services and will be closed for extra days after Thanksgiving due to renovations. I wonder if that will impact on interviews?

  6. The petition will be filed through the Chicago locked box since Dublin no longer does direct consular filing (it stopped in 2011 I think). Because he has lived there so long he has to find a way to prove that he has maintained domicile there, or that he is genuine about re-establishing it. I lived in Ireland for 13 years and I moved back with my family before my husband (who is in the IR-1 process). I had evidence in my AOS that I had maintained driver's license, bank accounts, credit card and I demonstrated that I was genuinely working to re-establish domicile by enrolling my kids in school, moving quotes, insurance quotes, etc.

    With regards to the taxes - he MUST file in the states. As a US citizen you are by law required to pay taxes if you work/live in Ireland. I didn't realise this when I first lived there and when I did learn that I filed 4 years of back taxes together (of course it helped that I didn't owe anything). I was never penalised, though that was a good couple years back so things might have changed. There is a tax accountant in Dublin who helps Americans file taxes though I can't recall his name of the top of my head. But I think a friend of mine has used him so I can ask her. When I filed my Irish taxes it was a matter of converting the euro amount on my P60 to dollars and entering that on the 2555ez sheet and then on the 1040 tax form. They never asked for copies of my P60.

  7. Hi all - quick q for you. I was check listed for my i864 (I supplied my 1040 tax returns as my 2013 tax transcript wasn't available - as well as two other errors in my AOS package). I am mailing off the correction today but I am going to amend my i864 form to reflect my new address in the US (I moved to the States in between time of mailing original package and checklist) Do you think I need to resubmit my proof of domicile evidence (everything indicated I was intending to move the date that I did - they already have it all on file from before)? All it said for my portion of the checklist was submit 2013 tax evidence.

    edited to say: I asked this on a separate post but I really want to send this off asap (and my kids are wrecking havoc on my concentration) so I was hoping you knowledgeable folks might know! :)

  8. One more question - since I am updating my address should I send in a new response for Question 5 country of domicile supporting documents? The first time around I sent in something that stated I was currently living abroad with my spouse and that I intended to move my family as of xx/xx/2014 to the US. Should I update this to say 'As of xx/xx/2014 I am currently living in the United States'? And then should I resubmit this evidence to back this up as well? It would essentially be the exact same evidence which they already have. Sorry if this seems like a stupid question but I am now paranoid that if I make another mistake it means that I am delaying when my family can be reunited. Argh this process is truly so frustrating.

  9. Thanks Kulfi! I did call and it turns out it was for my AOS form - but at the top they had specified the household member's name as the reference so that threw me.

    Follow up question: Since I have to resubmit my I864 should I update it with my current USA address (i have since moved to the States to re establish domicile) ? or should I just send it with only the corrected error they have checklisted me for?

  10. I got an AOS checklist today (my joint sponsor left out the number of immigrants they are sponsoring - 1). The checklist also states that I have to correct part 6 13.a.1 the total (gross) income. My joint sponsor filed their taxes as married filing as joint (I also filled in a I864a for their spouse). My question is I am looking at their recent Tax Return Transcript and the number listed as Total Income and Total Income Per Computer (both the same number) matches the total amount listed in 13.a.1. Is this an NVC error? What should I do about this?

  11. Hi All - I am about to send my husband's IV package and I realised that when I requested his police certificate (originally requested back in November) I did so with our then address at the time. When we sent in our I130 I used his parents address as we put our house up for sale and I didn't want to have to change addresses mid-application if the house sold. The police certificate was delayed because I had to submit a certified copy of his passport and I didn't end up doing that until May as this whole process took much longer than we expected. So it was issued in May with our address that was current up until November. If I send this in will I get a checklist? It could take a couple weeks to get another police certificate with the address I listed on the I130 and the I864. My husband has a clean police cert.

    Edited to add: Would it be better to change his mailing address?

  12. Well despite the hassle glad you were able to get them. In Ireland they gave my daughter the 4 in 1 (diphtheria, polio, tetanus, whooping cough) and mmr booster in junior infants (4-5 years of age) in school. I feel like with so many different aspects of international move, visa application (applying for a IR-1 for my Irish husband) etc it is hard to keep up on every detail. Sometimes my head is spinning with all the coordination of this! Congrats in your wedding by the way - I see you were recently married! I hope this won't hold up the AOS, I can't imagine it would since you rectified it. You may know this but if you need further proof of his Ireland vacs he received at birth you can get a copy of the record from the local health center in the area he resided in in Ireland, you will just need to phone the to request it - give his pps number and send in a photocopy of his passport and your husband's passport and they will post it out.

  13. Just recently shipped my two dachshunds from Ireland to CA. It wasn't a direct flight but both did fine. I was worried because they are older (12 and 10) but they arrived safely. It cost me 860 euro for both. I used a cargo company that supplied the crate and they booked the flights for me and prepared the paper work. Ireland is a rabies free country so there were no problems there with entry - though CA requires pets to be licensed and have the rabies vacc so I needed to get it when I arrived here. The biggest adjustment for my dogs has been the heat.

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